Status: Hiatus.

It's All in How You Mix the Two

Chapter Seven; I Love Candy.

Alexandra's Point Of View


"Perhaps you girls would like to join us on tour, as roadies to help with cleaning, cooking, selling merchandise and stuff like that. Like a summer job or whatever you'd like to call it. So what do you think?" The sentence that had just left Jeph's mouth were ringing in my head.

Holy shit, is he serious?

"...It looks like it" Frida said with a frown.

How did she know what I was thinking?

"I'm awesome" She said with a wink.

Okay, this is getting scary. Repeat after me please; Dan has green underwear

"Dan has green underwear? How do you know that, Alex?" She said and looked at me with raised eyebrows. "What? How the fuck did you know?" Dan said with a wierd smile.

"I happened to see you in your underwear this morning, but this is totally off topic!" I exclaimed and turned my head to look at Jeph and Bert. "Are you guys serious?"
Jeph nodded quickly. "But... we don't have any clothes... or money..." Frida said slowly and I nodded with a frown.

"We'll just get you some clothes from your houses and we'll use our money if you need anything" Bert replied with a warm smile. They couldn't be serious... right?

"I think they are..." Frida mumbled. "Okay, stop it, please? You're freaking me out woman!" I said with a nervous laugh.
Quinn looked so happy, and so did Dan and Bert. Jeph, on the other hand, looked very pleased of himself.

"So, will you be our special roadies?" He asked. "Of course!" Frida and I exclaimed at the same time.
I was so happy that day, I couldn't exlpain the bubbling feeling in my stomach when I realized it!
Quinn jumped up and hugged both me and Frida, I blushed faintly as he did so, I had always had a tiny crush on Quinn. And since Frida knew about this fact, she laughed and I hit her shoulder

"Shut up" I said in Swedish. "Swedish is such a fascinating language.." Jeph said
"Can you teach me some?"

"Sure!" I said and started to teach Jeph some simple Swedish words.
Whilst I was doing that, Frida was talking to Dan about something... I'm not really sure what it was though, I was concentrating on teaching Jepha swedish, it was very hard. "Okay... just repeat after me!" I said with a laugh, it took me at least thirty minutes to make him say one sentence correctly.

Now he was just randomly saying it, like he wanted to hear how it sounded. He grinned and gave me a huge hug "Thank you Palex!"
Frida giggled at my new nickname and I smiled at Jeph. "Anyone want a cup of tea?" Jeph said casually as he stood up.

"Haha, Alex's eyes are shining, I think she wants some" Frida said and nudged my shoulder teasingly. "I do!" I said with a huge grin. "I love tea! Especially strawberry... with honey in it... yum. And ice-tea! Gosh, I actually lost count on how many cups of ice-tea I drank the other day..." I trailed off thoughtfully and sat down again.


The other guys were out buying some soda and candy (yup, it was saturday! We were allowed too) so me and Frida decided to talk a bit about everything that had happened, in swedish of course.

We lost track of how long we been talking really quickly, giggling and squealing like fangirls. I looked too my right quickly and saw that Jeph and Quinn were sitting on the floor looking at us with fascinated faces.

"That sounded really hot..." Quinn said like a little kid that had gotten his candy on a monday instead of saturday.

"It sounded really cool... continue please!" Jeph said, eagerly. I raised my eyebrows and looked at Frida "They're crazy!" I said in Swedish and Frida burst out laughing.

We were so immature at times. "The candy has arrived!" Dan said as he dropped a big bag of candy in front of my eyes.

"Caandy..." I said and looked into the bag. "Yum!" I continued happily.
The members of The Used was now questioning us about everything, what food we liked, colors we liked, which teacher we hated the most and why, yeah you get it, right?

"Ugh, I hate a teacher called Mrs Gründitz. She is so... damn... GRR! She gives us homework the first day in school, and is sadistic enough to give us 23 words and some sentences to know in two days. How fucking impossible is that?" I said angrily when they asked me what teacher I hated.

Frida laughed and patted my back gently. "God damn you bitch" I said with a grin as I buried my head in my hands, quoting something Quinn had said at some point in their DVD.
Quinn smirked at me and winked playfully. I felt my face heat up a tiny bit and Frida giggled again.

We continued like that, laughing like we were old friends catching up after not seeing eachother in a long while. It felt so good, like I finally belonged somewhere...

But what if I was wrong?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I thought this was pretty shitty considering I'm dead tired and I'm soon off to bed... (damn school)

but thank you so fucking much for commentiing on this story, totally makes my day reading them :) Keep it up?

Lots of Love,

Used Romance.