The Famous Ainslie Raine

Flynn Rockett

My hot breath cascaded over Ainslie's neck when I let out a long sigh.

A small blue negative sign showed through the small screen on the pregnancy test.

Ainslie's hands visibly loosened on the test, and she relaxed into the couch.

"You're okay, right?" I asked. I hadn't even thought of this situation, I was too busy preparing myself for the alternate.

"Yeah. More than okay." She smiled as she got up. I watched her walk across the room, into my kitchen, and drop the test into my garbage can.

"Is it okay to say I'm relieved and extremely happy?" I asked with a small laugh.

"Thank god. You think I was like... hoping it would be a plus sign?" Ainslie's eyes widened.

"I can not get pregnant. God, my mother would kill me. The press would murder me. My publicist would bring me back to life just to slaughter me." She rambled on and I sat there grinning.

Ainslie slowly stopped talking and stared at me when she noticed I wasn't responding. My smile widened.

"What?" She asked confused.

"You were babbling. It's cute."

"Oh." She shuffled over to the couch and sat down again. "Don't even go there again," She laughed referring to us flirting. Which last time lead to sex. Which then lead to an almost-pregnancy.

"Yeah..." I said with a sudden pang of sadness. Why did I care about this so much? Why did I care about her so much? I was fine with not talking to her, at least I though so.

Up until she showed up at the bar all scared and crying. Just because she turns out not pregnant, does not mean she'd want to actually have a relationship with me. Does it?

I pushed all thoughts out of my head, and turned to Ainslie. She sat quietly playing with the hem of her dress.

"So, do you think you'll be okay to drive home and everything?" I asked.

"Sure, I just don't know if I want to go home at all." She sighed looking up at me.

"Why not?"

"My mom. My work. I hate it all. I mean I love acting, but lately it's been so weird. I'm missing shooting times, and appearances. I just feel so uninterested in it." She said and I could see the frustration in her eyes.

"Then what are you interested in?" My voice seemed too quiet in the empty apartment.

"I-I don't know." Ainslie stuttered looking down at her lap.

I bit my lip but didn't ask anymore questions. I need to focus on my job, and my music. Not a girl who doesn't even want me.

"Well, you should go. Before your mom worries or whatever." I suggested.

Ainslie looked sad but the expression quickly washed away. "Yeah." She hopped off the couch and walked to the door.

I followed her to the entrance. "See you." I said.

Her back was to me, but the words were clear. "I'm interested in you, Flynn." Her soft words made my heart skip a beat.

"Hmm?" I pretended not to hear. I wanted to make sure she said it, and that I wasn't imagining this.

She turned around and her lips met mine. Instantly my arms were around her waist, and her arms wound around my neck, pulling our bodies closer.

"I said I'm interested in you, Flynn Rockett."

I kissed her mouth, cheeks, nose, and finally she rested her head on my chest as I held her tight.

"Maybe we can make this work." She whispered into my shirt.

"I think I could arrange something into my busy life." I joked squeezing her.

She poked my side but didn't move out of my grasp. "Can we just see how it goes, before you know, going all public?" She asked.

"Of course. I know that this is going to spark stuff in the media for you, being as your the most talented person alive."

"You watched my show?" She asked pulling her head back and looking at me.

"I may have seen it once or twice." I smirked.
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finished this chapter :)
so much homework to do!