Love Is Dead


Well the rest of the School year was super slow, and we were happy that school ended besides Bill Kaulitz, he was the weirdo of the group. Well during the school year I flipped Bill over my shoulder at lest 4 more times, and I hope he has it in his head now. For the last day of school we went to go see a movie. Bill and Tom Kaulitz, Gustav and Georg, Kim, Bill Viellie, Josh, Kayla, Julie, and Sarah and I went and saw, ’Saw III’
“OMFG I loved that,” I said whiling holding Josh’s hand.

“ well I’m tired,” Kayla said while clinging to Tom’s arm, over the school year Kayla and Tom have gotten to be great friends, and I believe they are going out now too, but I’m not sure.

“well come on, I will drive,” I said we all hopped into the min. van that my mom drives, about half way back to my house Josh’s mother called his cell. Saying something about them moving are something like that. So I dropped the rest of the gang off at my house a drove back to Josh’s house, we both got out and walked up to his door.
“ Cam, you know that I love you right” he asked a little nervous

“yeah, hey what’s the matter I know your moving away, and that’s okay” I told him

“well I love someone else, and that the only reason I went out with you is to try to turn strait because I’m gay” he said in a hurry

“your Gay, and you did not tell me, and I was being played” I asked him, then I slapped him across the face twice, “those were ling to me and not telling me everything” I told him in tears.

“I’m am sorry” he said and tried to give me a hug but I backed away from him and ran back to my the van. I drove home in peace, and when I got home I parked the car and just sat in there and cried. After about 3 minutes of crying I wiped my face free of my run downed eyeliner, then walked into the house.
“hey’ I said with a shaky voice Bill Viellie was the first to notice,

“Hun what’s the matter” he asked, while getting up and walking toward me.

“Josh broke up with me” I said almost in tears again

“that little jack ass, I am going over there a kicking his ass” Bill V. said.

“ no its okay, um guys if mom gets home will you tell her I’m going for a walk” I asked and they just mumbled ‘ja’. After that I ran out the door. And ran to the park and sat under my favorite tree that had, mine and Josh’s initials I took my pocket knife out of my pocket and scratched out his initials. I sat there and cried and cried.
“Carmen is that you” I heard a voice ask, I looked up to find curious Bill Kaulitz

“yes its me” I said calming my tears

“are you alright” I asked and sat next me

“ no I am not” I said and then laid my head on his shoulder

“Carmen I know your in their got out” both of our heads shot up at the same time

“Josh” I whispered I got up, and Bill was getting up as well “stay, if he see’s you he will kill you” I told him “what do you want” I asked stepping into his view.

“ I just wanna know why slapped me” he asked me with a little higher pitched voice then stepping toward me.

“I told you why” I said in a low voice

“ don’t you whisper say it loud a clear”

“I TOLD YOU WHY” I yelled at him, and that was the final straw for him, he slapped me, then more and more abuse started, I blacked out during it, but could still feel the pain where he was kicking, at one point I felt a sharp pain in my leg, but after that it stopped, and I heard footsteps going away in one direction then coming from the other.
‘whole shit” Bill yelled

“Bill, Help me please” was all I could make my mouth say, a little bit later I felt someone’s arms go under me and the ground go away. I opened my eyes a far as they would go, I saw that Bill was carrying me, I laid my head on his chest and that made him look down.
“ you do know that it takes and hour to get to the park if you walk. And you fell asleep for about 20 minutes,” he said trying to lighten the mood, but I could see hurt and anger in his eyes.

“hey thanks for being their, but why are you arms not tired” I asked

“ well one your not that heavy, and two I did not have my car so yeah” after he said that he stopped and kissed my forehead, I smiled at him witch made him smile. About 1 minute later I fell back asleep.
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