Denial Used to Feel So Good

I'm Very Greedy

"Man, I love that movie..." Kyle smiled happily, grabbing the remote and turning the TV off, "Gabe?" She sat up when he didn't respond.

"What? Sorry?" He shook his head and turned his gaze, which had been fixated on the blank TV screen.

"You didn't fall asleep, did you?" She narrowed her eyes at him, "If you did, I might have to hurt you because that movie is a classic and I don't care what you say. It's funny as hell-"

"I didn't fall asleep, Kyle!" Gabe put a finger to her lips to stop her babbling, "I was thinking."

"Uh-oh, what's wrong?" She asked, concern in her words as she examined him closely. The corners of his lips twitched upwards and he shook his head.

"Nothing, nothing's wrong." He sat up and stretched, "And please don't make any jokes about me thinking."

"Gabe, come on." She urged, "Something's up and I would appreciate it if you would tell me."

He sighed, "No, it's stupid." He stood up and grabbed their glasses, which had previously been filled with wine and brought them over to the table to re-fill them. Gabe heard Kyle groaned, annoyed by his evasiveness.

"It's not stupid Gabe," She said, standing up and walking over to the table as well, "And you know you're going to tell me, so save us both some aggravation and tell me what's on your mind."

"William." He said simply, setting down the bottle of wine and turning to face Kyle with a bland expression.

"Should I be concerned?" She laughed quietly, trying to lighten the mood, "Are you going to leave me for Bill? That would be a bummer, but I'm not gunna lie it would be cute."

"Kyle," He frowned disapprovingly at her, "stop joking."

"Well, come on Gabe!" She sighed, picking up her full glass, "What does he have to do with-"

"You need to tell him off." Gabe said sternly, "I'm sick of feeling like I'm competing with him. I'm sick of listening to him boast about how he's going to win you over. I'm not asking you to tell him about us, I'm asking you to let him know you're not interested. Because the next time he says something like that, I might not able to help what I say."

Kyle looked at her feet and winced, "I know." She said quietly, "I'm sorry...You're right." She looked up and met Gabe's eyes, "I'll tell him."

"Thank you." Gabe said, feeling relieved. Kyle nodded, taking a sip of wine before setting it on the table. After an awkward silence Gabe finally said, "I didn't mean to get angry and ruin our night..."

"No!" She said quickly, "No, of course not. You didn't ruin the night." She rolled her eyes, "We needed to deal with that. And I'm glad we did." She smiled at him.

"Good," Gabe stepped forward and cupped her face, leaning in for a sweet kiss, "It's just, I'm very greedy and I want you all to myself."

"Well, you have me all to yourself," she smirked evilly, "what are you going to do about it?"

Their lips crashed forcefully together, but there was no urgency in their kiss, it was only passion and need. They had all the time in the world and they were going to savor every minute of it. Gabe leaned down and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist and Gabe made his way towards the couch. He set her down gently and climbed over, careful not to put any of his weight on her.

Her tongue trailed over his bottom lip and he instantly obliged to her wishes. Not too long after, she tugged at his shirt. Gabe broke the kiss and chuckled at her impatience before slowly pulling his shirt off, with her watching hungrily.

"Your turn." Gabe smirked, capturing her lips in another kiss as his hands slipped under her dress. She gasped at his touch and pulled him closer, letting her own hands trail across his chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know what you're thinking....and not quite. Don't hate me, please, I haven't had time to write more and I figured this was better than nothing?

I'm trying my best!

Thank you guys for all the nice comments and laughing at my lame STD joke! And Gabe is asking for more comments so he can get laid! Kidding...but not really.