Status: Completed!

No One Ever Realized That They're Already Dead

Sorrow Swallows My Screams... 25

[[November 3, 2008]] \Monday\

♠ [ Day 9 ] ♠

♠ Ivory’s POV ♠

Ben was doing great! He was eating a bit more now and he was able to walk a few steps with our help. I caught him yesterday taking a step with the help of a very large stick.

AJ of course is chipper a lot more not having to worry about if Ben was going to make it or not. My siblings and I are also very relived.

We’re gonna make it. We just have to find a way of this damn island and back to our families. We miss them so much, we think about them all the time.

\\ ♠ ♠ Elsewhere ♠ ♠ \\

“Father, you know our hearts and share our sorrows. We are hurt by our parting from Damien, Ivory, and Ellamae whom we loved: when we are angry at the loss we have sustained, when we long for words of comfort, yet find them hard to hear, turn our grief to truer living, our affliction to firmer hope in Jesus Christ our Lord.”


[[November 4, 2008]] \Tuesday\

♠ [ Day 10 ] ♠

♠ Ben’s POV ♠

I feel my strength return to me slowly each day. I’ve only been up and about for 2 days now, awake 3. My Jade Wings family pretty much wait on me hand and foot. Which I don’t really enjoy. Here are 8 to 10 year olds hunting, climbing, and building while all I can do is sit back and regain my strength.

“Hey Ben.” I look up from my lunch and at my brother.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Do you think they gave up?”

At this question: the Gold’s look up at me also. Worry all clouded their eyes. Their strong, no doubt, but still kids.

I frown, “I’m not sure. I’m not gonna lie because you guys deserve the truth. If as much time has passed as you say, the coast guards may have. But our families... I hope not.”

\\ ♠ ♠ Elsewhere ♠ ♠ \\

“Father, the death of Ben and AJ brings an emptiness into our lives. We are separated from them and feel broken and disturbed. Give us confidence that they are safe and their life complete with you, and bring us together at the last to the wholeness and fullness of your presence in heaven, where your saints and angels enjoy you forever and ever.”


[[November 5, 2008]] \Wednesday\

♠ [ Day 11 ] ♠

♠ No One’s POV ♠

“You sure this is it?” the large muscular bald man asked gazing at the island in distance.

The only woman in the party of four bumped the much larger man aside so she could jump from the boat and onto the small deserted island. She dropped the gray duffle bag on the sand and placed her hands on her hips as she studied the hummed island.

“This is it,” another man said, his body thin as a pole.

That man was shoved to the side as the last of the party stepped foot onto the island. He drew out his gun, and fired off four rounds into the air.

The woman looked over her shoulder at the leader.

The man tucked the gun back into the back of his waistband. “Animals,” he answered in that deep gruff voice.

“There’s no crazy ass native people that are gonna eat us on this island, are there?” the first man, the large bald one asked.

The woman rolled her eyes as the thin man answered, “No Willy. It’s deserted.”

“Good,” Willy answered nodding his head. “But what if there is people on the island?”

The leader dropped some bags on the sand and answered, “Kill ‘em. We don’t need anybody getting in our way.”

♠ Damien’s POV ♠

I stayed pressed against the rocks in the ocean. When I saw the boat coming I was filled with so much hope but then something inside of me told me to be careful. I guess my mother drilled it into my head enough: never talk to strangers.

I’m glad I stayed hidden. I have to get to my family, before these people do.

Taking a deep breath, I go under the water and start to swim away from the strangers.

\ ♠ ♠ [[Fast Forward]] ♠ ♠ \

“Damien! Thank God!” Ivory said rushing to me and hugging me.

“We heard a—”

I cut AJ off, “A gun. I know, I was there. Four people just landed on the island.”

“But they can’t be good if they have guns,” Ellamae said scared and worried.

I hugged her to me and kissed the top of her head. “They’re not,” I said looking up at the others. “I heard them talking. I don’t know what they’re doing here but the one that fired the gun, he told the others to kill who ever they came across. They don’t want any one getting in the their way.”

Ellamae starts crying now.

Then Ivory takes charge. “We have to move. Now. AJ help Ben to the cliff, near the
cave. We’ll hide there. Ellamea go with AJ in case he needs help. D, you and I are going to rewire those traps after we take down this shelter.” She clapped her hands together, “let’s move.”

\\ ♠ ♠ Elsewhere ♠ ♠ \\

“What is it?” Marty asked.

The leader of the small bunch slowly stood up but kept his eyes on the thing that had his attention. “A footprint. It’s fresh.”

“So… we’re not alone,” Willy grumbled, his eyes scanning the jungle.

“Looks small,” the woman commented.

“Because Ava,” the leader said looking at her, “it’s a child’s.”

\ ♠ ♠ [[Fast Forward]] ♠ ♠ \

♠ No One’s POV ♠

The brother and sister ran through the jungle. They’ve combed the whole island a dozen and more times since being there. They knew every rock and tree. They knew which trees were hollowed out do to large bugs and beetles and age. They knew every hidden whole covered but jungle bush. This was their island now.

They knew where to tie vines, where to hang bundles of rock, and they knew that they’d to anything to save the others.

These people were going down.

All they needed to do was capture them and get the others to their boat, then hightail it off the island back to their families.

\ ♠ ♠ [[Fast Forward]] ♠ ♠ \

The young girl sat on the tree branch; a few trees away laid her brother in another tree.

The armed group of unknown people were heading their way. They moved so loudly that Ivory rolled her eyes at the idiot ness of it. She wouldn’t admit it but she was scared. Scared for her family but also herself.

Her brother was thinking the same thing. They were kids and he was smart enough to know that in a fight they wouldn’t win. Not even Ben; his strength was returning but he was still too weak. No, he and his family needed to be smart if they wanted to take these guys down. That’s why all the traps were in place, they were about to walk into one now.

The two young siblings watched and waited. Intensity just kept building as the two heard the group get closer and closer. Ivory was scared the group would hear her loud beating heart and then stop before reaching the trap. But luckily they didn’t.

The biggest that was cutting away the jungle bush gave a shout as his foot met with nothing. But sadly, the leader standing behind Willy grabbed his arm at the last moment.

“What the…” Willy trailed off amazed.

The group of four looked down. It was a deep pit. As the woman, Ava, bent down she grabbed a rock on the ground and tossed it down, it took a bit till it hit the bottom. The leanest man grabbed the flashlight from the bag and shown it down.

The kids knew what was down there. Many deadly bugs/spiders, some rats, and many large pointed rocks. The guy that almost fell down into it would have broke something or poisoned by something.

The leader walked around the pit, looking over the large leafs and bushes that had covered the hole.

“This wasn’t by accident,” he told them, his gun in hand.

All of them looked away.

“I thought this island was abandoned, Markus?” Willy shouted at the lean skinny one.

“It is!” he cried wide-eyed. “It should be.”

“Well its not,” Ava glared then looked at the leader. “What now Tom?”

Tom was scanning the surrounding away, he had passed over the kids hiding spots. “We move on,” he told them. “Keep an eye out. Shoot whoever you come across.”

“Even the kids?” Willy asked thinking about his little 2-year-old boy at home.

Tom just glared at Willy as if that should be an answer, and then continued walking. Ava and Markus followed. Willy sighed but followed still not knowing the answer.

The siblings waited till they were sure the group of four had moved on. Ivory moved from the trees first and then her brother.

“Plan B,” Damien said more than asked.

Ivory nodded and they ran their separate ways.