Denial Used to Feel So Good


She fell asleep in Gabe's arms and he set her gently in the bed, tucking her in and hiding the rest of the wine. When he got out of her room, shutting the lights off as he did so, he pulled out his phone and texted the first member of TAI that came to mind. Sisky soon replied that everyone was at the venue. The small venue that they played had a bar attached to it and they were all out for drinks. Gabe clarified that everyone was at the bar, before he began the short walk.

The initial emotion had been disgust mixed with a hint of hatred. Then, he had to cover that up, so Kyle didn't get even more worked up. After she had fallen asleep, Gabe sat watching her and that's when the rage returned. Now he composed himself. The thing about being upset with someone, is that you have to make sure you are completely level-headed when you approach them. If you are, then you won't make any rash decisions, say kicking someone's ass, and regret it later. You had to look at things from every viewpoint. Then you can justify beating the crap out of them.

Gabe had a sense that the hatred he was feeling, wasn't going to go away. And it wasn't something just spur-of-the-moment. He wouldn't regret his actions later, because he felt that William was absolutely going to deserve the impending beating. And up until this point Bill had pretty much been baiting Gabe. This time he had taken it a step too far.

So, when Gabe stepped into the bar, he was actually feeling pretty good, minus the whole...hatred business. His friends saw him before he saw them and they called to him; beckoning him over.

"Gabanti!" Suarez grinned, offering Gabe a beer, "It's about time you joined us. We need someone to liven this shit-hole up!" Gabe smirked.

"Well, that's exactly what I'm here to do." He accepted Suarez's beer and took a swig, scanning the bar for William. He was hiding between Mike and Michael, at the other end of the bar, with his head down and his shoulders slouched. He's such a victim. Gabe thought sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

He turned back to Suarez, "What's up with them, down there?" He motioned with his head at the three members of TAI.

"I dunno," Suarez shrugged, "Hey! Bill! Michael! Carden! Come on over here and join the party!" Gabe smirked again, as the three slowly stood up and walked over to the rest of the group.

"Hey Gabe." Michael and Carden greeted. Gabe grinned at them as they sat down on barstools next to Nate and William had to walk passed Gabe to get to the closest open one. Gabe knew that there were too many people around for him to really kick the shit out of Bill, but Gabe could take that risk. All he needed to do was get one good hit in to be satisfied.

So as Bill passed him, Gabe swung, hard. Due to Gabe's impeccable timing and the fact that William was tiny, Gabe's punch hit him square in the jaw with a pleasing crack.

"Holy fuck!" Suarez yelped, standing up from his seat and pushing Gabe away from Bill, before he could deal out another punch. Nate did the same, while Sisky and Mike helped William up from the ground. The others sat completely still, rooted in their seats.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" William yelled, "What the hell is your problem?!" He wiped away the blood from his lip and cradled his jaw.

Gabe chuckled, "You're lucky that's all I did. I swear to god, if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I'll kill you." Gabe shook off Nate and Suarez before storming out of the bar, leaving everyone confused.
♠ ♠ ♠
Everyone is screaming "Finally!".