Denial Used to Feel So Good

Break A Leg

"Wakey, wakey!"

Gabe groaned, flipping over with difficulty in his bunk and burying his head in his pillow to try and drown out the sound of his curtain being pulled back, "Get up Gabe."

"Go the fuck away..." Gabe murmured into his pillow, ignoring his living alarm clock.

"Come on, everyone else is up." Turning onto his other side, Gabe opened his eyes to see William smirking at him, "We're at the venue, have been for a few hours. Everyone's inside, you're girlfriend too."

"Ryland?" Gabe rubbed his eyes and forced himself to wake up.

"No, but him included. Kyle." He said, emphasizing her name and smirking again.

"God, would you stop with that already?" Gabe groaned, pushing William away from his bunk so he could climb out. He hobbled over to the bathroom after grabbing some clothes from his bag, "I can't even stand her," Gabe continued through the door, "She's a bitch."

"Are you kidding?" Bill scoffed, leaning against the bunks as Gabe changed, "She's so sweet. You only think that because she hands it right back to you. All of your bullshit....and I mean that in the friendliest way."

"Oh, of course." Gabe emerged from the bathroom, rolling his eyes, "Let's get out of here."

The day dragged on, preparations took place, merch tables were set up, amps were plugged in, guitars in positions, everyone did their own sound check and set lists were made, the works. Everyone pretty much stayed with their own bands trying to get ready for the first show of the tour. Eventually the kids started showing up, lining up hours before the doors even opened. Amidst the chaos and getting closer and closer to show time, Gabe caught sight of Kyle slipping out the back door.

"Where are you going?" Suarez asked as Gabe stood up from the couch they were sitting on, preparing the set list.

"I'll be right back." Gabe said distractedly, following Kyle. He stepped out the back door and saw her leaning against the brick building, having a smoke. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and strolled over to her, acting as casual as possible, "Aren't you a little too young to be smoking?"

She turned her head and glowered at him as he approached, "Aren't you a little too selfish to care?"

"What is your problem?" Gabe wondered openly, leaning his shoulder against the wall so he could look at her.

"You're being condescending, that's my problem." She took a drag and cocked an eyebrow at him.

"I was not being-!" Gabe stopped and forced himself to calm down, "I don't know what I ever did to you..." He muttered.

"You're joking! You've done nothing to me, but harass me with repulsive, tasteless remarks since we met." She scoffed.

Gabe smirked, "Give me another chance and I'll do something better to you."

"You are vile." She spat through clenched teeth, throwing her cigarette on the ground, stepping on it and then storming away. Gabe watched her as she threw open the back door and disappeared inside. He let his head fall back against the brick, "I am such an asshole..." he mumbled, sighing and then sulking his way back inside too.

"Show's starting." He was informed the moment he stepped in. He gaped at Nate, "It's seven already?"

"Yep, you gunna watch the newbies?" Nate asked as they walked towards the side of the stage.

"Yeah, you?" Gabe stared ahead, where he saw Kyle, with her band, on the opposite side of the stage, waiting anxiously behind the curtain for their cue to go on.

"Oh most definitely." They stopped at the side of the stage. The lights dimmed and screams were heard. Gabe kept his eyes on Kyle as the rest of the band filed on stage, eliciting more screeches. Kyle looked up, about to walk on, but caught Gabe staring at her.

"Break a leg, sweetie." He mouthed. Her eyes narrowed and she looked away, running out on the stage.

That's when it happened. She tripped.

"Oh my god..." Gabe felt a hand clasp onto his arm and looked to his right where Vicky stood, she cringed away, hiding her face in Gabe's shoulder, "Oh my god, tell me she did not just trip." Gabe couldn't respond, his eyes quickly darted back to the stage.

Kyle sat there, on the floor, for a moment. Gabe thought she was going to run off the stage crying but instead, she cracked a smile and then burst out laughing.

"She's laughing..." Ryland, who had joined the group, narrated.

Standing up and brushing herself off, like nothing happened, Kyle took her place at the microphone still giggling.

"Are you alright, Kyle?" Colin asked into his microphone nervously, watching the lead singer.

"Oh, yeah. I cannot believe I just fell flat on my ass." The crowd laughed along as Kyle picked up her guitar that was on the stand next to her mike. She still had a grin on her face. Knowing that she was okay, Kale joined in.

"Are you sure you're alright? You don't need a glass of water? Possibly a guide dog?" he teased.

Kyle shot him a wink and smiled, "Starting off with a bang." With one last chuckle she played the first few chords of their first song and proceeded to wow the audience with her incredible vocals.

"Is it over?" Vicky asked, she was still hiding her face.

"Yeah, it's over." Gabe let out the breath he had unintentionally been holding in and shook his head, "Man, oh, man...."

"God, that's brutal." Suarez shook his head.

"That poor girl." Vicky empathized.

"Nice recovery though." Nate shrugged, losing interest and walking away.

"At least she didn't run off the stage bawling her eyes out." Ryland said, "That's what I would've done."

Their set continued and Vicky, Alex, Ryland and Gabe all watched. Every once in a while someone would comment on Kyle's singing, about how it was amazing and how the band never missed a beat. But Gabe already knew all that. Instead of joining in on praising the band he could only watch, eyes on center stage as Kyle sang her heart out, despite the horrible beginning of their set, not faltering for even a second. They wrapped up their set to thunderous applause and Gabe's band mates dispersed to go prepare for their own turn on stage.

For some reason Kale, Colin and Tony left the stage on the opposite side that Kyle was, she walked towards Gabe; offstage. She didn't so much as glance at Gabe as she brushed passed him.

"Nice fall, sweetie!" Gabe called after her. She paused for a spilt second before whipping around and stomping back over to him. She got close enough so that Gabe could see the tears in her eyes.

"You," She whispered maliciously, "are an asshole." She let her vicious stare bore into him for a moment longer, before running off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Man, wouldn't that suck? I felt bad for Kyle even writingthat. But I updated again 'cause I got a comment. That was my subtle hint for the day....Thanks for reading.