It's Only A Dream

Where There's a Will There's a Way

It dosen't take much to wake me up. But Jaques over-did it. He flipped me off the fu-ton, and on to the floor. Laughing histarically as he watched me slowly try to get up.
Jacques is my room-mate. Only a room-mate though, because he 'swings the opposite way I do'. But I don't have a problem with that, I've known him for too long and I wouldn't want to date him.
"You should get up..." He said as he caught his breath from laughing.
I didn't say anything and just picked myself off of the floor. I slumped over to my room (which I was too lazy to sleep in last night), when my hang-over got the best of me. I threw myself on the bed and groaned in pain. My head was pounding uncontrollably.
"Let me guess..." Jaques said from the doorway. My face was stuffed in my pillow, so I couldn't see anything, I wanted to tune EVERYTHING out. "'Just one more'" He imitated me. He continued. "Was it a party or club?" He asked.
I paused a minute, trying to remember last-nights expeditions. When my memory got to the part that I was the stupidest, I fell apart and started sobbing into the pillow.
"What happend Avy?" Jacques asked. I think he saw this coming.
"I was stupid...stupid...stupid...stupid" I kept repeating to myself over and over again, as I punched my fist against the bed.
"Avy..." He said again, and grabbed my fist, to stop me. "What happend? Was it drugs?"
I shook my head, Drugs were disgusting, I'd never do them.
"Were you with someone?"
I paused for a wasn't with someone, I was with a couple someones at different times. I started sobbing again, this time louder.
He put his head next to my ear and whispered, "It wasn't your fault."
"Yes, yes it was." I sniffled. I needed to control myself.
"What did you do?"

"I was a slut..."


I pulled my car out of the parking lot. It was pretty intense back there, but Jacques had to rush off to work to. He said he'd meet me for lunch though. He's my best friend. I've known him since..I think...Sophomore year. He was a senior though, but still.
work...I'm a waitress at AppleBee's . They barley even gave me the job, they wanted some one with more 'experience', but I knew they meant bigger boobs. Haa, the whole time I was being interviewed the guy had a twisted look on his was gross, he was TOTALLY checking me out. But even, then...I loved all the attention I could get my hands on. I knew it wa-

The whole car jolted. What the crap? That red Buick just rammed into me. I honked my horn as loud as possible. The Buick was already pulling over though, so I did the same. I got out of the car. I really wasn't in the mood to get angry, I just wanted to check the damage, and hurry up to work. I was already late...
It wasn't bad, but it was going to need to go to an auto shop. The guy in the red Buick jumped out, I didn't even look at him though.
"I'm so, so sorry, are you okay?" He sounded rushed and a bit shaken up. He put a hand on my shoulder, which caused me to finally look up at him.
I had to blink. I couldn't believe it. This man was my hero since I was in junior high. I could not believe that he was standing right in front of I just guessed that I was wrong.
"I'm fine." I told him, and smiled.
He gave me a confused look. "You can't be fine," He said, and it was true. "I just rammed my car into you." Oh, that's what he meant.
"No, really...don't worry about it." I looked at the dent and damage on my car.
"It was my fault." He insisted.
"Seriously, don't worry about it." I told him, and glanced at my watch. 11:54 am. I was going to be very late.
"I'm going to get it repaired. I promise" He told me again. As I opened my mouth to say something though, he interrupted. "NO. no..." he chuckled "I am going to pay for it."
I smiled at him, and let out a little laugh. "Fine."
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Avalon...Avy." I answered. "Listen I'm going to be really late for work."
"Wait..." He suddenly turned kinda sheepish. "Can I have your number?" He asked. I laughed and walked back over to him. He took out his phone and put my number in. I rushed off and sped away to AppleBees.

There was no way that was Gerard Way.