Status: Completed

Inner Child


It’s official. My inner child has released itself. How, you ask? It all started yesterday. Me and my buddy, Ella, were walking through the halls, to go to Spanish, and a flyer caught my eye. It said, “WANTED: MASCOT! FOR ALL BASKETBALL GAMES! PLEASE SEE MR. RODRIGUEZ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED!” And my inner-child took control over me. I ran as fast as I could to Mr. Rodriguez’s classroom, leaving Ella in my dust. Woops. Once I got to his classroom, I walk up to him and pull on his sleeve. Another inner-child act. “Yes, son?” Mr. Rodriguez asked me. “I wanna be the mascot!” I told him. A smile took over his whole face and he shook my hand. “Hired!” he exclaimed.

And from then on, I have been my school’s mascot. It’s so much fun! I get to dress up like a dinosaur! And act like one! Every basketball game! And, it’s not like I have anything to lose. I’m a loner, besides Ella. She’s the only friend I have. She says that I could make more friends if I tried, but I don’t feel like trying. If someone wants to be my friend, they can ask me.

“Xavior!” I hear someone yell. It’s a very high-pitched voice. I turn around and see Ella standing behind me. I walk over to her and give her a big hug. We’re in my driveway.

“What’s up?” Ella asks me.

“Eh… waiting for Mom to hurry up, so she can drive me to the basketball game.” I tell her. Her smile disappears. Of course.

“Hey! You said you wouldn’t care if I was the mascot! Come to the game! It’ll be fun!” I tell my best friend, shaking her shoulders. She pushes me off, and walks back down the driveway.

“Wait! Ella!” I yell to her. She stops walking and turns around to face me.

“What?” she says, harshly.

“I can call in sick. You wanna stay over. We rented movies! And Joey ordered pizza! We can steal a slice or two.” I tell her, smiling. Ella smiles and runs over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I hug her back and my mom walks out.

“Aww! You two are so cute!” Mom says from on the porch. I let go of Ella, and hold her hand instead.

“Mom. I’m gonna call in. You can still go, though. Go watch Timmy.” I tell her. Timmy is my older brother. He is on the basketball team, and hates it whenever Mom doesn’t come see him play. I walk into the house, holding onto Ella’s hand. We walk over to the tan couch and she sits down. I walk over to the DVD player, and pop in Nightmare Before Christmas. I press Play and run over to the couch and jump on Ella’s lap.

“Hey! Get off me, Dino!” Ella yells at me. Dino’s my nickname, seeing as I’m a dinosaur every other day at 7. I get off Ella and sit in my cushion of the couch.

“What was that all about?” Ella says, between laughs.

“Ah, my inner child has brought himself out again. Sorry about him. He’s a little whore, I tell you.” Me and Ella flirt like this every day, knowing that we’re just friends. It doesn’t effect either of us, so we don’t care.

“Xavior! That is no way to talk about yourself!” Ella yells at me, sarcastically. I chuckle and give her a little kiss on the cheek.

“I broke your iPod when you were asleep last night.” she blurts out.

“You did what when I was asleep?!” I yell at her.

“I broke your iPod, silly.” she says. I pin her down on the couch, me on top of her, and lick her cheek. She goes, ‘eww’ and I do it again.

Don’t get me wrong, I have feelings for Ellz, pretty big ones. I never let her know, though. But, now seems like the perfect time.

“Ellz, wait here, ‘k?” I tell her. She nods and I get up and run into my room. I grab the big dinosaur costume, and only put the body suit on. I run back into the living room and find Ella in the same position. I get back on her, and she laughs.

“Nice attire, sir.” she says, laughing.

I smile and lean my face down towards hers. She reacts as well, leaning up towards me. Our lips meet, and we both immediately draw back.

“EWW!” we both yell. I jump up off her and laugh.

“Wow, that was gross!” I yell. Again, my inner child, not liking kisses or girls, evidently.

“I know!” Ella yells back. We laugh and continue watching Nightmare Before Christmas, not speaking of the awkward situation we were just in.

When the movie ends, Ella says, “Oh my God.”

“What?” I ask her. She laughs and looks at me.

“You never called in sick!” she exclaims. I burst out laughing. I guess I never did.

“Well, I’m fired. Serves my inner child well. That’ll teach you for kissing Ella!” I yell at myself.

Ella laughs and we end up playing Trouble. We have fun, and halfway in, the phone rings.

“Hello?” I say, when I answer it.

“Hi. It’s your inner child. How are you?”

I scream, dropping the phone, and run in circles. Ella’s laughing at me, curled up into a ball on the floor.

“It was me, you idiot!” she yells at me. I stop running and smack myself.

“God, I really need to teach myself not to be so childish.” I tell her.

“Curse little five year-old Xavior! He’s taking over your life!” Ella says.

We laugh and talk more about inner children.

Let’s face it. My inner child is all I am, and ever will be.

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Lol. I know it's not as good. But, it's funny! XD