Denial Used to Feel So Good

Oh, I'm Trying, Believe Me

"Kyle? Wake up, sweetie."

"Oh, my god...have you ever had an anvil fall on your head? I haven't but I know how it feels."

"My poor baby, I'm sorry, but we have to go."

"Fuck...what happened last night?"


"Oh, my god, what did I do?"

"...You had a couple drinks."

"Oh, no...Oh, god..."

"You know, we'll get to it later. I've got some aspirin and I booked a suite at Hotel Cobra."

I was way too tired to object and way too hung-over to remember anything from the previous night. Kale, being an amazing friend and a sweetheart had already packed up my bags and loaded them into the van. Colin helped drag me out of the hotel and onto the Cobra Starship bus.

"Hey guys," Colin greeted Alex and Ryland as he brought me onto the bus. They gave me sympathetic smiles and said 'hi' to Colin.

"I'll see you in a few hours, okay?" Colin led me to the spare bunk, "If you're alive." He chuckled, kissing the top of my head and leaving.

"In a little pain this morning, chica?"

"Get fucked, Saporta." I snapped at Gabe as he emerged from the back lounge. I laid down in the bunk and curled up in the blankets.

"Oh, I'm trying, believe me..." He leaned down to peer into my bunk, "but you're so stubborn." I glared at him, "I'm not in the mood for this, Gabriel."

"Well, what are you in the mood for?" He asked, wiggling a seductive eyebrow at me. I groaned, burying my face in my pillow, before turning on my side, facing the wall.

"Leave her alone Gabe." Vicky brushed passed and smacked Gabe on the head. I heard him sigh and then he whispered, "Another time, lover." Before getting up and leaving.
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Thank you SO much for all the comments, I am so happy right now I'm going to post another part!