Love Is Dead


“Happy birthday!” Josh said while giving me a giant hug.

“Hey, thanks.” I told him as I quickly kissed his cheek.

See me and Josh have been together for a while. Sarah hates his guts because she believes he is cheating on me. I don’t believe that is possible.

I grabbing my things from my locker I walked to my first hour class with Sarah and my other friends with me. Me and all my friends have every class together, and we are all very happy about that. As soon as I walked into the classroom I saw Mrs. O’Brian. Setting down my things I walked over to her.

“Ah, Carmen its so nice to see you again” She laughed, as did I.

“Class, you are getting two new students and they do not speak much English.” She told everyone “So, I want you all to be kind to them.” She said as she turned back to me and Miss. Crothers.

“Okay, I am going to need you and Carmen to fallow me please.”

We walked down the long hall way to the office. My mind started to drift away wondering what they are going to look like. Then Mrs. O’Brian took me out of my thoughts.

“ Carmen, I except you are wondering why I need your help. Its because they speak a langue I do not know that well, and I believe you are from Germany correct?” She asked, my eyes got huge and I looked at her.

“Yes, th…th…that’s correct.” I said in a stutter.

The rest of the walk down their was quite. Once we got down to the always crowded little office, I saw them. Bill and Tom, they were the guys I saw outside.

“Hallo wieder (hello again).” I said in a laugh and which they responded back. Miss. Crothers and Mrs. O’Brian stared at us. “Its nothing.” I assured them.

“Well Carmen, this is Bill and Tom Kaulitz.” She said while pointing to the boys, the wrong ones I should add.

“Actually, that’s Bill and that’s Tom, I meet them outside, Mrs. O’Brian.” I told her while pointing to Bill then Tom.

“Bill and Tom listen Übrigens lehrt Sie English und reading, ist sie ein Weibchen, Hasskinder und jeder, ach und sie spricht mit sich selbst viel Okay( By the way She teaches English and reading, she is a bitch, hates kids and everyone, oh and she talks to herself a lot okay)?” I told them trying to be serious, but failed, and brushed into, right after Bill started to laugh.

“ Okay, okay. Miss. Crothers can you please go back to your class room?” Mrs. O’Brian said “Oh, get Sarah and tell her to gather her and her sisters things please.”

“Fine.” She mumbled and stomped off. Once she was out of hearing range we all busted into laughter. After what felt like forever Sarah finally came in with a smile from ear to ear, which made us laugh even harder.

“Que, faire j'ai quelque chose dans mes dents(Thanks, do I have something in my teeth)?''

“Non, c'était Mme Crothers, alors vous êtes entré avec le plus grand sourire dans le monde(No, it was Miss. Crothers, then you came in with the biggest smile in the world)!” I told her while calming my laugh.

“Oh, okay” She said.

“Sarah, this is Bill and Tom Kaulitz.”

“Carmen a mis ils regardent les frères jumeaux de l'Hôtel de Tokio?(Carmen don’t they look the twin brothers from Tokio Hotel?)” She asked.

“Nein, they are in Germany right now. Remember?”

“Oh yeah.” She giggled.

“Okay, that’s plenty of chitchat. Cam here are their schedules and I would love it if you showed them around the school.” Mrs. O’Brian asked me and Sarah.

“We would love to.” I told her, putting on my ‘ I’m a perfect little student’ face, witch I’m not. When me and Sarah looked at the schedules we noticed that they had all of their classes with both of us, and our friends.

“Well, okay guys follow us.” We took them on a tour of the school, then showed them their lockers, which happened to be right next to ours. ( Sarah, Bill, Me, Tom). For the rest of the day Sarah, Kim and I all had to help them around school, well Kim volunteered. Finally it was the end of the day. All my friends were waiting at our lockers.

“Happy Birthday!” They all yelled in unison.

“Danke.” Bill, Tom, Sarah and I said at the same time. Once that was said we all looked at one another wondering why the four us said that.

“Bill why did you and your brother say thank you when they told us happy birthday?” I asked curious

“Well, its our birthday as well, were twins” Tom said beating his Brother two it.

“Okay. Weird, we…” I started to say, but then my phone went off.
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