Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 14

° FF Next Day ° Wednesday °

“Jimmy you dumb fuck!” Zacky called out laughing as Jimmy fell off the stage.

“I’m ok!” Rev called out as everyone in the venue continued to crack up.

As Jacky’s phone rang to the tone of his family ring tone, he picked it up, “Hello?” he asks with still a slight chuckle in his voice.


“Hey Mattie!” he greeted cheerfully.

“Zack we need to talk,” Matt’s voice said seriously.

Zacky’s carefree attitude changed at the sound of his younger bothers voice. Getting up he quickly goes to a vacant room nearby.

“Ok,” Zack said closing the door behind him and taking a seat. “What’s wrong? Are you ok? Are mom and dad ok?! Oh god is it Zena or-”

“Zacky!” Mattie cut off. “Calm down. I’m fine, mom, dad, Zena… everyone is fine. It’s just something happened the other—”

“Zacky!” Johnny and Brain called barging into the room.

“Shut up,” Zack snapped at the. “It’s Mattie. Something happened.” Brian and Johnny nodded and took seats in the room to await the news too. “What happened Mattie?” Zack asked into his cell phone.

“Well last night Craig, Brent, and I decided to go out to a small club to see some local bands. Well… we ran into Alice on the way—”

“—My Alice?” Zack interrupted. “Are you sure?”

“It was her Zack.”

Something in Mattie’s voice made Zacky frown. “What aren’t you telling me? She didn’t— she…”

“No no,” Mattie quickly reassured, “She wasn’t cheating on you or anything.” He sighed, “I’m just gonna get straight to the point. We met Alice, she was with two guys and they were trying to take her.”

Still slightly confused and slow, Zacky asks, “I don’t get it. What were they doing?”

“Zack, bro they were trying to kidnap her. Th—”

“What!?” Zacky cried in outraged jumping to his feet. Brian and Johnny jumped in their seats at the sudden outburst form their friend. “What do you mean they tried to kidnap her!?” he continued to yell. “Is she ok!? Oh god! Should I come home? Where is she? Is she ok?”

“Zack!” Mattie said loudly again, “Calm down.”

“Calm down!” Zacky shouted into the phone at his brother. “Some assholes tried to kidnap my girlfriend!”

“She’s fine!” Mattie yelled back and that calm Zack down a lot but he was still worried. “Look, we stepped in before they could do any real harm. They got as far as across the street when we stepped in.”

“How’s Alice?” he questioned not hiding a bit of concern in his voice.

“She has some bruises on her arm from one of the guys gripping it and she’s pretty shaken up. Cried and stuff from being scared shitless but she’s fine. Her friend called this morning to give me an update. She took work off today and is home sleeping.”

“Why didn’t she call me?” Zack asked flopping back in his seat, hurt filled his voice.

“She was scared you’d yell… and she was right, you did.”

Zacky sighed. She knew that he’d yell no matter who told him the news. Alice hated yelling of any kind. It didn’t even need to be directed toward her. One time they were walking through the mall when they passed a fighting and yelling couple. Alice had snuggled in closer to Zacky, almost to hide from the yelling. In her fragile state, Zack was glad she didn’t break the news. He’d yell and she’d get more scared and might cry which would then make him feel worse than shit.

Zack sighed, getting back to the conversation, “Thanks for helping her Mattie. I can’t begin to think if you guys weren’t there. I owe you.”

“Pfff, forget it. Even if it wasn’t Alice I would have helped but I’m just glad she’s ok and we were there. Call Alice when you get the chance but I gotta get to work.”

“Ok, thanks again bro.”


Zack hung up his phone and jerked slightly when we looked up to see Brian and Johnny looking at him intently and impatiently.

“Is Alice ok? Who tried to kidnap her?” Brian asked, piecing most of it together by Zack’s outburst.

Zacky sighed, “Two guys dragged her from the club and only got across the street before Matt, Craig, and Brent stopped them.”

“My brother Brent?” Brian asked.

Zacky nodded, “Yeah. They scared the guys off. Look can you guys leave the room, I should call Alice.”

The two nodded getting up and closing the door behind them. This was the final answer to Johnny’s question. It couldn’t be his sister Alice.

1) Alice would have told him she got a boyfriend.

2)Alice doesn’t speak Swahili.

3)Alice doesn’t have time for a boyfriend, she’s always with the girls or him.

4)Though both Alice’s had a colorful sparrow on their shoulder blade, Zacky’s Alice had her sparrow facing the right and Johnny’s sister had hers facing the left.

5)Different last names.

6)Zacky said she’s really great at guitar but Johnny knew if anyone really heard her play, they’d be calling her an amazing guitar player.

7)And she would have called him or had Zander call him right after the kidnapping thing if it was her. Alice always told him if anything bad, large or small, happened to her.


Alice was shaken from her dreamless sleep by the phone ringing beside her on the nightstand. Blindly reaching out she finally grasp it and hit’s the talk bottom.

“Yeah?” she asks but able to hide the sleep in her voice.

“Alice? Baby are ok? My brother called me.”

“Zacky,” Alice now awake and sitting up says. “I’m so glad you called. I… I was so scared.”

And it breaks his heart when he hears her beginning to cry. “Shhh… baby please don’t cry. Everything’s ok, shhhhh…. Please stop crying baby, please.”

“Tamu,” she replies weakly. “You’re not mad at me are you? For going to the club and then not—”

“—Alice!” he interrupts shocked, “I’m not mad at you. It wasn’t your fault. I’m just glad you’re ok…. You areok, right?”

Nodding but then realizing he can’t see, says, “Yeah… I’m fine Tamu. Just a little scared still.”

“I’m sorry I’m not there to hold you baby,” Zack tells her gently.

“I understand,” she says softly.

But that doesn’t stop Zacky from thinking he’s the worst boyfriend. He’s been lying to her about what he does and he’s not there to hold her to ease her fears.

“Would you like me to sing you back to sleep?” he asked gently, leaning back on the couch. “I don’t have the guitar with me but I can still sing if you like?”

“That would be great Tamu.”

This is why Alice loved him, though he didn’t know. He cared so much for her and she could see he did. She could hear the worry and care in his voice and it helped wash away some of her fears.

“Let me be the one who calls you baby all the time
Surely you can take some comfort knowing that you’re mine
Just hold me tight, lay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you baby all the time
I found my place in the world
Could stare at your face for the rest of my days…”

When Alice only made a peaceful, sleepy noise, Zacky smiled and whispered in his phone, “I’ll call you later baby. Sweet dreams.”

“Night Tamu,” she whispered back before hanging up.

Hanging up his phone, Zacky continued to lean back against the couch. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, lost in thought until the quiet knock to the door brought him from his thoughts.

“Yeah?” he asked out loud.

The door opened enough for Syn to poke his head through. Once seeing his band mate not on his phone, Brian completely opened the door and walked in, along with the other Sevenfold guys.

“Hey Syn told us what happened,” Matt spoke first, taking a seat, “How’s Alice?”

Zacky sighed then answered, “She said she’s fine. Scared but fine. I just fucking pisses me off I’m not there for her. To hold her and make it better.”

The others nodded and Jimmy said, “I don’t know what I’d do in your place. I mean, right when Johnny told me I called Leana and told her I don’t want her going out late and by herself.”

“I’m sure she loved that,” Johnny chuckled.

Jimmy shrugged, “I’m just worried. If someone could try and hurt a sweet little thing like Alice…” Jimmy trailed off with a shudder. “It’s got me all paranoid. I don’t even want to imagine something happening to Leana.”

Matt nodded, “I tired calling Val but she’s at work. I left her a txt.”

“Same,” Syn nodded.

Johnny, trying to lift the mood, slaps his legs and stand, “Come on you pussys. Let’s go get ready for the show.”

The others nodded and followed suit but Zack held back for a moment, “I’ll be right there. I just want to order some of Alice’s favorite flowers and have them deliver them to her place tomorrow.” When Jimmy opened his mouth to comment, Zakcy held his hand up, “I know. Another off the forbidden list. Shut the fuck up and go get ready.”

The others chuckled at Jimmy when he over dramatically rolls his eyes but did as their friend bid and left the room.

° FF Next Day ° Thursday °

“What do you mean you’re gonna be gone 3 more days after the tour ends?”

“I’m sorry Alice,” Johnny said sadly into his phone; he could hear her sorrow. “But Synyster and I have an interview the first day and the next day we’re guest specking on a radio station and later on having a signing. On the third I’ll be on the plane coming home to be with you.”

Alice sighed in gloom, and muttered, “I miss you is all.”

“Hey… I’ll be home before you know it! And just think I’ll be home for months. You’ll be begging me to leave again.”

She giggled at her brothers playful banter, “I’d never wish that. Oh shoot.”

“What? What’s wrong?”

“I lost track of time talking to you. I have to leave for work.”

“Ok. Have fun. I love you sis.”

“I love you too Johnny.”




“Alice!” came Zander’s voice in a sing-song fashion before he opened the door.

“Yeah?” I looked up then grew confused. “Why do you have flowers?”

“They’re for you,” he grinned.

My face flushed at the thought that I had gotten flowers. Most likely from Johnny as a sorry cheer-up gift. I stood, taking the vase of my favorite flowers from him and walking over to the table in the room. Placing them down I take the card from them and open it.

“Read it out loud,” Zander insist.

I blush but do as bid, “Dear Baby, I hope these bring a smile to your lovely face and cheer up your day. I can hardly wait till Saturday. Missing you, Zack.”

“Awwww…” her friend coos.

“I thought they’d be from Johnny,” I mutter, my face bright red.

At that moment my cell goes off to a ring tone I know all to well.

“It’s Zack,” I say a little wide eyed to Zander.

He laughs, “Pick it up. I’ll leave you alone to speak with your man.”

I wave him off and pick up the phone as he closes the door behind him, “Zack!”

Zack laughs lightly, “Hi baby. You sound real cheerful.”

“I got your flowers!”

“Really?” Zacky asks slyly.

Laughing lightly at his tone, “Yes really. You really didn’t need to though Tamu.”

Zack shakes his head, “I wanted to. I’d knew they’d bring a smile to your lovely face.” She blushes and he knows it. “I love when you blush.”

“Aww… Tamu, stop teasing me,” Alice whines.

“Sorry baby,” he says but doesn’t really mean it.

He loves to tease his beautiful girlfriend.

“Oh! Zack guess what?”


“My brother had to stay an extra 3 days for work. He won’t be back till Tuesday.”

Zacky grins widely, “Really?”

“Stop grinning like that.”

Zack laughs lightly. They knew each other too well.

A knock sounded to the door and Alice jerked her head to the clock, “Oh no. Tamu my next appointment is here.”

“Ok baby. I miss you and I’ll talk to you later.”

“Miss you too. Bye.”


° FF 2 Days ° Saturday °

“Zackary!” his mother cried as she practically threw herself at him. “Oh it’s so good to see you again!”

Zack laughed still hugging his mother, “I was only gone for 4 weeks!”

She rolled her eyes and let him go but still smiling, “Come inside. Tell us all about the tour.”


Looking up and away from his mom, Zacky greeted his dad, “Hey dad.”

They shared a manly hug, patting each other on the backs.

“Come inside. Isabelle stop coddling the boy and let him in to relax.”

His mother did her famous eye roll thing again but did as told. Zack sat with his parents for about an hour until his mother bought up a topic Zacky really loved.

“Oh Zacky! When do I get to meet this girlfriend of yours?”

Zacky grinned, happy of seeing Alice soon, “Soon mom, real soon.”

“Well invite her over to dinner tonight.”

“Mom,” Zacky started in adult-like voice when talking to a younger child, “I just got home. I’d like to spend the night with Alice.”

She rolled her eyes, “Just use protection honey.”

“Uhh,” both Zack and his dad groaned. “Mom,” Zacky added.

“What?” she asked confused then rolled her eyes, “I was just saying.”

“Mom,” Zacky shook his head. “Alice and I aren’t sleeping together. Alice doesn’t sleep around. I think… I think she may still be a virgin.”

His parents didn’t say anything for a moment, they just stared at him.

Zack’s dad snapped out of it sooner. “Oh, that’s a little… different then what you usually date Zack. But that’s good to hear. Most girls these days,” he shook his head. “No morals.”

His mother patted his hand, “I’m glad you found such a nice girl Zacky. But fine, not tonight but tomorrow night.”

Zack nodded, “Ok but I have to see with her first. I don’t know her plans.”


]|[ Zacky ]|[

Alice didn’t pick up her phone, I’m guessing it’s on silent cause she’s at work. So I texted Zander and yes she is at work and has about 40 minutes till her next appointment.

“Hey Zack!” Zander greets with a smile as I walk into the store.

“Hey Zander,” I greet back with a smile of my own. “Alice in her room?”

“Yep. Go ahead.”

“Thanks,” I say and quickly start towards the room.

When I make it to the day I silently turn the knob and open it. Alice’s back was to me. She was humming a tune and looking through a notebook while standing. Silently creeping up to her I smile and place my hands over her eyes.

“Guess who,” I say cheerily.

She rips my hands away and spins around to face me. Her whole face lights up and I bend down slightly as she throws her arms around my neck.

“Tamu!” She exclaims loudly. “I missed you so much!”

“Hmmm…” I nuzzle her hair, “I missed you too baby. I missed you too.”


Alice had two more appointments that day and I waited there the whole time. Both were drummers, both young and not able to recognize me. I would find myself trying not to stare at Alice the whole time and when I was caught I’d smile because her face would be overcome with a blush.

When Alice was done with work and fixed up the room a little, we called in an order for some Chinese and picked it up before heading over to my place for a night in with movies and talking. To both of us it seemed like I never went away. We had talked at least once every day I was gone, which was hard for me to find time to do but I was glad I did… even if that meant staying up until I was dead tired just to hear her voice.

At the moment we were at my place, cleaning up our plates and silverware.

Alice smiled at me cutely. “Why don’t you go put a movie in and I’ll finish cleaning up.”

I nodded and kissed her cheek before moving into my living room. I lay back on my Lazy-Boy, I recline it back so I’m practically lying down. When Alice came back out I motioned for her to sit on my lap. She came over and climbed slightly on me and moved her little ass on my lower stomach, making herself more comfortable.

“Are you ok? Am I too heavy?” She asked as my eyes close when she moved.

“Nah, you’re not fat baby, and I’ve never felt more comfortable than right now,” I told her smiling.

One of my hands rested on her hip as I placed the other on the side of her neck, stroking her jaw line with my thumb. I just love touching this girl. She’s beautiful. She’s perfect. And suddenly I found her lips on mine. I gladly returned the passionate kiss. One of her hands found the way to the back of my neck as the other ran it’s self through my hair. She’s… never been so demanding… so dominating. I’ve never been so turned on. I don’t know how long time had passed till she pulled back from our heated kiss. She was panting slightly and when our eyes looked, she grew a little flush.

I pecked her lips, “I love you.”

She tensed in my lap and didn’t say anything for a moment. I grew nervous. ‘Oh God. Was it too soon?! Would she be scared away? Oh God please don’t let her leave me!’

I quickly opened my mouth to say something when her arms suddenly found themselves my neck and hugged me tightly.

“I love you too,” she whispered into my neck, kissing it softly.

And that’s when I was 150% sure…

I’m going to marry this girl.