Love Is Dead

Love Is Dead

I looked at the caller ID and almost peed myself.
“Gustav” I practically screamed

“Hi to you to, but its Georg” he said while laughing

“ Georg,” I moaned “ whatever you are going on speaker phone okay”

“fine with me, hey is Sarah there as well?” He asked

“Ja, were is Gustav” I asked after putting them on speaker phone.

“I’m right here” we heard in the background then a crash, and then laughing.

“Gustav what did you break” Bill asked, we all turned too him.
“ what I know him”

“ wait is that Bill Kaulitz I hear” Gustav yelled

“sure is what’s up” Bill said

“nothing but just this,” he said, the him a Georg started to sing Happy birthday to us in German. I about died to hear that.

“ Danke, Danke, Danke its about time someone remembered” I told them “ oh and happy birthday Bill and Tom” I told them and gave them a hug “ well I have to get home we have people who just moved into the house next door love yeah bye”

“Bye” they said and hung up.

“okay lets go” I said and we all left for my house. Once we got to my car I grabbed my Tokio Hotel CD and put into the CD player and turned it to Reden. I drove out of the paring lot with the hood down, and blaring Tokio Hotel. Before I left the parking lot I looked behind me to find and staring Bill and Tom Kaulitz. I laughed then drove out into the road. When I got home my mother was home. I walked over to see my mother had made her famous peach cobbler,
“Mother would you like me to take that over to the new people”
I asked her.

“ yes dear that would be lovely, anyways I have to get back to work,” she told me

“ hey can Bill Viellie sleepover as well, remember he’s gay”

“ yes that would be fine” she told me than hurried to her car and drove of. We walked over to the house next to us and saw a woman that was moving in a hurried fashion.

“hello I’m Carmen” I said with a smile

“well hello Carmen, I’m Simone , its nice to meet you” she said then embraced me into a hug.

“here my mother made her famous peach cobbler” I told her while handing it to her

“well why danke” she said

“ Ach spricht mein Gott dich Deutsch(oh my god you speak German)” I asked surprised

“Ja Waren von Deutschland(yes were from Germany)”

“waren?( were)”

“Ja me and my two sons” she said “and here they are,” she said to the car pulling up into the driveway. Then believe it or not Bill and Tom Kaulitz got out of the car. Bill was the first one to see us.

“ what ate you doing here” he asked a little surprised

“well great school now next door great” Sarah mumbled, and I smacked her for that. “ow, what was that for” she asked me

“well its nice to see you two again” I said

“again?, well anyways I am going to put this inside, and boys but your things away, then get back out here and help” Simone said

“Simone would you mind if we helped” I asked then blushed

“that would be lovely,” she said with a huge smile that made her glow.

“how did you do that” bill asked right behind me, making me jump.

“do what?” I asked curious

“make her glow like that, I have not seen her glow like that in years”

“it’s a girl thing” I said and walked to the van to find loads of boxes. ‘damn’ I thought. For the rest of the day me and Sarah helped unload the boxes. Around 6 my friends came over, and I asked the Kaulitz if they wanted to come over for Dinner.

“we would love to, but if you don’t mind me asking what are you guys making” Bill asked

“ well if you don’t mind, I am making hotdogs, hamburgers, homemade french-fries, and carrot cake is that all right” I told Bill

“yes that will be fine”
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coments please!!!!