The Famous Ainslie Raine

Ainslie Raine

I watched as Flynn walked out the door of the building. My brow crinkled in confusing. Why was he going outside?

"What did you say to that waiter?" My mother asked disgustedly.

"Oh, I asked for a water." I smoothly lied. There was no way I was going to tell my mom I was just flirting with some random waiter.

"Please excuse me." I said getting up from the table and making my way towards the ladies room. It was down towards the front doors, but you went right to go to the bathroom instead of left to go to the doors.

I took a left, looking for Flynn.

"Stalking me now huh?" I heard a voice from behind me.

I turned around to see him leaning against a big pillar on the front steps.

"No." I said dumbly. Nice one Ainslie.

He laughed. "Oh, well then what a coincidence Miss Ainslie."

"I told you not to call me Miss. It sounds weird."

"I have to. It's part of my job. Rule number 78: Address all guests all Miss, Mister, or Madame."

"You actually follow all those rules?" I asked walking over to him and sliding down onto the first step.

"No. Just a few." He smiled.

"Oh." I felt stupid yet again.

"I'll make you a deal though, I'll drop the Miss if you stop calling me Flynn." He came and sat next to me loosening up his black tie.

"Why? It is your name, right?" I asked confused.

"Technically. But everyone calls me by my middle name. Which is Rockett."

"Like rocket ship?" I asked giggling.

"Oh shut up." He said playfully.

I smiled. It felt good to talk to someone who wasn't astonished that I was famous.

"So what are you doing out here, when the party is in there?" He asked seriously.

"You call that a party? That's the worst type of party I've ever seen. I hate these things." I said groaning.

He laughed. "I'll show you a party. If you want...?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Sure?" I answered sounding more like a question.

"Tonight, after this bore fest. Meet me out back in the staff parking lot, okay Ainslie?" He said standing up and offering his hands.

"Alright Rockett." I smiled grabbing his hands as he pulled me to my feet.

I smoothed my dress down.

"Oh, and not that you don't look pretty, but ditch the dress." He said sauntering inside.

He thinks I'm pretty!Flynn Rockett thinks I am pretty!

I made sure he wasn't watching and then did a little dance of joy before heading back inside.

I took my seat again just as all the waiters spilled out of the kitchen to take our dessert dishes.

"Where were you?" My mom demanded.

"Ladies room." I said my attention focused on Rockett as he took my plate.

He smiled at me crookedly.

I couldn't help but smiled back.

Tonight should be good. A fun party with a hot guy, what could be better?

My mother made me socialize for over an hour with the other people there. It was okay because I got to talk to some friends. Miley Cyrus, she's a cutie. Taylor Swift, whom I do know quite well. Selena Gomez, and a bunch of others I had met before.

Finally my mother decided we should go. "Mom, I am going out with some people. I'll be back by 12!" I said turning towards the back parking lot.

"Oh. Alright. Be careful." She warned. She always let me go out because it was good for my image, although she made sure I never went drinking and got "bad press".

I jogged to the back lot avoiding random paparazzi. Finally I made it and looked around for Rockett.

"Hey, Ainslie!" He shouted standing next to a motorcycle. Oh no way I'm getting on that.

"Shh!" I said a worried expression visible on my face. "The stupid paparazzi will hear you!"

As if on cue, a whole swarm of people with camera's appeared from the side of the building.

"Look over here Ainslie!" "Give me a good shot!" "Kiss the boy!" They all yelled different things.

"Get on." Rockett said holding out a helmet. He was already straddling the bike.

I took on last look at the crazy photographer's and grabbed the helmet.

We sped out of the parking lot like we had stolen something. I smiled to myself as I clung tightly to Rockett. I could get used to this.

"What's your address?" He shouted over his shoulder. I told him and he made a left, heading up into Beverly Hills.

We pulled up outside the main iron gate. "Can I help you?" a guard asked grumpily.

I flipped up the visor on my helmet, "Hey, can you let us in please?" Once he saw my face he smiled and opened the large gate.

We drove up my long driveway which was lined with trees. Rockett circled around the big fountain that stood in the middle of the pavement, and then parked.

"I'll be right back." I said setting my helmet on the back of the motorcycle.

He nodded his black helmet covered head.

I crept up the front steps, not wanting my mother to see me. I'd have to explain why I was riding around on the back of a motorcycle. Not a good idea if you know what I mean.

Once I was inside, I quietly ran up the stairs to my room. I shut the door tightly letting out a breath I never realized I had been holding in.

I quickly stripped out of my puffy purple dress and kicked off my heels.

I slipped into a casual dress. It had a high waist, the bottom being black and the top striped black and white. I put on blue flats and a chunky blue bracelet to match.

I checked my hair and make up in the mirror. My hair was falling out of the up-do because of the helmet I had been wearing. I pulled out the pins and my hair fell in loose waves.

I snuck back downstairs and out the door checking behind me.

"What's with the sneaky act? Thought you lived here?" Rockett's voice made me jump.

When I turned to look at him he was smirking. "You look cute."

I blushed. "Thanks. And I do live here. I just don't want my mom to catch me." I said walking over to the bike and grabbing my helmet.

"I'm guessing she would be mad about you driving on my bike?" He asked showing his crooked smile.

"Yeah, probably. And I told her I was going out with friends."

"I'm considered a friend aren't I?" He asked.

"Yes. But by friends I usually mean Taylor Swift and Shenae Grimes." I laughed.

"Ah, the life of a movie star." He flipped his helmet visor back down and started the engine.

I hopped on the back, wrapping my arms around him again. He turned and held out a leather jacket. "Put it on, it gets kinda cold driving on this thing." He said pointing at my exposed arms.

I smiled and slipped into the worn jacket.

I didn't pay much attention to where we were going, but eventually I could hear music blasting before I even saw the party itself.

Cars lined both sides of the small street. The houses were tall and old, but you could tell it was all younger people living in them. This was definitely university student territory.

Rockett parked at the end of a cul-de-sac and we took off our helmets. I ran my fingers through my hair and straighten out my dress.

"Ready?" he asked grinning. I nodded and followed him back up the street to the party house.

People were outside in the yard, on the porch, throughout the house and in the back yard where there was a pool. I could smell the alcohol clinging to people's bodies, and the slight stench of weed.

Don't ask how I know what weed smells like. Long story.

Rockett grabbed my hand and lead me to the living room where it seemed to be quieter.

"Hey guys." He said waving and nodding at some of the people who sat all around the room.

Some of the girls gave me confused looks, as if they knew who I was but couldn't place me. The guys just stared at me, and gave Rockett jealous looks.

"Dude! What took you so long?" A random guy came up to us and asked.

"I told you I had to work. Hey, where are my clothes Mick?" He asked the guy.

"In the trunk of my car." Mick said tossing Rockett some keys.

I looked at Rockett who I just realized was still wearing his waiter uniform. "Wait here, I'll be right back. Just gonna change." He said letting go of my hand.

I opened my mouth to protest, I don't know these people! But Rockett's finger came up to my lips. "I'll be back." He said again smirking like always.

I shut my mouth, my lips tingling from his touch. I turned towards the people sitting around the room. "Hi," I squeaked. "I'm Ainslie."

"I knew it!" A girl with long blond hair shouted beaming at me.

"Uh...?" I said at a loss of words.

"I'm Adelle, just call me Elle though," She said standing up. "This is Dawn," Elle pointed to a petite black haired girl sitting on the couch. Next to her was a sandy haired boy with his arm around her shoulders. "And that's Jaz, his real name is Jasper."

She continued going around the room naming people but I lost track.

I nodded and waved at people smiling. "Come sit." She said pulling me onto the couch with her. "So you're actually Ainslie Saporta?" She asked astonished.

"Yep. That's me." I said shyly.

"Neat. I don't like your show, it's too fake." She announced still smiling at me.

"Uh... me neither? I mean I don't watch it... that would be kind of self obsessed. And I think the plot sucks." I replied surprised she would actually be honest.

She laughed, "Good. We will get along just fine."

I settled into the couch feeling good that I had someone else here I knew. "I think so too, Elle." I smiled at her.

"Did you attack my little Ainslie yet?" Rockett asked as he appeared in the door way wearing normal clothes.

I giggled, "She didn't attack me, we just made friends."

"Ah, good then. Want a drink?" He said holding out a cup of unknown substance.

"Umm... okay." I said taking it. I took a drink without checking to see what it was.

Tasted like normal old beer to me, so I kept drinking. And drinking. And drinking.
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woo finished this chapter. hope someone's reading. comment please? :)