The Famous Ainslie Raine

Ainslie Raine

I woke to the sound of birds chirping, and with a major headache.

I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the white walls that surrounded me. This was not my room. My room was green. And big. Way bigger than this closet sized room.

I looked around the room only noticing two things. One, someone was breathing rather loudly beside me, and two, my bra was laying on the floor.

Crap. I groaned out of frustration.

The heavy breathing stopped and the bed squeaked as someone rolled over.

"So you have a tattoo of the Leo astrological sign on your hip." Rockett spoke beside me.

My eyes bulged out, "How... how did you know that?" I asked quietly.

Rockett smirked. "How do you think, Ainslie? Where are your clothes? Hmm? Do you remember anything about last night?" he asked raising an eyebrow and almost sounding angry.

"Fuck you." I said rolling over so I didn't have to face him.

"Oh come on, don't blame me." He mumbled pulling on my shoulder.

"I didn't!" I shouted getting off the bed and taking the blankets with me.

I slid down the wall in the corner, sitting down in the pile of sheets.

"I'm so fucking stupid!" I shouted at myself.

"No you're not," Rockett had his boxers on and was sitting on the edge of the bed.

I looked up at him. "It's my fault. I do remember last night. Every bit of it." I said blushing a little.

Rockett smiled but quickly changed his expression to a frown.

"So you remember pretty much raping me?" He joked.

"It's not rape if you were willing. Which you were I'm guessing, considering you ripped off my pants faster than I thought possible." I giggled.

It was Rockett's turn to get embarrassed. He looked down at his feet but I could still see the crooked grin on his face.

"You know, it took a lot for me to resist for as long as I did." He whispered looking back up at me.

"I'm just very persuasive." I said standing up and dragging the sheets along with me. I gathered up my clothes, which were spew around the room, and went to find the bathroom.

After I put my clothes back on I went back into Rockett's bedroom. He was dressed sitting on his bed.

"What time is it?" I asked him. There was no clock in the room.

He looked at his watch then turned to me, "9:30."

"Shit!" I yelled spinning around in search of my shoes. When I finally found them by the front door Rockett was standing there looking amused.

"This isn't funny Flynn Rockett!" I shouted.

"Yes it is. And Stevens is my last name." He added grinning.


"You know my full name, so I gotta know yours." He pointed out walking over to where I was standing by the door.

"Ainslie Raine Saporta." I said quickly.

"Rain? Like the old man is snoring?" He teased.

"Oh shut up!" I said hitting him lightly on the arm. He caught my hand and pulled me into him.

"Give me a kiss before you go, Ainslie Raine." He whispered.

"No." I mumbled, stunned by his sudden seductiveness.

"You wouldn't take no for an answer last night, so I won't right now." He said leaning down and kissing me.

I responded by wrapping my arms around his neck and standing on my toes.

He slid his hands down over my back and my butt onto my thighs, then he gently lifted me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, the whole time we were still kissing.

He carried me to the couch and then lightly laid us down, him on top of me.

"I think you need to stop being so cute." He mumbled trailing kisses from my cheek down to my collar bone and back to my lips.

"Mmm. I have to go." I sighed pulling away.

"No. Please stay." He whispered kissing my neck.

"I have to work. I'm already over an hour late. My mother is probably freaking out because I didn't go home last night." I said quietly.

He stopped sucking my neck and looked up. "How mad will she be?" he asked.

"Godzilla." Was my response.

"Then you might as well spend the day with me, 'cause it can't get any worse then the Zilla." He smiled.

I thought about it, actually considering but I couldn't. "I can't."

"Alright," He sighed. "I'll take you home."

I nodded and he kissed my nose before rolling off me.

"You're so weird." I commented as he landed on his butt on the floor.

"You like it." He winked pulling me down on top of him. "Rockett!" I protested, but he shut me up by kissing me.

I pulled away and stood up. "Okay. Seriously time to go!" I said heading towards the door.

He grabbed his leather jacket and threw it at me. "I won't freeze," I said but he insisted I wear the jacket, so I shrugged into it.

We made our way down to the parking lot and on to his bike.

"So does the Famous Ainslie Raine Saporta always do this after boring parties?" Rockett asked handing me my helmet.

"No!" I said surprised he would think so.

"I was kidding," He told me as he slipped on his own helmet.


"I've been to jail." His voice came out muffled by his helmet so I wasn't sure of what I heard.

"Excuse me?" I asked curiously.

"I have been to jail, just thought I'd tell you." He repeated himself and then sped off towards my house without letting me respond.