Love Is Dead


Bill’s P.O.V
On the way back to the house, I was think about why in the hell someone would want to hurt Carmen. Just looking at her this way was heartbreaking. When I got back to her house I knocked on the door, and Bill Viellie answered the door.
“ HOLY SHIT” he yelled, and waking up Carmen in the process.

“what, were am I” Carmen asked.

“well for one your home and two who the hell did this to you” Bill V yelled

“ Josh” she said then coughed over my arm, but coughed up blood.

“Shit, Bill is this true your mother is the new Nurses” Sarah asked this time

“Ja” I told them

“well why are you standing here letting in the cold air, set her down and go get your mother will yeah” said Kayla. I went to set her down, then I ran back over to my house, to find an angry mother.
“hallo” I told her scared

“don’t you hallo me Bill Kaulitz, were have you been” she asked me in a not so friendly tone.

“mom I will tell you later, but Carmen is in serious pain and I just watched someone bet the shit out of her” I told her in a rush

‘OH I see, give me a second let me grab my things and you meet me over there” she stated and rushed up the stairs but in a soft manner. I rushed back over to the other house to find her trying to sit up and it was funny. And everyone started to giggle besides me.
“what is so funny” my mother asked

“oh nothing Simone” Sarah said

“Can I take a shower because I feel horrible” Carmen asked breaking the quite.

“yes that would help, Bill” she said

“fine” I said then picked her up and brought her up to her bathroom with Kayla, Sarah and Julie behind me. I set her on the chair in the bathroom then left. I went back downstairs, to find my mother waiting at the bottom of the stairs.
“Bill what are you doing.” she asked

“what do you mean” I asked confused

“ Bill I know you love her, and I know she loves you as well so stop denying it” she said

“yeah I know but….” I said

“but what you love her and she loves you that’s all that matters” she told me sternly.


Carmen’s P.O.V

Once I got into the bathroom, I tried to get up and walk to the sink, to spit the blood out of my mouth. Then I walked (more like stumbled) over to the bathtub, I turned on the water and filled the tub, stepped into it and just tried to relax, but the stinging from the deep cuts on me killed. Once my shower- slash- bath was done I grabbed a towel and walked out of the bathroom hanging on to things so I don’t fall on my face. Once in my room I looked for some pajamas, then Kayla, Sarah, and Julie walked in the room, and found me trying to get dressed.
“hey couldn’t you have at lest told us what you were doing” Kayla said

“well its called nock, you know were you make you hand into a fist and then bring you fist to the door and you hit it with the fist” I told the and made them laugh. They turned their backs so I could get dressed I put on my min shorts and a tank top. While I was getting dressed Sarah must have went downstairs to get Bill. Before Sarah got back we were talking about what we were going to do about Josh. We came up with reporting him to the police but that would not do, because he was moving to Italy and that was about all we got before I passed out on my bed.

Bill’s P.O.V

When I got into Carmen’s room, I noticed that it was bigger than my room. Witch was quite big but this was huge. When I looked at the bed I saw Carmen sleeping I about fell to my knees. She was more beautiful then anyone I have ever meet. I Picked her up from the bed gently and carried her down the stairs, to find a smiling mother form ear to ear.

“ what” I asked her

“Nothing” she said
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comments please

sorry if you dont like how i am stoping the chapters but oh well