Love Is Dead


This morning was like any other morning, get up, take shower, wake up Sarah, eat breakfast, do hair and make-up, brush teeth, get ready for the day then get to school on time. After my shower, my mother came in my room saying, “Carmen could you please go wake up Sarah for me” She asked in her soothing but yet demanding voice.

“Yes mum I will”, I walked into Sarah’s room turned on the light, and started to hit her with the extra pillow on the floor saying,
“Get up will you we have only so much time before we are late for school. And you need a shower.”

“Okay, okay I’m up, I’m up.” She said while laughing

“You have 20 minutes you got that?” I yelled at her.

“Fine.” She said right before she hopped into the shower.

I walked back into my room, and walked into my huge walk- in- closet. I found my black with neon paint splatters Tank-top, and my short-shorts. I grabbed my messenger bag and walked into the kitchen. Finding my mother Sam setting down her tea. I walked to the cabinet to grab my blender to make me and Sarah a Fruit smoothie. While I was grabbing my things for the smoothie I reminded my mother that a few friends were staying over.

“Okay, just remember no boys” she said before she left the house. I walked back into my room to grab my black flats. As son as I grabbed our smoothies Sarah walked out with everything done and we still had 10 minutes left. Right before we left I got a call on my cell phone. Looking at the Caller ID I found Mrs. O’Brian‘s, my principle, number flashing on the screen.

“Hello?” I answered

“Is this Cam?” She asked a little bit worried

“Yes this is, what’s up.” I asked

“Do you think you and Sarah could come into the office during your first hour class? Oh, and have Miss. Crothers come as well.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I told her then the pone went dead. “Okay, creepy” I said aloud.

“What was that about?” Sarah asked.

“Nothing, but you’ll see later.” I told her and the we were off to School. I put the hood down of my red-convertible, I liked the smell of the July like September morning. I parked my car, got out and walked to were my friends were waiting, and to find two new students that everyone was making fun of because they couldn’t speak English every well.

“Hey, guys I will be right back” I said and then left my friends before they could say anything else. Once I got the them they stared at me like I was crazy.
“Hello, and welcome to C.L. Phelps school, I’m Carmen and you guys are?” They just stared at me even more, then the one with dreads spoke to his ‘friend’, in a langue I knew very well,

“Dich sprechen Deutsch!” I asked in surprise, they look at me with shock in their eyes.

“Ja sind wir von Deutschland, hallo bin ich Tom.” Tom said

“ Hallo und ich bin Rechnung nett treffen sich dich Carmen.” Bill sad with a heart breaking smile, the only thing I could do was smile back.

“BRB” I told them, and I walked back to my group

“Oh my god, Sarah the we have people here that are form our home town” I told her in complete shock and she also was in shock. I turned back around and ran right into Mrs. O’Brian

“Oh, just who I was looking for. Sarah, I only need Carmen, but if I need your help I will call for you.” She said.

“Yes, ma’am.” Sarah told her. And Mrs. O’Brian walked off.

“Hey, what day is it?” Bill Viellie asked, he’s our gay friend.

“ Its September 1st” I answer unthinkingly.

“Happy 18th birthday Sarah and Cam.” Both me and Sarah rushed to cover his mouth.

“Shut the hell up. The hole school does not need to know that” Sarah hissed.

“Okay, okay.” He said afraid of Sarah again.

Before anyone else could say anything the bell rang for us to go in. I pretty much ran inside to my locker with Sarah right behind me. Thinking I could get away from all the people trying to say ‘Happy Birthday” to me and Sarah. Well, at lest we thought we did, standing at my locker was my boyfriend Josh.
‘Shit!’ I thought to myself.
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good or bad?