Status: Completed!

No One Ever Realized That They're Already Dead

Sorrow Swallows My Screams... 27

♠ Damien’s POV ♠

AJ, Ben, and I all sighed with relief when Ivory and Ellamae came running through the jungle bush. I quickly got up to hug them, me being so worried but the two collapsed breathing heavily.

“What happened?” Ben asked worried as to why they were probably running so fast.

“I… Got… captured,” Ellamae panted still on the dirt ground.

“What?” us guys asked loudly.

“Shut… up…” Ivory panted as she sat up.

We waited for them to catch their breath now knowing they ran from one side of the island to the other. Not an easy thing, especially with the rough terrain.

“There was another guy,” Ellamae said once she caught her breath. “He caught me just before I could call for help.”

Ivory nodded and continued the story, “The woman of the group was guarding Ella. I started a fire and while she was putting it out I got Ella.”

“She shot at us,” Ellamae said with a frown. “That’s why we ran so fast.”

I went to my knees and hugged them each.

“So, AJ,” says Ivory as she pulls back from the hug. “You set up part C or…?”

He grinned. “Not only did I set it up but got the black on in the head! The skinny one said it would need stitches.”

Ellamae and Ivory high-fived.

“How does plan B work again?” Ben asked thoughtfully.

I smiled as Ivory went into her other plan. A was mine, and B & C are Ivory’s. D is Ella and AJ. Were not sure if we can do Ben’s E… its very risky.

One thing was sure…

Jade Wings- 3

Bad Guys- 1 (only because they did capture Ellamae)

\ ♠ ♠ [[Fast Forward. Night]] ♠ ♠ \

♠ No One’s POV ♠

It was raining, and raining hard. The kids had no choice but to go slightly inside the cave and start a small fire. They figured that the strangers were on their boat keeping out of the rain.

“So cold,” AJ muttered snuggled under his older brothers side for body heat.

“Just don’t think about it,” Ivory said even though her teeth chattered twice when she said that.

Ellamea squeaked when they heard a hissing sound. They watched as a snake—maybe four feet long—came in from the rain. He moved past the group and to the bigger fire so they moved further back in the cave and slightly more away from the fire.

The snake cave, they liked to call it. They’ve only seen five different types of snakes and knew at least two were poisonous. It was dangerous to stay the night in the cave but also dangerous to go out in the cold and die that way.

They couldn’t win but hopefully luck was on their side.

[[November 6, 2008]] \Thursday\

♠ [ Day 12 ] ♠

♠ Damien’s POV ♠


I groaned a little.

“D. Wake up,” the voice hissed.

My eyes fluttered open and in a sleepy voice I asked, “What?”

“Snake. Help.”

I became awake right away. And I looked up at Ivory who was laid down. I quickly scanned her body to find a curled snake on her pelvis. I gently eased out of Ellamea’s arms and carefully crawled over to my sister.

“What do I do?” I asked since it was a poisonous one.

Ivory bit her lip, keeping completely still. “Should I try and pick it up?” she asks.

I felt the weight of her life in my hands. I could try and get it but it could bite me or her, and if she went to get it off, it could bite her.

“I think I’m gonna,” she answered before I could say anything.

“Careful,” I order in a hissed whisper.

I watched as her right hand slowly and carefully moved it’s self under the snake. With that little touch that seemed to instantly wake it and it quickly moved off my sister and out of the cave.

I quick snatched Ivory into my arms and hugged her tight.

♠ Ivory’s POV ♠

“What’s going on?” a tired AJ asked as he and Ben started waking up.

I looked at D then back at our friend. “Nothing,” I told him.

No need to worry them.

“When’s part B?” Ben asked after a long yawn.

AJ, Damien, and I all exchanged looks.

“Now,” Damien answer. “Guys know what to do?” By guys he meant AJ and I.

“Yeah,” AJ and I answer and get up with a stretch.

We have a quick banana or two then leave the cave. Ellamae having watch on Ben… even though he hates it.

\ ♠ ♠ [[Fast Forward]] ♠ ♠ \

♠ Tom/Leader's POV ♠

“Can’t believe that little bitch got away,” Ava growled as she and my crew walked into the jungle.

“At least we know there’s at least two,” Willy, the muscle, commented.

“Two or thirty?” Jay—the one that had caught the little girl—said.

“No,” I said before they could say anything more. “It’s them and just a couple more. All kids.”

Markus, the medic nodded in agreement.

“How do you know that?” Willy asked confused.

I smirked. “No parent would let one of their kids go off like that just to save another. The parents would have done it.”

“Yeah,” Markus nodded. “Makes since. We’re dealing with a bunch of kids.”

“And they know we’re not friends,” Ave growled still angry about being tricked, and vowing her revenge.

\ ♠ ♠ [[Fast Forward]] ♠ ♠ \

♠ Jay's POV ♠

One minute I was walking in between Ava and Markus, then I was off my feet and shooting up to the sky.

I hit my tree branches, and cursed the whole way. When I finally settled, I was upside down and at least two stories high. While hanging from my right look, I was spinning, and saw that Markus too had got trapped like me.

“You guys ok?” Ava called up to us.

“Yeah,” Markus shouted.

“Well hurry up!” Willy ordered as if the two hanging above them were responsible.

All of a sudden Tom fired his gun and we heard a scream as Tom went running towards the area he shot at.

‘Better have killed that little girl,’I growled in my head as I pulled out my knife that was strapped to my leg.

I cut the doctor first and winced at the thud he made. When I cut myself down, Willy broke my fall.

I stood with a groan and looked at the only part of my body that hurt most, three fingers on my right hand were broken. Good thing my dominate hand is my left. Markus and I had some cuts due to the tree branches but my broken fingers were the worst. Lucky for us.

Tom and Ava came from the jungle seconds later frowning, and in Ava’s case, cursing.

“Lost her,” Tom said even though he didn’t need to.

“Fuck,” I said both about that and as Markus straightened my fingers. “Gonna kill those little fucking brats.”

“I hit one,” Tom said and held up his hand, blood. “She rubbed off against a couple leaves.”

“Good,” Willy laughed. “Hopefully she’ll bleed to death.”

\\ ♠ ♠ Elsewhere ♠ ♠ \\

“God it hurts,” she cried in pain.

Ellamae was crying too. Ben had to rip his shirt in strips and tie the young girl’s arm tightly. They had quickly cleaned it and AJ got the leafs they had used on Ben’s wound.

“It hurts D,” Ivory cried, eyes begging him to make it stop.

“Shhh…” he said rocking her as Ben finished. “I know, I know it does.”

“You’re tough Ivory,” Ben smiled trying to ease everyone’s nerves. “Just think… you get the first battle wound. Thing of honor. Just think of the story you’ll have to tell the kids at school.”

Ivory just nodded and 20 minutes later, she fell asleep against her brother. Her left arm hurting just too much, and blood loss making her tired.

When she was asleep, Damien looked at everyone else. “Part E,” he said.

It was dangerous to them all but they nodded. They needed to get these guys… before they got them.

Jade Wings - 4

Bad Guys - 2