Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 01

“Mom! Mom! Wait! Don’t run!”

“Hurry Johnny…”


She giggles.

I pant in short breathes as I sprit towards my mother.

We’re running in a cold foggy forest at night. You can almost see the full moon if the clouds didn’t block it partly. I could see my own breath as I panted to fill my lungs. I look to see my mother peek over her shoulder at me, and smile with a giggle. She was barefoot wearing a flowing white dress. Her brown hair was loose and her face young. She looked the age of when she left many many years ago.

So many years…

Why? Why mother?

“Johnny! Hurry!” she calls out to me again.

“Slow down!”

I stop gasping for breath as I make it out of the woods. My mother stood in the middle of the clearing with her back turn to me.

“Mom…” I whisper and hold my hand out weakly to her.

“Johnny… my little Johnny…” she whispers and I could tell she was smiling.

I walk slowly towards her and when I’m an arms length away I reach out to put my hand on her shoulder only for her to fade away.

“No!” I scream. “Don’t leave! Not again! MOM!”

I fall to my knees and look up towards the star lit sky. Tears threaten to spill but don’t get out.

“Johnny…” her voice whispers to my right.

I look over weakly to her. She is looking down in the bundle in her arms as it moves slightly. She suddenly looks back up at me and her smile is gone.

“Help her, Johnny…” she says looking at me with stunning brown eyes; my eyes.

“You always say that. I’m trying. Help me,” I beg to her. “Give me a sign of what to do. What am I doing wrong?”

“She needs you Johnny. Save her. Save her,” my mom continues to whisper in an eerie voice until it becomes panicked. “Help her. Hurry before it’s to late. Save her! Hurry!”

She looks back down at the baby. My little sister. She makes a cooing noise as they slowly start to fate out.

I jump up, “No! Mom!”


“Alice. My Alice. My fallen angel,” she whispers as they continue to fade.

I start to run towards her. But I can barely make her out. Then they’re gone. Just like that. Again…

I can faintly hear her humming a song. She used to hum it when I was a baby. It was calming. But it didn’t calm me now but filled me with depression and gloom. The humming was no longer for me. It was for Alice. I once again drop to my knees and this time bang my fist to the ground in anguish.

“Mom!” I scream at the top of my lungs. “Come back! Mom!”

“Johnny! Man wake up!”

“Mom! Alice!”

“Noo!!” I yelled out of breath shooting up from bed.

“You ok?”

I look to my left at the other bed in the hotel room. My best friend, my band mate, Brian or Syn, looking at me tired but yet somewhat awake and concern.

I breathe deeply a couple more times and say, “Sorry Syn. Bad dream.”

“Again?” he asks with a frown.

“Yeah…” I sigh.

I reach over at the table on my bedside grabbing some sleeping pills. I throw em back without water and lay back down with an arm thrown over my eyes.

“You ok Christ?” asks Brian.

I sigh deeply, “I guess. It’s just-… Never mind. It doesn’t matter.”

“Hmmm…” He only hums, still tired from the sudden wake up.

“Go to sleep Syn,” I tell him.

“Hmm k. We’ll talk more later?”

“…yeah.” I say though we both know it’s a lie.

“Night,” he yawns.

“Night,” I say back quietly.


“Ah good to be home,” Jimmy exclaims with a smile while getting off the tour bus.

Zacky steps out next, “Yeah only for the next 3 weeks though.”

Jimmy shrugs, “So? It’s something.”

Zacky shrugs with a nod not responding verbally. Matt comes next looking a little down. He loved touring more then all of them put together. But he suddenly smiles as the door to the house they’re in front of opens.

“Matt!” the young woman yells and runs into his arms.

Matt grins and swings Val once before putting her feet back on the ground and giving her a kiss to make up for those 3 months.

While stuff happens outside the bus there are two guys in the bus also talking.

“How you doin’ Johnny?” Syn asks me.

I sigh and rub my hand down my face, “fine. It’s just… that dream.”

“Johnny,” Brian frowns sadly. “You can talk to me. Hell any of the guys. It’s ok to tell us whatever it is your dreaming of. We are your friends.”

Tell him? Tell them? It’s been 19 years since my mom left pregnant with my baby sister. She ran away. Leaving a note to both my dad and I. My dad, Wyatt, was abusive. She couldn’t take it. And she didn’t take me with her. I guess… deep down I’ll never forget that or forgive her. Wyatt tried to kill me 4 years later. I was 7 ½ years old, I’ll never forget it.

I look Syn straight in the eye, “Brian… it’s just… nothing. Nothings wrong. It’s been a dream since I was little. I’m cool.”

I know he knows not to press and he nods, “Whatever you say.”

“I gotta get home. I’ll talk to later.”

“K. See ya later,” he calls as I walk off the bus.

I just walk off not saying bye to the others but I’m sure Brian will make something up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey! I had this story already posted on here but had to delete them for reasons my own. Anyway! It's back and I remember this one doing pretty good so lets bring this ones stars back up lol :]

Anyway... ENJOY!