Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 15

° FF 1 Day ° Sunday °

]|[ Alice ]|[

I was humming to myself in front of the stove, moving the spatula to scramble the eggs. I jumped slightly as a pair of tattooed arms snaked around my waist and a pair lips lightly kissed the side of my neck.

“Smells good,” Zacky mumbled into my neck as he nuzzled it with his noise.

I shivered slightly from his touch. Zacky made me feel things I’ve never felt before… things I know Johnny wouldn’t like his little sister thinking about.

“Set the table?” I asked him softly.

Zack nodded in agreement, still in my neck but did as asked. Picking up the pan, I walked over to the table and scooped some scrambled eggs onto both plates. Quickly I walked back over to the counter, and uncovered three other plates. I placed the pancakes, hash browns, and sausages on the table. Zacky was pouring a cup of coffee for him self, also with a glass of orange juice for each of us.

“Looks great baby,” Zacky smiled as we sat across from each other.

I blushed very lightly, “Thank you Tamu.”

We had only taken a couple bites of things when he said, “You’ll be a great wife.” And then he swallowed his food.

“Thanks,” I said shyly back not meeting his eyes.

“I hope we’ll get married someday,” Zacky told me making me look at him in his beautiful green eyes.

‘Ask and I’ll be happy to say yes,’ I thought to myself, and cast Zacky a shy smile.

I was putting the dishes away in the dishwasher when I felt Zacky hug me from behind and kiss the back of your neck again. I held back a shiver and straightened out, resting my hands on his, which rested on my stomach.

“I meant it you know,” he said in my ear. “About getting married.” One of his thumbs caressed one of my hands. I don’t know how to respond so I just kept quiet. “I hope we will, but not now. It’s too early,” he whispered and kissed my ear. “But one day.”

“I’d like that,” I agree with him softly.

“Good,” he says I and feel his smile as he kissed the back of my neck again. “Oh yeah, my parents want to meet you tonight.” I tense and he notices, pulling back and turning me to face him. “Is that ok?”

I bit the corner of my lip, “I guess, if you want that. It’s just…” I start to whisper, “you know how I am.”

Zacky smiles lovingly and pecks my lips. “I know. And they’ll love you just like I do.”

“I hope so,” I tell him unconfident.


“What if they don’t like my pie?” I ask as Zack and I get out of the car.

“They’ll love it,” he laughs.

Coming around to my side an placing a hand on the small of my back, guiding me to the front door. He doesn’t bother to knock and walks in.

“Mom? Dad?” he calls out.

“In the kitchen!” we hear and man’s voice.

I’m completely tense as I walk with Zacky to the kitchen.

“Oh you must be Alice!” I very lovely women exclaims, dropping a dishtowel and coming over to me.

She hugs me! And… I get a feeling of calmness and trust. I like this woman.

“Hi Mrs. Baker,” I greet her with my soft voice.

“Oh aren’t you the sweetest thing. This is my husband Kevin—”

“Mattie?” I hear Zack say.

I look at him to see his younger brother enter the kitchen.

“Hey Alice,” Matt smiles, not answering Zack. “My dad told me you were coming over today and I thought I could help to keep my mom from smothering you.”

His mother scoffs as I just smile. Such a loving family.


]|[ Zacky ]|[

I could tell easily that my family fell in love with Alice just as quickly as I had. Alice seemed very taken with my mother; she was shy around my father, and though she talked to Matt I could feel she was still shy and unsure around him. But forgetting that, all of us chatted easily, my mom kept firing questions Alice’s way, and she would answer them truthfully with no problem. I loved that every once in a while I would find her sneaking silent glances my way throughout the dinner. I loved that my family took to her.

My parents, and Matt, already knew from me telling them that Alice is very shy. Before meeting her I told my folks that she may instantly like them or be really shy. I’m glad I told them or they’d probably think Alice was snubbing my dad and Matt with how little she talked with them, or if she did she’d talk softly. I knew it wasn’t the male thing, I’m a male and she took to me pretty quickly like my mom. Maybe it’s cause I’m bi… Zander’s a guy but is gay. Hmmm… maybe… nah. That’d not be why cause she mentioned that one other guy when she was in Jr High that was her friend and she took to Shadows really quickly.

Whatever it is, I love her.

The woman I’m going to marry one day. All I have to do is meet her older protective brother and make a very good impression.

° FF 1 Day ° Monday °

]|[ Alice ]|[

“So my brother’s coming home tomorrow,” I told Zack as we walked through the dark park.

“I know,” he sighed.

I looked up at him, “What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing baby,” he instantly says. “It’s just I know I’m gonna be seeing less of you and I don’t want that. I just got back from t- work and I miss you.”

I halt making him stop with me. He looked down at me concerned and worried that he said something wrong. I smile and go up on my toes to give him a long, passionate kiss, which he instantly returns with the same passion and love. The kiss ends very slowly leaving my mind in a faint haze. My eyes flutter open to gaze up and into Zacky beautiful green eyes.

“I love you, Temu,” I tell him meaning it with all my heart.

“I love you too,” he smiles.

“I will find time to spend with you. We did it last time before you both left for work.”

He nods, “Ok.” He pulled me closer to him, his arm wrapped protectively across my shoulders as we walked. “So where are we staying tonight?” he asked

“We?” I asked him mischievously. “What if I wanted to stay at my place? Huh?”

Shockingly, he looked genuinely hurt. “But... I wanted to be with you tonight, Alice.”

“Aww Tamu,” I smile looking up at him. “I was only joking. We can stay at your place again,” I reassure him, snuggling even closer to his side.

“Oh,” he says dumbly but then chuckles lightly. “Okay,” he says while kissing the top of my head affectionately. “Damn,” he breathes a few minutes later. “I don’t know what I did to make the big guy upstairs happy but have to be the luckiest guy in the world.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask looking up confused. “Why’s that?”

He smiled charmingly and glanced down at me with love feeling those green eyes of his. “Because I have you, Alice”

I grinned, and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as we continued to walk. Hopefully he didn’t notice, but he loves to see me blush so of course he did.

“Aw, did I make you blush again?” he smirked.


“Shut up,” I laugh, still blushing, I hit his chest with my free hand.

“Hey! What was that for?” he frowns rubbing his chest in fake pain.

I shrugged. “Teasing me. It’s not nice Tamu.”

“Awww I didn’t mean to, baby,” he says tries to sound serious and by the way, he wasn’t doing a very good job, not at all.

“Oh shut up. You did too,” I laughed, shooting him a fake almightily glare.

“You are so hot when you’re mad baby,” he said with a seductive growl in his voice.

I blush but ignore it, and hit his chest again with a laugh, “Stop it.”

Zack just laughed, and we continued to walk, just holding each other the entire way, enjoying each others company and love. I felt so safe, like nothing could touch me, nothing could hurt me when he was always with me. He’s my protector, and all the sadness, and doubt, and pain in the world couldn’t reach us when I was with him. It was the same I felt whenever I was with Johnny but… I didn’t love Johnny like this.Zack was my soul mate, I’m sure of it. Johnny gave me all the love I needed over the years, all the care and protection I would need. But he couldn’t give me love like a life partner, real true love that I saw in people like his parents.

I wanted that true love, and now I have it. I’m not letting it go.

‘I just hope Johnny and Zacky get along,’ I think to myself.

When we make it to the car and strap in, an impulse strikes me. “Spend the night?” I ask him. “At my place?”

“What?” he asks looking over at me confused.

“No funny business,” I warn, pointing my finger at him. “You know. Just… spend the night?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” I smile.

“Great!” he grins, starting up the car. “I’ve never been to your place. Where do you live?”

“I live on Monarch Way. In the Jackson Villa condos.”

He nods, “Ok, I know where that is. I have a friend that lives there.”


I had yawned several times in the car and when I did once more when Zack parks, he commends, “Come on, baby. Let’s get you in bed.”

I nod tiredly and rest my head on his arm as I guided us to my place. We reach my condo building, and walk up the steps. I glanced at the wall clock when I walked in, and was surprised that it read half after midnight.

“It’s late,” I say absentmindedly with a soft voice.

“I know,” Zack says beside me, also with a soft voice. “Let’s get to bed.” He tugged my hand towards the hall.

I went into the bedroom, turning on my lights at dim. “I’m just gonna brush my teeth. Be right back.”


I walk out of my room and to my bathroom, which was right across from my bedroom. I brushed my teeth and what not then headed back to find Zack laid back on my bed with his pants still on. He was shirtless though which made me pause for a moment or two.

“Tamu,” I say softly looking him confused as I continue to just stand there. “Why are you still in your pants? You can wear your boxers.”

“Uhh well um…”

“It’s fine, I won’t mind,” I smile, moving closer to the bed. “You do when I stay at your place.”

Zacky cleared his throat. “I’m not… wearing any,” he confesses, a faint pink to his cheeks.

I convulse into a fit of giggles. Zack groans, his perfect lips forming an adorable pout.

“You’ve been going commando?” I’m able to ask once the giggles aside. “All day?”

“Yeah…” he says with a sigh but then quickly informs me of a vital fact, “When I wear these jeans my boxers ride up funny and stuff.”

I just giggle again and walk over to my closet, opening on side reveals a three drawer dresser. Opening the second drawer I pull out a pair of boxers; and turn, throwing them at Zack. He catches them while sitting up.

“Hey!” Zack says stunned. “These are mine you thief!”

I just nod with a smile and lay on the bed as he gets up. Moving under the covers, I yawn while turning on my side. I hear Zack removing his clothes and whatnot, making my face flame with heat. The dimmed lights are shut off and I soon feel Zack join me in bed. He moves close, and pulls me into him so my back is firmly pressed against his chest.

“I love you Alice,” he whispers.

“I love you too Zack,” I mumble, already half asleep.