Denial Used to Feel So Good

The Wrong Impression

Gabe resisted the urge to throw Kyle's bags to the floor and then stomp around on them incase William had bought her anymore 'presents'. But didn't and just set them down by the door, trudging into the room and grabbing the first alcoholic beverage he could get his hands on and flopping down in a chair.

He was losing. He was losing her to his best backstabbing friend. When did he decide he was going to come in and fuck everything up? What happened to loyalty? Honestly...Gabe couldn't believe William was actually doing this. Gabe actually found a girl he wanted to be with and Bill decides that he wants the same one. Fuck that shit. I'm not going give up.Gabe snorted to himself, Bill is not going win this one. I'm not going down without a fight. But, for the moment, Gabe would drink. He would wallow for a little bit. He could fight later because at the moment he really just wanted to feel sorry for himself.

Staring at the wall, Gabe heard a small knock on the door. With a large sigh, he pushed himself out of his chair, drink in hand and opened the door for Kyle.

"Did you take care of-" Gabe trailed off, catching sight of a shiny distraction around Kyle's neck. She rolled her eyes, inviting herself in and shutting the door behind her.

"He gave me those fucking puppy dog eyes!" The corners of her mouth turned down, "I had to take it."

"Kyle, you're going to give him the wrong impression." Gabe said sternly, his grip tightening around his cup as she paced back and forth in his hotel room.

"I know! But I couldn't say no...I mean even though I didn't want him to get it for me...the thought was really nice. And he said he really wanted to buy it for me! I didn't want to hurt his feelings-"

"Oh come on Kyle!" Gabe cried out, "That's bullshit and you know it! You're uncomfortable accepting things like that, I can tell. He should respect that."

"Come on Gabe, don't make him the bad guy...he was being nice." She feebly defended him.

"Nice?" Gabe scoffed, "Kyle, you know what he's doing? I used to do the same thing..."

"Gabe!" She gasped, "He is not!"

Gabe shook his head, "Yes he is. Buying expensive shit is the easiest way into a girl's pants." He shrugged, as if that was just the way it was, "I'm sure he learned that trick from me. I never thought he'd use it..."

"That's so shallow! Do guys have a brain? Or a heart?"

"Nope, just a dick, sweetie." Gabe said, somewhat bitterly. Talking about William was not high on Gabe's list of things to do; neither was discussing Bill's intentions forGabe's girl Kyle.

She sighed, contemplating Gabe's words.

"I'm not into William that way!" She protested, "I-I don't...I don't want to sleep with him! I don't even want to go to dinner with him!" She began pacing, running her hands through her hair in frustration, "I shouldn't have gone shopping with him! Oh, no, he's not going to leave me alone now is he?! This is bad! The whole rest of the tour is going to-"

Finally Gabe snapped, "What am I!? Your sounding board?!" He growled, chugging the contents of his cup, "I don't care what you do with William! I don't want to hear your problems!"

She froze, blinking at Gabe wide-eyed with her mouth slightly open, "I-I..." She frowned at her stuttering, "Well, you didn't seem to mind hearing my problems the other night!" She yelled back, finally composing herself, "Or was that just one of your ploys to try and get in my pants as well?! God, you know-I can't fucking believe you Gabriel! I actually thought 'hey maybe he isn't that bad after all. Maybe I misjudged him!' But now I fucking know that I was always right! You've always just been a heartless moron! God- I thought you- I wanted to-" She sighed again, angrily, "Nevermind. Just never-fucking-mind!" And spun on her heels; storming out of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another long, long day. Logged on and only got one comment, not gunna lie, kinda disappointed, especially after this crappy day at school. I still got some homework to do but I wanted to update for you guys.

Does anyone else think Gabe's being a little bit of an asshole? I was annoyed with him writing this part. We're having a fight right now...