Denial Used to Feel So Good

You Don't Have A Prayer

Gabe saw her and Colin talking. He could see how upset she was. He could tell that she was holding back. She wanted to cuss him out, but she somehow managed to contain herself and only verbally massacred him. Gabe knew that feeling. And it sucked. It sucked big time, because Kyle could rip you to shreds with words. And after she tore you up, she would feed you to a pack of hungry wolverines. Yeah, it was that bad.

But Colin deserved it. Kyle was angry, and Gabe was really hoping that Colin left that conversation sucking his thumb and begging for his mommy. On the other hand though, Gabe didn't want Kyle upset. But before Gabe could even think up an excuse to go over there, William beat him to it.

He waltzed right into their conversation, looking haughty and full of himself, like always.Colin left soon after and Kyle smiled at William.

Stop being such an idiot. Gabe scolded himself. She can smile at other guys.Yeah, but Bill isn't one 'other guy'. If there was going to be anyone Kyle dumped him for (not to sound conceded or anything) it would be Bill. But, were Kyle and Gabe going out? That sounded like such a teeny bopper thing to say, but it was a question that needed answering.

If a couple was going out, then they wouldn't have to hide it right? So, no...they weren't going out? They were just having amazing sex. Absolutely not.Gabe hated himself for even thinking that way. He knew, and promised himself, he wouldn't use Kyle for sex. She deserved more than that. So maybe she would be better off with William. Absolutely not.

Gabe was thrown violently out of his world of thought when William leaned forward and kissed Kyle on the cheek.

"What the fuck!" Gabe growled to himself, taking a step forward with plans to throttle William. He didn't get a chance to though, William backed off of her and pushed her towards the stage and she ran off. You're being crazy overprotective, Gabe.He warned himself. Clingy. Oh, dear god... Gabe had never been clingy. The only association he had with that horrid word was the girls who clung to him. Ah, the tables have turned. Seriously, shut up.

Sighing to himself, Gabe walked towards the side of the stage to watch Kyle. Unfortunately, the person who was in his way, happened to be William.

"Gabe." He smirked. He was watching Kyle as well. Staring lustily. It made Gabe want to puke. Or punch Bill in the face...whichever came first.

"What are you doing?" Gabe wanted to know, practically growling at William. Bill turned to him with a smirk plastered on his face.

"You don't have a prayer." He emphasized with a smug smile, "I know you're obsessed with Kyle, but believe me she doesn't like you. She told me."

Gabe almost busted out into hysterical laughter, "Oh yeah, she really seemed disgusted l-" Gabe had to physically bite his tongue to keep the rest of that sentence from tumbling out his lips. She really seemed disgusted last night, when she was moaning my name. And pig-Gabe makes his fabulous comeback. But it was true.Seriously, shut up.

"You've lost. She's warming up to me." Bill smirked again, returning his gaze back to center stage. Gabe hated how he looked at her.

"She's not something to be won. I hope she slaps you too." Gabe muttered hotly.

"Since when do you care about people?" William wondered, frowning at Gabe.

"Since when are you such a dick?" Gabe asked bluntly, "What the hell kind of friend are you?" He spat.

William sighed, "Listen, Gabe...I know you sort of had this infatuation with Kyle, but be honest. You could never provide for her like I can. It's no contest." He shrugged, "Kyle isn't your kind of girl."

"Get the fuck out of here, before I bash your head through a wall." Gabe threatened viciously, "I mean it."

Gabe saw Bill swallow hard, before he rolled his eyes and stalked off. Gabe took a deep breath, focusing back in on Kyle's voice and her band. Watching her helped relax him and calmed him enough so he could will himself not to go and make good on his promise.

Bill was wrong. About everything. Gabe could provide for Kyle. And she did like Gabe. And Bill was also just wrong for Kyle. Honestly Kyle Beckett?

Whoa...whoa....who said anything about marriage?One night of sex and lust and already Gabe was thinking things that had never even crossed his mind before...It was only because he was mad at Bill. He wasn't thinking clearly. He wasn't in his right state of mind. Feeling himself getting worked up again, Gabe concentrated on Kyle. He just thought about Kyle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heavy stuff. This chapter was really intense. Do we like intense? Yes? No? Thoughts?

Ooh! Ooh! Guess what?! I developed film today! And it TURNED OUT! I was so happy! It wasn't over-exposed or under-exposed and I didn't get yelled at! Anyway...sorry for my outburst, I had to tell someone.

Please comment? Please? I hate to be one of those 'this many comments or I won't update' but please?