Love Is Dead


Carmen’s P.O.V
‘what’ I thought to myself ‘ I can’t love Bill, I just cant, because I Love Josh, what the fuck is going on here.’ I asked myself.

“hey why did you pull me in here” Bill asked me taking me out of my thoughts,

“because your brother pushed me in that’s why” I told him “ I have to go” and got out of the pool and ran inside the house crying

Bill’s P.O.V

“what did I do” I asked after Carmen ran inside

“well I say you made here cry” Josh said.

“I’ll go find her,” Gustav said, and also went into the house.

Gustav’s P.O.V

I went inside to find Carmen, and she was sitting on the couch in a ball, crying her eyes out, I walked over to her and sat next to her.
“hey what’s the matter” I asked her

“nothing, it’s a girl thing, can you get Kim, Sarah and Bill Viellie form me I need to talk to them”

“who’s Bill Viellie” I asked

“Bill Viellie is my gay friend, can you get them for me please” she asked without looking up once. I got up and looked for Sarah, and told her to get Kim And Bill Viellie.

“do you know why she wants us” Sarah asked

“no I don’t but she sounds like she is crying” I told her, then her eyes got huge, she ran around looking for them like a chicken with its head cut off. Once she found Bill Viellie witch was talking to Tom and freaking him out, and went inside.

Carmen’s P.O.V
When Bill walked in I ran to him in tears. I knew he would understand, he walked me back to the couch and, that’s when the questions started.

“so Hun why are you crying” Bill asked

“well don’t laugh at me but I love Bill Kaulitz but yet I’m going out with Josh, lord help me” I said

“Hun hell I don’t know how to tell you this but Josh is Gay he always has and always will be. I know I should have told you this earlier but me and hi went out before” Bill Viellie said, and when he says something he means it he never lies, it would kill him if he lied.

“ so your telling me he’s gay” I asked

“yes Hun that’s true” they all said

“nooooooooooooooooooooo” I yelled and they could tell I was playing I stood up right as Georg walked in I ran out into the pool getting Bill Kaulitz wet, and that made him smile, then the rest of the night was great.