‹ Prequel: Perfect strangers
Status: In Progress...

Perfect Strangers: I Never Knew You.

Christians - Something there

Christians POV.

"Lahna?" I said half running after the new guy, Shaun. What was she doing here. I was in shock my knees gave way and caused my to slide out the door onto my butt in the hall. She turned in the door frame blocking it and throwing her hands behind her pulling the door closed.

"Silly Christian, did you think I would stay away from you, your so yummy." She laughed helping me up of the floor, "You running of somewhere?"

"No..." I felt my mouth dry up, Lahna and I had history, long story short she left, but now, now she was back. "...Yes, I have to go, i'm busy." I said starting down the corridor, I herd her mumble something and laugh after me but by now I was running. I wasn't sure where.

* * *

"There you are... I've been looking everywhere for you." I said panting, I hadn't really stopped running until this point. "You okay?"

I sat next to him and looked down at the ground, trying hard to catch my breath. I closed my eyes after a few moments of silence and took in a few deep breaths. I could smell sweet honey and fresh fruit, it was sweet, kind of nice and familiar, like fresh cut grass. It was strong and made me feel almost like I was back home. I turned my head with my head still closed and the scent only got stronger, it was nice, no it was more then nice.

"What are you doing?" Shaun said to me, my eyes opened to find him closer to me, wait no. I was closer to him, the smell. It was him, I was smelling him? I quickly threw my head back, taking in the smell as I moved over slightly in the other direction.

"No..nothing, I came down to see if you were okay, you took off pretty quick." After another minute of silence, I knew he was to embarrassed to say anything. "Look I don't think many people herd", I instantly regretted what I said.

"Everyone herd!, Im an idiot. Just kill me now, drown me in the pond. Please." he moaned.

I laughed and threw my arm around his shoulder moving in closer again. He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes and I felt my gut get tight. I took in another deep breath, "Lets not go back, its pointless anyway, lets just stay here. I like to know a little about a guy before he's my partner...Scene partner i mean."

He looked shocked at me first and then laughed. "I don't think you want me as a partner, i'm useless."

"Hey! you have skills, I can tell. Your going to be big around here."

I wasn't lying, there was something simply amazing about this guy. I had a strong gut feeling about it. There was defiantly something there.
♠ ♠ ♠
So heven't written in a while but wanted to get this story going again. This needs a lot more in it but this is basically it, I will get better once I warm up.