Denial Used to Feel So Good

He's Having Some Sort Of Tantrum

I ran offstage, grinning like an idiot. Despite Colin and his purposely wretched guitar playing (this had become a habit, since he was always sulking) shows were one of the only things that completely rejuvenated me.

The second I stepped backstage, a hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me into a secluded back hallway that I never even knew existed. I let out a squeal of surprise.

"Shh, shh, shh." The culprit laughed, putting a finger to my lips, "You're fine."

"Jesus Gabe!" I rolled my eyes, pushing his shoulder playfully, "Give me a heart attack!"

"Oh, I'm sorry." He smirked, leaning down and giving me a forceful kiss.

"Yeah, as if that's going to be any help to my heart." I shook my head, as we broke apart, shooting him a smile, which he returned.

"Excellent show, tonight." Gabe complimented, "Except..."

"Colin? He's having some sort of a tantrum. Which isn't even right, I mean I should be the one that's upset. But...whatever." Gabe pouted sympathetically and I smiled in return. He sensed the mood and changed the subject.

"So," He said casually, leaning his shoulder against the wall next to me, "I hear you're coming out on stage this fine evening. Is this true, seƱorita?"

"Maybe." I shrugged, flipping my hair over my shoulder indifferently.

"Maybe." He repeated contemplatively, "Are you going to dance with me?" He smirked, standing up straight and standing in front of me. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me into him.

I pushed away on his chest, but he held me firmly in place. Okay, I'll admit, I didn't try very hard to get out of his grip. "I think you've had enough dancing." He grinned, ready to say something but a movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention.

"Get away from me Gabe!" I growled loudly, so the person walking passed could hear. I shoved Gabe back and he played along, stumbling away from me.

"Come on baby, you know you want this." Gabe gestured to himself and laughed, "There's no point in resisting."

I rolled my eyes, acting the part of disgusted damsel, "You're a pig." I spun on my heels and headed towards the open backstage area.

"Everything alright Kyle?" William asked as he watched our scene play out.

"Oh..." I stopped in my tracks as I realized who it was we had been acting for, "uh, yeah...just y'know..." I shrugged, starting to walk again and looking for a way around Bill. He was right in the center of the hallway, so I really couldn't get passed him. When I did reach him, he put an arm around my waist.

"Good show tonight. You looked great." He began chatting conversationally, leading me away. I looked over my shoulder.

Gabe was fuming.
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Poor Gabe... Comment to make Gabe feel better.