Denial Used to Feel So Good

Hitched And Still Picking Up Chicks

"Why isn't he here with you?"

"Oh he is. He's in the bathroom."

"The bathroom. Of course."

"You don't believe me?"

", not really. Because A-you ordered a rum and Coke and B-'my boyfriend is in the bathroom' is pretty much what every woman says when she doesn't want to admit she's alone."

"This is true, normally we do use that as a defense from creepers like you, but I'm not BS-ing. He really is in the bathroom. Wait and see."

"Don't mind if I do. So, what did you say your boyfriends name was again?"

In that two minute exchange, this idiot had managed to enrage Gabe. Who does he think he is? Yes, Gabe could admit that he himself, could be an asshole when he was drunk (and sometimes sober) but if a girl was trying that hard to get him to go away, he could respect that. He was about to stand up and stroll over to the scene, but Brendon beat him to it.

"She said my name was Brendon." Taking a chance, Brendon placed himself in the empty seat next to Kyle. It took her only a second to understand what he was doing and she gave him a bright smile. Gabe was instantly jealous of his friend. If only he had stood up sooner.

"It's about time you got back." She placed a hand on his knee and Brendon smiled his charming smile back.

"Sorry, who's your friend?" Brendon raised an eyebrow at the smart-ass who had been trying to buy Kyle a drink.

Suspicious about Brendon's sudden appearance he said, "Oh, just a fan. I was wondering if I could buy your girlfriend a drink. She deserves it for singing like that." Gabe had to chuckle to himself. That's what this guys doing.Gabe thought, trying to pick out flaws in Kyle's story.

Brendon didn't miss a beat.

"Oh," he said, "that's nice of you...but we don't drink." Kyle shook with laughter next to him, "It makes the sex disorienting." She shot Brendon a grateful smirk before looking back to her admirer.

"Sor-" She stopped mid-apology and frowned, "Oh my god." She scoffed, staring intensely at the now, disappointed guy.

"Uh...babe?" Brendon said lamely. Gabe frowned, leaning forward in his seat, much like Pete and Bill were doing, so he didn't miss anything.

"You! You're that punk ass kid from the other night!" She accused, glowering.

"Oh shit."

"Um, what's going on?" Brendon tried to play the role of protective boyfriend and put his arm around her skinny waist. When she didn't answer, he attempted a pathetic, "Babe?"

"You're the one who shanghaied me! With your asshole friends!" Gabe frowned, feeling himself getting more and more angry with this moron.

The alleged 'punk ass kid' choked out nervous laughter, "Oh...that was you?" But it was obvious he knew it had been her all along, and she called him on it.

"Cut out the bullshit! God," She began to mutter to herself, "I should have had Col, Tony and Kale beat the shit out of you." Gabe figured that 'Col, Tony and Kale' were her band mates.

"Do Ineed to beat the shit out of him, baby?" Brendon's arm tightened around her waist and he moved closer to her. Why she wasn't pushing him away, considering they had just met, was beyond Gabe. He wished she would though. But that was the kind of thing that only Brendon could pull off and not get slapped.

"No, that won't be necessary. I'll be going now." He said, ever-so-slyly slipping away into the crowded room.

Kyle rolled her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair. Brendon removed his arm from around her and laughed.

"Does that happen often?" he chuckled.

She laughed quietly, "God, if it happened at all, it would be often. Thank you," She faced him with a grateful smile, "Brendon Urie."

Brendon grinned, "Any time..."

She extended a hand, "Kyle."

"Kyle." Brendon nodded, turning in his seat to face the rest of his friends, "Uh, these are my friends-"

"William Beckett, Pete Wentz and Gabe Saporta," She recited, a blush creeping into her cheeks as she did so. She seemed embarrassed, as if they were going to take her for some love-struck fan, but Pete breezed past that.

"We saw your performance."

She grimaced, looking down causing her hair to veil her face, "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, you guys are really talented." He continued. She frowned and met his gaze with an unbelieving look.

"No really!" Brendon jumped in.

"Pete doesn't BS." William said, "Not when it comes to bands. You guys are amazing."

"Huh," She nodded broodingly, "Well, what do you know...Thanks." She still seemed unconvinced. But they were interrupted as the bartender came back and took Kyle's empty glass.

"I see you got rid of your friend." He laughed. Kyle narrowed her eyes at him.

"There wasn't any rum in my drink." She scowled, giving him a hard stare.

He laughed heartily, "You work tomorrow." He set down a refill and walked off.

"Horrid service." She mumbled before returning to the boys and taking a sip of her drink. She made a face at it before setting it down again. Apparently there was no rum in that one either.

"You have an incredible voice." Brendon praised.

"Coming from Brendon Urie, I'm immensely flattered."

"Listen, I'd like to meet the rest of the band and set up an audition or something." Pete explained, getting to business.

"You're kidding." She seemed to have a really hard time accepting compliments and understanding how good her band actually was.

"No, is that alright?"

Finally she broke out into a brilliant smile, "Of course, that'd be awesome!" Pete grinned back and pulled out his phone.

"Good," he handed her his phone, "I'll call you sometime this week?"

"Absolutely." She excitedly punched in her number and handed the phone back to him, "Well, I should get home. Work and what-have-you, uh," She frowned, searching for something. She grabbed the napkin that had been given to her for her drink and pulled a pen out of her pocket.

Writing something down on it, she gave it to the nearest guy, Brendon, "Sometimes my phone has these crazy episodes where it doesn't like to function for long periods of time. If you can't get a hold of me, then this is where I work; everyday, usually noon to five." She shrugged, "Whatever."

Grabbing her drink and taking one last sip before she stood up, she said, "Thanks again," And smiled at Brendon. He returned the gesture, standing up with her.

"It was my pleasure, any time some jackass tries to pick you up, give me a call."

She blushed, brushing her hair out of her face and waving goodbye as she left the club.

"Good, god." Brendon groaned falling back into his heat and shaking his head, "I think I just met perfection." Pete and Bill laughed, "Yeah," Brendon added, "And how is it that the marriedone got her number? How does that even work?"

"Hitched and still picking up chicks." Bill smirked.

Pete shook his head, "Naw, she's too young for me, plus I'm exceedingly happy. So you two can have at it."

"Hey Gabe, you alright over there man?" Brendon asked, craning his neck so he could see Gabe on the other side of William and Pete.

"I think he's permanently comatose, I mean he didn't even say one thing, suggestive or otherwise to her." William joked. Gabe suddenly groaned, running a hand through his hair.

"I didn't, did I?! Ah, I'm such an asshole."

"Don't beat yourself up." Brendon laughed, "You can come with me, when I go visit her at-" He paused looking down at the napkin she had scribbled on, "Empire Records."

"Empire Records?" Pete frowned, taking the napkin and squinting at it, "I know where that is. Been there a few's pretty cool." He shrugged, handing the paper back to Brendon, "It's right down the road from here, we walked passed it, I'll show you on the way to the car."

"Excellent." Brendon said, taking a sip of his drink and feeling proud of himself.
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I'm feeling good, but would feel better with some comments. Comments = updates. Thank you to the two of you who have already subscribed!