Status: On hiatus.

This Is For Real


We walked back to the Sprint Center, singing random songs, and laughing amongst each other. We all admitted to having an awesome time. We reached the back doors, and dressing rooms, hoping that no one would notice we were back.

Everyone that is except for Joe and Tyler, who were still laughing about something Joe said back at the bowling ally.

"Shhh!" Nick and Kevin both said.

"Really, do you want to get-" I started to say but before I could finish I was interrupted by the one and only Mrs. Jonas.

"Where have you three been!?" She yelled once she saw us all. "I was about to put out a search warrant. And who are these two?" She glared at us, and then yelled, "Who are you and why did you take my boys away from us without letting us know?!"

It was a side of Mrs. Jonas that I never expected to see.

"Mrs. Jonas, It's not what you think! We came to the concert, we were then upgraded to front row seats and we got the backstage passes. We both came back here to hang out. We only intended on meeting them and getting a picture. Then they asked if we could hang out for a while. We played guitar hero then we all got bored. I suggested that we should go bowling and then we left. I am very sorry for not telling you," I had put on the most apologetic face I could come up with, but she was still glaring daggers at us. "I guess we better get going," I explained then I nodded at Tyler and we started walking toward the door.

"We are very sorry for everything we caused." Tyler said getting ready to close the door.

"Wait! Who are you? I need your names," Mrs. Jonas asked.

I glanced over at the boys, who were staring wide eyed at their mom.

"I am Meagan and this is my best friend Tyler." I told her, "Um, we better get going. Bye guys I had a lot of fun tonight."

Nick smirked over at me, and they all waved. The way they were slouched over, I could tell that they were really bummed out. I'm sure they wanted to say something to us, but were probably too afraid of what their mom would say to them.

"Yeah me too!" Tyler said, trying to cheer up the atmosphere - she hated awkward situations. "Thanks for even speaking to us. I mean like woah! The Jonas Brothers." She said laughing.

I saw Joe smile and then his hand flew up to his mouth to stifle his laugh. Nick and Kevin were trying very hard not to smile too.

I grabbed her arm, waving one last goodbye and we made our way back to the car.

"Oh my gosh, Ty can you believe that we just hung out with the Jonas Brothers," I said almost screaming, "Wow, I can't believe that all this happened in one night! Seriously all my dreams have come true!"

"Yeah that was so much fu-" suddenly Tyler gasped. Her mouth was wide open and she looked like she just saw a ghost.

"What? What's wrong?!" I asked her, freaking out. I was worried she actually stopped breathing.

"Dude, we forgot to exchange our phone numbers! We have no way to keep in contact with them," She practically screamed right into my ear.

"Oh crap! This sucks. I can't believe we forgot! How could we be so dumb?"

Our car ride home was quite. Even though we have had an awesome day we were extremely upset that we did not get any number or email address to keep in contact with them. I mean, I thought that maybe we would become great friends. I guess that was just the beginning and ending of my dream.

--------- Later-----At Tyler's House

Sitting around on the couch flipping through the channels, I was waiting on Tyler to come back downstairs. Not really finding anything I shut the TV off.

"MEAGAN!" I hear Tyler scream.

"TYLER, WHAT? WHY ARE WE SCREAMING?" I yell back to her.

"Dude we should make cookies!" she said running into the kitchen.

Quickly getting up I run into the kitchen after her. "OMG cookies sound amazing!"

We turn on the oven and then we start getting all the supplies out.

"Hey Meagan, can you get the vanilla out of that cabinet." she asked pointing to the cabinet right above me.

Opening It I search for the vanilla. "Ty where is it I don't see it."

"Dude its right there!" She said pointing.

"I am going to the bathroom, I still don't see it you get it yourself." I said walking to the nearest bathroom.

Coming back into the kitchen I see Tyler putting some weird substance into the cookies. I walk closer and see the bottles label.

"TYLER! YOU CAN'T PUT ALCOHOL INTO THE DAMN COOKIES!" I yelled, " Dude I know you have a problem but I don't drink put it down."

Tyler bursted out laughing. "Um its freakin Vanilla loser! My dad put it in this bottle to scare people. Apparently it works!"

"Where is he! Oh he is going to hear from me!" I said trying to hold back my laughter.
"NO YOU CAN'T HURT HIM! Plus he is not home!" she told me with a serious look.

"I won't hurt him and you know it! I just needed to have a talk with him. He is the one after all who got you hooked on alcohol!" I told her not able to hold the laughter in anymore.

We finished mixing the batter together and put the cookies into the oven we went to the living room to watch TV and I took Tyler's laptop to check my face book.

I changed my status to, "Had the best night of her life, met three amazing people. It was over too soon." Logging out I set the laptop down and stretch out on her lounge chair.

We finally decided on watching American Pie 2 while we were waiting for the cookies to get done. I absolutely love this movie. It is hilarious.

The oven time goes off and Tyler gets up to go to the kitchen and get the cookies out. She puts them on a plate then grabs to glasses of milk and brings them to the living room where we ate them. They tasted so good! I swear they are the best I have ever had. So moist!

"So Tyler when are we supposed to leave for the Bahama's or is your uncle not doing that anymore." I asked her referring back to her birthday when her uncle called her and said for her birthday present he is sending Tyler and I to the Bahama's for a week.

"He is supposed to mail me the information and the dates. It won't be until spring break though. Oh my god that's like a month and a half away!" She said taking a bite out of her cookie.
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so yeah I updated. Hopy you all like it! Comments are very much appreciated! comments= faster updates!
Love ya!!
♪ Dani♪♫