The Famous Ainslie Raine

Flynn Rockett

I ran off the stage as people clapped and cheered. My band had just finished a small gig at a local bar.

"Dude, where are you going? Aren't you staying for some drinks?" asked my friend and band mate, Mick.

"I have to work!" I shouted at him as I ran into the bathroom to change.

I slipped off my navy blue t-shirt and pulled on a white dress shirt. I tied the black tie around my neck and pulled on the black dress pants.

I balled up my street clothes and ran out of the bathroom.

"Take this to my house, you hear?" I said shoving the clothes at Mick.

"Okay, okay." He said.

I slipped a black vest over the dress shirt and sighed. I hated this stupid waiter outfit. The only reason I still worked for this catering company was because I needed to make money somehow.

Most the gigs my band gets don't pay all that much, and once we split it all even, it's only enough for some gas money.

I grabbed my leather jacket and helmet and headed out the back door to my Yamaha motorcycle.

I weaved in and out of traffic trying to get there on time. That's the good thing about motor cycles, you can move around other bigger vehicles.

I parked in the back of the big building and burst through the back door.

"There you are!" My boss Amelia barked. She shoved a tray of salads in my hands. "You're on table 13 tonight. Go." She waved me away.

I hated her. She was always cranky and complaining about her husband and kids.

I rolled my eyes and then walked through the swinging double doors of the kitchen. Table 13, the unlucky number. Great.

I set down a salad in front of a girl in a purple dress. She looked bored and pissed at the same time.

"Here you go Miss." I said.

She turned and smiled at me, "Thanks." She said.

When I saw her face I realized she was Ainslie Saporta, a famous teen star on some new TV show. She was all over the entertainment news and in all kinds of magazines my kid sister, Izzy, read.

I gave the rest of the people their food, not paying much attention. I kept sneaking glances at Ainslie. Each time she'd catch me looking and I'd quickly look away.

I went back into the kitchen to wait until they were done their starters.

"Hey boy." Matt, another waiter said to me.

I nodded at him not feeling like talking. But of course Matt didn't take the hint.

"Lots of hotties here tonight eh?" He said winking.

"Yeah." I said looking away.

"That girl from Sunset Boulevard is here, she's a babe." He said nodding his head towards Ainslie's table.

"Yeah she is. I'm serving her table."

"Man! Really? Lucky you, maybe someone will get lucky tonight." He said winking again.

I laughed. "Yeah, right. No matter how many girls at these functions leave with waiters like me, that is Ainslie Saporta. She would never go home with me."

"You'd be surprised man." Matt said before Amelia came over pointing us towards the trays of waiting food.

I took out the main course and noticed Ainslie watching me. Once again I returned to the kitchen to await dessert.

When the guest finally finished I grabbed my tray full of mini chocolate cakes and entered the big dining room.

I dodged chairs and lifted the tray over people's heads finally making it to table 13.

I placed a dish down in front of everyone, leaving Ainslie for last. When I leaned over to put hers down I heard her voice in my ear.

"You sure do know how to handle that tray." She whispered.

"I've had lots of practice." I said.

"Yeah, I can tell Flynn." Her breath was hot on my ear again. She knew my name? Oh right, name tag.

"So you've been watching me Miss Ainslie?" I asked smirking.

Her face went red and I winked as I turned to walk back to the kitchen.

She grabbed my arm pulling me back down. "Please don't call me Miss."

I nodded. "What makes you think I'll be calling you anything at all?"

She smiled and raised her eyebrow. I just shook my head and made my way outside for my break.

Well, Ainslie is a pretty hot girl.
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the point of view of the person will be the "name" of the chapter. :)