Sequel: Je Ne Sais Quoi
Status: finished (:

Remembering Sunday

Saffron Raven Mason (she had hippie parents, poor girl, but call her Saffie and you'll get a knee delivered to your crotch) graduated from college and is set with funds for the first time in her life now that she published her first book-- a shockingly best-selling novel based on her love life, which is one of the most messed up anyone could imagine...

At the age of sixteen, she started her sordid love life, filled with countless hookups (with numerous random men and guys from more bands than an iPod could hold), a pregnancy scare, and a fucked-up-but-healing heart that she doesn't even think Zack can fix.

In an attempt to get her mind off her horrible relationship with her parents, ex-boyfriend Zane Daniels, her old college life and everything that's gone wrong in her 21-and-a-half years, she accepted Zack's (very sweet) offer to tour with him and the rest of All Time Low.

Now that she's sworn off her old ways, she's doing everything she can to stay sane and honest, even considering her "abilities" (perception, emotions and a hint of precognition, believe it or not; you can blame her 'rents & the Woodstock drugs).

But she's guarding her heart with everything she's got, even if it means messing up over and over again...
...the only thing she seems to be able to do.

Things might getNC-17 hot, spicy, sexy around chapter 21 or so
(It kind of pushed the "R" rating a bit, so reader discretion is advised)

Chapter title credits, of course, go to "Remembering Sunday."
Also, I'm pretty sure there's a lot of other title/summary credits (but if you don't know "I Want You" is by the Beatles...)
  1. "He hasn’t been sober for days…"
    "I actually liked this ho!"
  2. “Leaning now, into the breeze...”
    "I started up the stairs, letting my hips drop where they knew they should, my shirt moving with my fluid and well-practiced motions..."
  3. "She led him upstairs, she led him upstairs..."
    "I needed more beer, more shots, more anything that would keep me totally out of it..."
  4. "Remembering Sunday, he falls to his knees..."
    "'It's a party, dammit, have fun!'"
  5. "Now this place seems familiar to him..."
    "…Speaking of horrible things, where’d Sean get to?"
  6. "Even though she doesn't believe in love..."
    "What you actually figure out how to say in a foreign language is much more revealing that your confuzzling brain-spew..."
  7. "And it's driving me crazy it seems..."
    "And all my psychic intervention deserves a piggyback ride, I think."
  8. "I didn't think much of it then..."
    "Just let them burn out the natural energy before they're solely running on Red Bull and adrenaline."
  9. "But it's starting to all make sense..."
    "And they say I'm a stupid man-***."
  10. "She's been running through my dreams..."
    "I did one of the most stupid things I could've done considering the situation…"
  11. "I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt..."
    "Kind of wrong but oh, so right… What the hell happened last night...?!"
  12. "Washing you out of my hair, and out of my mind..."
    "It only took an ego crack to get you to spill... that was almost too easy..."
  13. "Who could deny these butterflies? They’re filling his gut..."
    "Wait a sec, Rave-- You said you weren’t drunk, high, both or forced and that you didn’t regret anything?!"
  14. "I'm at home in the clouds, towering over your head..."
    "I'm sorry and I love you, even though I suck at it."
  15. "Following me in my desperate endeavor…"
    "On a note you wrote in eyeliner before leaving everyone in the middle of the night to do whatever..."
  16. "I've done something so terrible, I'm terrified to speak…"
    "But, I figured; Why the hell not...? I was so stupid..."
  17. "But have you seen this girl?"
    "Your vocabulary seemed to expand while I was gone. I was expecting ***ing retard, but dolt works, too."
  18. "Funny how it rained all day…"
    "I can't decide which is worse-- not being able to have him because I'm scared or because of my damned pride."
  19. "But you’d expect that from me…"
    "He raised one eyebrow with a dastardly sexy grin; I cracked and sputtered like a busted tea kettle."
  20. "But he's only denied…"
    "'Don't you know the first rule of war?' he asked..."
  21. "You're driving me crazy…"
    "'Rave, I haven't seen you this tired since you made that bet to give up caffeine and sugar. What's the deal?'"
  22. "He pleads though he tries…"
    "'I want you… I want you so bad, it's driving me mad, it’s driving me mad…'"
  23. "Have you seen this girl...?!"
    "'I look like I was just rubbing some Rave all over some Zack...!'"
  24. "They had breakfast together, but two eggs dont last like the feeling..."
    "'That actually happens, Rave, or the pupil part does, anyway; I'm not sure about the wrestling… '"
  25. "Baby, it's cold outside..."
    "'No knocking my patience unless you want to have to test yours...'"
  26. "And it's driving me crazy, it seems..."
    "The only sign that was still bright that didn't boast some kind of beer was for a pawn shop, open 24 hours with a wide open door."
  27. "My whoever, whoever he may be..."
    "'But, in fact, you were ***ing Zack Merrick senselessly, shamelessly while I was laying off guys for an entire semester because I felt sorry for you? Because I could make that sacrifice for you? Are you kidding me?'"
  28. We put all the "fun" in "dysfunction"
    "'This is the raciest Christmas party ever! And here I thought this was a children's holiday!'"
  29. "I'm gonna ask her to marry me..."
    "'Jack Barakat, the Indian superhero, nervous?' I gasped...."
  30. "It's a quarter after one, and I need you now..."
    "I'm preggers, you asshole--This might just classify as something to miss Calc for."
  31. "Swears she's okay... the stitches of her feeling unraveling this way..."
    "'Your baby Arab,' I laughed. 'I think that's a nickname to let stick.'"
  32. "Think about it all about it all the time, I'm all strung up, I just can't get you off my mind..."
    "No, I don't want to buy two dozen chrysanthemums and get one free, this is for a wedding--!"
  33. "The way that she moves, so carefully its killing me…"
    "Try again, this time without eating the pillow?"
  34. "You won't be the one to give in… you don’t have to sleep alone…"
    "'Zack moaned softly. 'Take the battery out and hide the phone behind the couch if you have to.'"
  35. "All those nights when I'm without you, draw a new breath, I swear I'll show you..."
    "Here I am, expecting disaster or death, but you just can't dress yourself. Thanks for the heart attack, Ri-Ri."
  36. "I don’t want to go a day without you…"
    "Rave, care to explain why Zack is officially the fat cat next to the empty canary cage?"
  37. "I want some more. What are you waitin' for? Say goodbye to my heart tonight."
    "'Can someone please get this guy some black coffee and a reality check?'"
  38. "At the foot of the stairs with my fingers in your hair; Baby, this is it..."
    "Empty house… no one around to tell us to keep it down or keep it limited to the bedroom…"
  39. "There is no room for sparks, show her lightening..."
    "Sorry, Rave. You asked for it..."
  40. "You're the death of me... will you ever see?"
    "Arab can't hear yet!"
  41. "Cause some like fast and some like slow... Skip the tell and let’s just show..."
    "Congratulations, Miss Royally Screwed. And I do mean that in both ways."
  42. "Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you..."
    "I'm gonna kick your hooker ass straight back to the brothel you came from!"
  43. "What's the point of being with someone you can't have..? No, I just can't help myself."
    "I didn’t want to fly out to New York on a whim. It's just something we have to do."
  44. "Every action in this world will bear a consequence... I see what's going down..."
    "I cringed as his anger escalated, although I hoped he really never would throw a punch. I've never been scared of him in my life..."
  45. "I won't beg; I'll just take it quick. She took me to my knees, and now she's got me praying..."
    "Zack, keep your fantasies to yourself, please?"
  46. "See her heavy makeup and cut t-shirt, every girl out wants to be her..."
    "Did you have the sex drive of a thirteen year old boy, or something?"
  47. "In this world, there's real and make believe, and this seems real to me..."
    "Oh, like that'll kill you. Stop being such a Queen; that's my job!"
  48. "Just aiming to please and aesthetics don't hurt one bit…"
    "The night is young, and we have more than enough time to fill so the lovebirds don’t grow idol and start getting antsy and horny...."
  49. "And if I had something to say to you I'd whisper it softly…"
    "Stab me and stick me in a s'more, why don’t you?"
  50. "…Kiss you on your rosy lips and never let you off me…"
    "And you’re too flattering; first I'm the Messiah, then my skills are mind-blowing? This morning just keeps getting better and better…"
  51. "Because none of it was ever worth the risk…"
    From "The Only Exception" by Paramore