Denial Used to Feel So Good

A Trillion Dollars And A Kangaroo

I finished showering and got prettied up and what-have-you and then Vicky showed me where everyone had convened. Backstage, all the bands were hanging out.

"Good morning!" Sisky grinned at me.

"Afternoon, Sisky." Nate corrected, "In case you didn't know it's one in the afternoon." He said matter-of-factly.

"Thank you, Grandfather Time." I teased, making my way over to the group and plopping down next to Mike. While Vicky sat next to Kale.

"Are we missing a somebody?" Vicky frowned, looking around our circle we had formed on the floor. She caught my eye and smirked. I rolled my eyes and glared back at her, silently telling her to shut her trap.

"Nope, just a nobody." Ryland joked, eliciting a chuckle from the group.

"Who's a nobody?" Gabe waltzed in as if on cue, he too, was cleaned up and looking surprisingly 'de-sexed'. Everyone laughed as Alex retorted, "You."

"Ah, yes of course." Gabe nodded picking a spot in between Bill and The Butcher. Bill gave him a dirty look and Gabe only smiled brightly in response.

Could he be anymore of an idiot? I shook my head. Gabe noticed and smirked. Apparently smirk-fever was going around today.

"Something wrong, seƱorita?" He cocked an eyebrow at me, taking a sip of the water bottle he had in hand.

I sighed, "Nope." And pretended to be irritated with him. Which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. No one noticed the fact that Gabe and I spent a few seconds too much staring at each other. They all went back to their original conversation.

"So, Col, what happened to your face?" Mike asked. Gabe tore his gaze away from me and watched Colin nervously. Colin shrugged, trying to avoid answering. Just then, Sisky and Ryland both stood up and announced they were going off to play Halo, because apparently we were exceptionally boring.

Colin snorted, taking advantage of the situation and distracting everyone, "I bet you a hundred bucks they're lovers." He laughed and batted his eye lashes.

"I'd be willing to bet more than that." The Butcher laughed.

"I don't think so..." Michael shook his head, "I always though that Alex and Sisky had that love connection."

"Hardy-har-har." Alex narrowed his eyes, clearly un-amused, "I wouldn't count on it."

"You know what," Colin said, "I bet a billion dollars it's Sisky and Ry..." And that soon turned into a 'what would you be willing to bet' battle. Michael, I believe was willing to bet a trillion dollars, a kangaroo, and William that Alex and Sisky were a couple. While, Colin was willing to bet a billion dollars, three llamas, his X-Box 360 and...

"Okay, okay," Colin said, looking around the room for something to bet. Suddenly his eyes landed on me and he smirked evilly, "I'd be willing to bet Kyle's virginity."
♠ ♠ ♠
Another crappy chapter...

I have nothing more to say.