Status: For a contest

Professor Umbridge Is Not the Wicked Witch of the West...

"Professor Umbridge is not the wicked witch of the west, and pouring water over her will not make her melt,

also she would like to express concern for the fact that you have a blatant disregard for the rules and wishes you to stop referring to he-who-must-not-be-named as, and I quote, V-daddy"


Marie Terrina, is awesome, even Draco Malfoy must agree, she is in fact so awesome that she calls Voldemort 'V-daddy' and that she stole Professor Umbridge's punishment pen and wrote until it was permanently scarred on the back of her hand "Awesomeness, is not something easily acquired, that is, unless you're me".

I am Marie Terrine, Prophesied to not only help kill V-daddy but also to turn one of his followers from good to evil, Half-leader of Dumbledore's army, Cousin of Ronald Weasley, Soul-sister of Hermione Granger, Team Captain of the Quidditch team, and last but not least, Girlfriend of Harry Potter.

Beat that.
  1. No way.
    you wish, that awesomeness could be achieved by copying me, it, in fact, works the opposite way
  2. Oh shoot.
    haha, that was so TOTALLY worth it