‹ Prequel: Life After Love
Status: revising all of the chapters


"Why the Secret?"

I woke up the next day feeling absolutely refreshed. I stretched and got ready for school like I normally did in the morning. I threw on cut up shorts and a white over sized t shirt with a England flag on it. Which I absolutely adored. Threw on my black moccasin boots, grabbed my book bag and headed out to the car. Charlie came running out and hopped in. It looked like he hasn't slept for days and his clothes were all over the place.
"Late night?" I laughed.
"Shut up."
I laughed and went to pick up Kristi and Freddie.
"Hey guys."
"Hey" They said, pretty groggy.
"You guys don't seem very awake."
"That's because we're still tired." Explained Kristi.
"Sexy time?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.
"Oh god no, Bailey! If you weren't aware but we kind of had a bonfire last night."
"Yes, but I woke up feeling amazing this morning."
"Well lucky you."

As I pulled up into school, I noticed there were a lot more people here than suppose to. There were camera crew vans.
"What's going on?" Charlie asked.
"I don't know."
I parked the car and we all got out. I noticed a reporter turn around and run after us.
"Bailey! what's going on?!" Charlie yelled.
"I don't know Charlie. Come on, lets try and get out of this."
We started pushing people aside the best way we could and headed for the doors .I could hear the reporters yelling out questions at us.
"Bailey, how's public school? What made you want to transfer?"
I could see them getting the best of Charlie. He was so afraid and I could see him slowly falling.
I couldn't take it anymore.
"BACK THE FUCK OFF!" Everyone quieted down and did just as I asked. I grabbed Charlie and we got into the doors.
"What the hell was that about?" Charlie asked.
"They found out which school we attended."
"This is bad isn't it, Bails?"
"Not that bad. We'll be fine Charlie."
I hugged him and we walked over to our locker. I could already hear the whispers of the other students looking at us and pointing.I sighed and opened my locker.
"Guys! are you two okay? we saw what happened." Nicole said running up to us.
"Yeah we're fine." I answered.
"Everyone knows now." Damien said.
I was afraid of that.
"It's okay guys."
"Babe? are you okay?" Kyle said wrapping his arms around me.
After a couple of minutes and more staring and pointing, the first bell rang. I sighed and walked to first period with Kyles hand intertwined with mine. The walk to my desk seemed like forever thanks to the stares.
"Take a fucking picture. It lasts longer." I yelled.
Immediately everyone turned around and faced towards the teacher.
"Okay class, I know what you all experienced this morning was shocking, but please, treat Bailey and Kristi like normal, please. She's no different from you."
'Thanks' I mouthed to her.
She continued her lesson and the whispered died down. A girl with black curly hair, white tank top and pants came walking in and gave the teacher a note.
"Bailey, Kristi, Principal Hartmen wants to see you two."
I nodded and walked out of the class. We made our way to the principals office and noticed Charlie and Freddie there along with my parents, Kristi's and Freddies.
"Mom?" Everyone turned towards me and mom walked up and hugged me.
"Bailey, I'm sorry they found out."
"It's okay. It was bound to come out anyway. And I'm pretty sure I know who opened their big mouth."
"Who?" dad asked.
"Emily. she found out couple months ago. I don't know if this was suppose to be her big plan, but whatever."
"What do we do?" Charlie asked our parents.
My parents exchanged looks and then at the principal.
"I think it's best you go back to Dardon." Dad said.
"Why?" charlie and I yelled in unison.
"You said if this didn't work out, you would go back, Bailey." dad said.
"But dad-"
"He's right Bailey. I saw what happened this morning. you two would've been hurt in that mob."
"but mom-"
"No buts. You are going back to Dardon!"
"I don't want to. I love it here!" Charlie yelled.
"so do i!"
Pretty soon, the four of us started begging our parents to let us stay.
"I'm sorry kids, but Holly is right." It was Kristi's dad, Jordan talking.
"You know what?! I don't give a shit that people found out. I finally fit in here, I finally know who I am and I don't fucking care about anything else!"
"Bailey don't you curse." mom hissed.
"No! She's right! " charlie intervened " We love it here, we belong here. We fit in here. WE have friends that actually gives a fuck about us."
"That is enough you two," Dad said aggravated. I've never seen him like this. "You are going back. Now go get your shit and lets go."
I stormed out of their and ran all the way to my locker, throwing everything I own into my bag. I hear footsteps but I ignore it.
"Bailey." I know that voice, but I still ignore it.
"Bailey! talk to me, what's going on?" He grabs my arm and whips me around to face him.
"I'm leaving."
I said with tears in my eyes.
"What do you mean you're leaving?"
"Kyle, I'm going back to the academy." I sniffed.
"What why?"
"My parents thinks it'll be dangerous to stay here now that everyone knows."
"That's not fair!"
"Tell me about it."
"Come here."
I walked closer to him and he wrapped himself around me in a hug.
"I don't want to go. Everyone I love is in this school. You, Nicole, Sky, Damien and Justin."
"I know sweetie. but it'll be okay. We can hang out after school and weekends. It's just school."
I let out a sigh and nodded.
"You ready bailey?"
I looked up to see my parents looking at me with sympathetic eyes. I just nodded.
"I'm sor-"
"Drop it, mom. It's okay."
I walked away with all my stuff afraid to walk out those doors. The reporters were still there. I waited for my family to catch up with me and we were surrounded by heavy body guards. We wrestled the reporters to get to my car and dad hopped in the driver seat, while mom sits up front and Charlie and I sit in the back. Kristi and Freddie probably already left. I sighed.

I couldn't imagine myself not at that school anymore. My friends are there. They treated me normal, even after they found out. We got home and I headed straight for my room. I didn't want to talk to my parents, or anyone.

It's been a week since everyone found out and let me tell you, its' been hell. Camera's are constantly surrounding my house, our phones are ringing off the hook, oh and if that wasn't enough, I had to start school at the academy the day after. It was horrible. People pointed and laughed at us, The Jocks messed with Charlie, it was just an absolute horrible week for all of us. Kyle and I are okay, thank god. but I know this was all getting to him as well. Everyone wants to know who the "Mysterious boy Bailey is dating" is so he's been put in the paper couple of times during the week whenever him and I tried to go out.

There was a knock at my door and it opened to reveal my mom.
"Hey sweetie."
I sighed "Hi mom."

This is actually the first time we've talked since the incident at school. Charlie and I ignored our parents as much as we could, but we both realized we were being childish.
"I'm sorry this got thrown out of proportion." She said sitting next to me.
"It's okay."
"At least people will see what your intentions were when they watch your interview tomorrow."
She was right. I got so sick of people asking questions, Charlie, Kristi, Freddie and I just decided to do an interview and let them know.
"Yeah. Can I go to sleep now? I'm tired." I said yawning.
"Sure. I love you sweetie."
"I love you too mom."

I woke up feeling a bit nauseous. I did my usual routine. After i got all my stuffs together, I headed down to the living room where my parents and Charlie stood waiting for me.
"Ready for this?" Charlie asks me.
We walked to the car and drove to the studio where Kristi and Freddie waited.
"Hey guys!" Kristi said cheerfully.
"Hey." We replied back.
"Are you guys at all nervous?"
I wasn't actually. Who cared if the world found out. It's not like we were the first ones to do this.
I just shrugged.
They all nodded and we headed for the dressing room. After a couple of minutes, we waited to be called. We decided to do Ellen because she's always made us smile and we loved watching her. The four of us waited anxiously while Ellen announced us. We walked out and took our seats. From left to right we sat, Freddie, Kristi, Charlie and I.

"Hey ladies, sirs."
"Hi." we said together.
"So, Charlie, Bailey, Freddie and Kristi. The four of you have been in the papers quite a lot this past week, What was going through your head?"
"We've never had this much attention before, and I can't speak for everyone else, but it got a bit tiring. I really do not know how my parents done it for so long." I explained.
"I see. Everyone wants to know, what started all this?"
"Bailey came up to me one day and told me she wanted to transfer," It was Kristi's turn to speak, " I honestly didn't think it was a big deal, because a lot of kids do it. Especially those with parents who are famous. We wanted a different scenery and it seemed like a good idea."
"And it was," Finished Charlie, "it was honestly the best idea any of us could ever have. We made amazing friends, and it was normal."
"How did your parents react?"
"Dad was all for it and of course being the charmer that he is, he talked mom into agreeing. " Charlie said.
"What about you Kris?"
"Mom freaked out but probably not as much as dad."
"They were okay with it."
"So, how was it?"
"We met some pretty great group of friends, who we absolutely love. The one thing about these group of friends, they didn't care what others thought of them, they loved music just as much as we did, and they love to just hang out and be together." I said.
"Did they know who you were?"
"At first they didn't. I guess we wanted them to know us as ourselves, and not the opposite. We even went as far as using nicknames," Charlie laughed. " Once they found out who we really were, they weren't mad, which I think was the hugest reliever."
"Kristi and Freddie, you two have been dating for a while now, am i correct?"
"Yes." they said in unison.
"How was your relationship through all of this?"
"It was just as it has always been; Normal," Freddie explained "I love Kristi, and I would do anything for her, even if it meant changing my name and transferring schools with her."
They smiled at each other and immediately Kristi's face turned a shade of bright red.
"That's cute. Charlie did you meet anyone?"
"No, but I did meet someone when we took a family vacation to Hawaii. She is the daughter of one of my mom's best friends, and we've been dating ever since we left."
"Do you love her?"
Charlie laughs. "I sure do."
"Bailey," I laughed, because I knew what was coming "You've been spotted with a very attractive young man. Who is he?"
"His name is Kyle. He's one of the amazing people we've met through this whole deal, and he's been nothing but great to me."
"Are you two dating?"
"No comment." I laughed.
"Obviously a yes." Ellen laughed.
"I would never tell." I joked.
"So, by doing this, did you guys accomplish anything?"
"Absolutely. I realized a lot going through this and one of them mainly being that I should not be afraid of who I am, and letting people see me for who I am. And it's definitely made Charlie and I closer."
"I'm glad you guys took something from this and made it into a positive. I hope the best for the four of you."
We all nodded and with that, the show ended. It felt so good to get things off of my chest, especially about why we did it, and I just hope people would respect that from now on. We met up with our parents backstage and they both engulfed us in hugs. Kristi and Freddie's parents were there as well.
"We need to talk to the four of you." Kristi's mom said.
We all headed to the dressing room where we sat and looked at our parents suspiciously.
"What's going on?" Kristi asked.
"We thought long and hard about all this, and well, we just want you guys to be happy." my mom started out.
"And after what you said out there, we wanted to do something great for you four." Dad ended.
"What is it?" Charlie pushed.
"We decided to let you go back."
The four of us just sat there and cocked an eyebrow.
"Really?!" I asked.
"Yes, really." Freddie's mom replied.
The four of us immediately hugged our parents and started cheering.
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