Denial Used to Feel So Good

17 Floors To Go

We decided after that to go back home, it was getting late and we were going to be leaving first thing in the morning. We needed the time to get packed up. It took us a half an hour to get back to the hotel, not because we were far, but because we took our time, talking leisurely.

Walking in the lobby we were immediately harangued by Tony.

"Where were you guys?!" He questioned, eyeing our shopping bags.

"Where do you think?" I held up my shopping bags for him to see. He frowned sticking out in bottom lip in a pout.

"Why wasn't Tony invited?" he asked, pointing to himself. I stole a glance at William. When I had talked to him about it earlier, he had made it sound like he had asked everyone and no one wanted to go. But apparently that wasn't the case.

"Oh, uh," William rubbed the back of his neck, a light blush developing on his cheeks, "I didn't really think that you would want to go. You don't seem like a 'shop-till-you-drop' kind of guy."

"Well, next time I'm coming with!" Tony announced defiantly.

"You got it." Bill nodded, "I'll see you guys later." He shot me a smile and touched my arm and then made his way over to the elevators.

"Were you two on a date?" Tony batted his eyelashes at me.

"You are such a loser." I had to laugh at his girly expression, "No, we weren't on a date. We just wanted to get out."

"Then, honey, you better set that boy straight."

"What?" I asked dumbly, gaping at Tony. He rolled his eyes dramatically and sighed as if he were annoyed at my naiveté.

"Why are they always oblivious?" He grumbled to himself before shaking his head and walking away. I gawked at his back.

"Tony!" I called lamely, "Tony?! What the-" I broke off; giving up because I knew it was useless. I stood, rooted in my spot for a moment, feeling dumb thanks to Tony the Cryptic One. Shaking the weird episode out of my head I turned, hauling myself and my bags to the elevator. I froze when I saw William and Gabe talking animatedly in front of it. They were across the lobby, but I could tell that it wasn't a pleasant conversation. In fact, they looked about ready to attack each other.

"Good, god..." I mumbled, willing myself to walk over there. I didn't want to get in the middle of this, but I needed the elevator. I could not carry my bags up twenty-one flights of stairs. I couldn't even carry myself up twenty-one flights of stairs.

When I got within ten feet of them I was surprised to find they weren't yelling at each other, but hissing rather. Although I couldn't understand what they were saying, it was obviously a sore subject for both. Instead of walking right up to them, I decided to give them a chance to notice me before I waltzed in on their argument.

"Everything alright, boys?" I asked casually when I got about five feet from them. Both of their heads simultaneously whipped over to my direction and they regained their composure.

"Yeah, fine." William chuckled. Gabe didn't say a word to me, only glowered at William.

"Just forget it." He snapped. Bill rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. I bit my lip deciding on saying nothing further except 'excuse me' as I squeezed between the two of them to get to the elevator. Gabe instantly pressed the 'up' button for me, before I even had a chance to try and re-organize everything in my hands to hit it.

"Thanks." I murmured, feeling the tension still lingering in the air and not wanting to try and lighten the mood. Gabe and Bill were still scowling at each other, in some crazy kind of mental Mortal Kombat.

Finally Bill sighed, "Whatever." He muttered at Gabe. He turned to me, "We're going out for dinner tonight, right?" I assumed he meant 'we' as in all of the bands, since that's what we usually did and I nodded. He grinned, "Good. I'll see you later." And then strolled off without so much as a glare in Gabe's direction.

"Fucker..." Gabe cursed quietly after him. Luckily, I didn't have to comment on that as the elevator arrived with a loud ding. I stepped inside and so did Gabe. He pressed our floor number since we were both on the same floor and I gratefully dropped my bags.

"Shit. How much did you buy?" Gabe marveled softly, staring wide-eyed at my purchases.

"Oh, it's really not that much. Just a lot of different stores with apparently no small bags." I snorted.

"Ah." Then I realized our situation. This was the first time I'd seen him all day. The first encounter that I'd had with him since last night. And I think we both noticed the awkwardness at the same time. Gabe cleared his throat and stared at the counter above the elevator doors, telling us we still had 17 floors to go.
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I love getting comments from new people. I mean, I love all of your comments, but getting a comment from someone new is like welcoming them into the family.

This is really a horrible update and I'm sorry, but I had a bad night last night. And kind of feeling like crap this morning. It didn't help that my friend celebrated her birthday up at her cabin, without me, and instead with our other friends. I was so upset that I cleaned the fucking kitchen. I didn't fall asleep until four in the morning and I got up at two in the afternoon today. I'm a lazy idiot in conclusion. Enough of my self pity.

I've been meaning to tell you guys this for ever, but the cover song that Kyle's band plays in like the third chapter is L.G. FUAD by: Motion City Soundtrack It's a good song if you haven't heard it. I suggest looking it up.

Thanks for being the coolest subscribers in the history of ever! Comment please.