The Famous Ainslie Raine

Flynn Rockett

I was sitting on my couch between Mick and my sister, Izzy. I had to watch Izzy tonight while our aunt and uncle were out of town. Mick had come along because we had a gig tonight, and I needed his car so I could take Izzy with us.

"So. What are we going to do?" Izzy asked as we all stared at the black TV screen.

"Wait until nine o'clock and then head to the place where my band is playing tonight." I told her.

She groaned, "Do I have to come? Like, this is so dumb. I don't want to see your spaz band sing at some smelly bar." She complained.

"Yeah, you have to. I can't leave you home alone, Aunt Aimee asked me to babysit."

"I'm almost 13!" She yelled jumping off the couch and stomping to her room.

"She's got a point, dude." Mick said speaking for the first time in over an hour.

"So? Just cause me and you were aloud to go around doing whatever we want when we were 13, doesn't mean she can." I frowned.

"I guess." He mumbled grabbing the remote.

"I gotta just do my aunt and uncle a favor, just this one time. They are good to me, man. They let me live by myself and never ask for anything." I explained.

"That is a pretty sweet deal," Mick said not really paying attention as he watched a football game.

We sat around and watched TV until eight. I made some spaghetti for us to eat, and Mick went to drag Izzy out of her room.

"I want to stay home," Izzy whined as we sat around the living room eating.

"Sorry. No can do. It will be fun." I said even though I knew for a 13 year old, it wouldn't be.

"But Flynn!"

"Izzy, I'm not gonna let you stay here so shut up." I said getting cranky.

"Fine." She stuck her tounge out when I looked away.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well gang, lets get outta here." Mick announced standing up and grabbing his keys.

We loaded our instruments and gear in his two door car, and were off towards Johnson's Bar & Grill.

Izzy whined and complained the whole drive, but Mick and I ignored her.

Once we arrived the rest of the band was there setting up. We brought our stuff inside and I pulled a chair out back for Izzy. She wasn't aloud out in the actual bar part, so she stayed behind the stage. The "grill" part of the place closed at nine, making it only a bar.

"This better be quick, Flynn." Izzy said as we got ourselves situated on the stage. Izzy always called me Flynn. Only family and people who didn't know me called me Flynn.

I shook my head and ignored her.

We played awhile and then I took a break grabbing my water and slumping onto a bar stool.

It was now 11:30, and we would be done soon. I was chatting with the bartender, whose name I learned is Melanie, when I caught a glimpse of long black hair.

Ainslie? It couldn't be, she wouldn't be at a place like this.

"Rockett?" A beautiful voice asked in my ear. I turned to see Ainslie standing behind me.

"Ainslie? What are you doing here?" My confusion was obvious on my face.

"I-I'm looking for you. Well I was, but now I found you. I just asked around, and some people knew your band. Isn't that weird? You're actually kinda popular, you know? But they told me where you were playing tonight... well, here." She rambled and laughed nervously.

"You okay? You're babbling."

"Sorry! I just need to talk to you." She rushed it all out.

"Oh kaaaaaay." I said standing up and leading her out a back door.

"So?" I asked as we stood just past the door, outside in the cool air.

"Um, well. Wow, I don't know how to say this." She looked at her feet.

"What is it? I kind of have to go in and finish playing soon..." I mumbled a little agitated. This girl pretty much told me to fuck off, and get out of her life. And now here she was tracking me down to talk to me?

"I t-think that I-I, well, fuck." She coughed, and rubbed her bare arms. I watched as tears slowly formed in her normally bright eyes.

"Ainslie?" I asked totally confused and a little concerned.

"I think I'm pregnant!" She blurted out and then broke down into sobs.

"W-what?" I managed to squeak. My throat was dry, and I had lost the feeling in my arms and legs. My lips tingled, and my hands shook.

"Y-you and me... when we... you know. I think it g-got me p-pregnant." She mumbled through sniffles.

"Oh my god." I breathed.