Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 17

]|[ No One ]|[

“Any place else?” Johnny asks looking down at his sister

“There,” she points.

He looked, “What?” He sounded shocked, as if she’d just said babies came from cabbage patches or something equally as ludicrous.

It was the lingerie store Alice had went to yesterday with the girls.

“Yeah,” Alice tells her brother innocently. “Heather and Cecil and I went in the last week and I got these really comfortable bras. I wanna get a couple more.”

“Kay,” he nods. “I’ll wait out here. I gotta make a phone call.”

He really did. If he didn’t he would have went in with her. Alice was grateful her brother had to make that phone call. She wanted to pick up that cute but sexy pink and black outfit. Alice hated that she was still lying and keeping things from Johnny but it was for his own good for the moment. She had to wait for the right moment to tell him and introduce him Zacky.

They’ll get along. She was sure of it.

° FF 2 Days ° Friday °

]|[ Zacky ]|[

“Where is she,” I mutter looking for her car from either the left of right.

I perked up when I see her BMW pull into the parking lot. She parks closely and gets out while I get up from the chair I was sitting on. I grin largely as she spies me and rushes over to me, that gorgeous smile on that stunning face.

I opened my arms just in time for her to run into them, throwing her arms around my neck. I pull her close to me, my arms wrapped tightly around her waist. I hugged her tight, burying my face in the crook of her neck. I held her protectively in my tattooed arms, and I found myself wondering how anybody could feel unloved while in the arms of this beautiful woman.

“It’s been too long,” I mutter with my face still in the crook of her neck.

She giggles, “It’s only been two days. And we talk on the phone each of the days.”

“I know,” I say with a groan. “I still missed seeing you.”

She pulls back on slightly, making me bring my face out of her neck. I look into her deep brown eyes for only a moment before I kiss her. It was passionate but sweet, fierce but caring, and cliché as it sounds, it was filled with love. But unfortunately, it ended; leaving us with panting in our breaths.

“I love you,” I tell her softly, placing a kiss on her forehead.

“I love you,” Alice repeats smiling up at me.


“So where are you again?” I ask my girl.

She had her legs tucked in under her and was cuddled into my side. One of her hands rested on my chest while the other petting Ichbod’s head, which rested on my lap.

“I told John,” she answers in a regular not soft voice, “that I was with Heather’s for tonight. That she needs help with that hair salon she wants to open.”

I made a sound of comprehension and kissed the top of her head lightly. Though she had hid it in her voice I knew how much she wanted her brother to know about us. Scares me a little to be the truth. There are some things I know about him:

1) They were separated for some time until he found her.

2) He’s very possessive and protective of Alice, as am I.

3)He leaves on business a lot, as do I.

4)He hates the idea of his sister with anybody… mostly dirty-rocker-boys which I am.

5)Has tattoos, same with me.

6)He’s not afraid to fight, because Alice has told me a couple stories of him losing his temper.

7)His names John.

Not much but yep that kinda sums it up.

I feel Alice move and try to get up. I look up at her confused as she does.

“Ice cream,” she says smiling at me cutely.

“With chocolate sauce?” I ask grinning.

“Of course,” she answers moving out of the room.


]|[ Alice ]|[

It was the middle of the night, a couple minutes ago I had gently gotten out of Zacky’s hold on me to use the bathroom. As I crawled into Zacky’s bed I shivered at realizing how cold it was in his house.

“Are you cold, baby?”

Zacky’s voice startled me. Obviously I had either woken him up when I got up or he just felt my presence not in bed any more. I looked at Zacky to the concern and tiredness in his striking green eyes. I nodded to his question. It made him pull the blanket more securely around us and pull me closer to him by my waist.

“Better?” he whispered.

“Much better,” I whispered back, the butterflies in my stomach awake and fluttering.

I could feel my loves breathe skimming the top of my head as it hid in his chest. His warm and strong tattooed arms held me close. I knew then without a doubt, I was the luckiest girl on earth. I found myself wondering how anyone who was in the care of these arms would ever feel unsafe, feel unproductive or unloved. I fell asleep to the peaceful feel of Zack’s fingers moving randomly on my back.

° FF 7 Days ° Friday °

“I don’t know,” I say biting the corner of my lip.

“Please Alice!” Leana begs.

“It wont’ work if you’re not in on it too,” Michelle throws in.

“Please,” Val whines giving me a pouty look with puppy dog eyes.

I bite my lip a little harder for a moment before answering softly, “I… guess so.”

“Yes!” the other three girls cry out with grins.


I wasn’t too sure about this. It had been 5 hours since we made the bet and 4 since it went into action. The guys were confused, angry, and pitiful. I really wanted to talk to Zacky but I agreed with the girls, and the winner gets $80 bucks from each girl. I didn’t need the money and could afford to lose it if I lose but I like to win. I was sitting and chatting with
Brian, the only of the guys I was aloud to talk to. Michelle could only talk to
Matt, Val to Jimmy, and Leana to Zack.

At first all the guys thought they each forgot something important; an anniversary, a birthday, something/anything. But when they realized that each of us girls only talked to one guy each, they grew confused. They tired numerous asking, begging, yelling, pouting, promises of hot sex (but Zack), and promises of shopping sprees with their money. But that wasn’t what it took to win the bet.

“Damn it Jimmy!” I hear Leana shout. “Shut up!”

My head whips around to Leana and I smirk. She just talked to her man; one down, two to go.

Another hour passes and it’s just Val and I left. Which was surprising since Matt was getting angry and yelling a little. She just sat there watching TV or turning to talk to Jimmy… which got Matt more made. Zacky was trying to seduce me with kisses now.

‘I’m so gonna win,’I think while half listening to the TV while the other half of me blocked out Zack placing butterfly kisses up and down my neck.

I was so distracted with my thoughts and shit, I didn’t notice Zacky till it was to late. He kissed my lips. Damn it!

“Yes!” Val cheers jumping up.

“Zacky,” I whine.

“Oh? Now you’re talking to me.”

“Hand it over bitches!” Val laughs.

Me, Leana, and Michelle all groan but get the $80 bucks we each put in out pockets, and handed it over to Val.

“It was a bet?” Matt yells still angry.

“Yep,” us girls simply answer.

“You can’t talk to your man—”

“Or get a kiss on the lips from him,” I interrupt Michelle glaring at Zack.

He rolled his lovely green eyes. “Sorry.”

“Then why wouldn’t you talk to me?” Brian said looking at Val and Leana. “I know why Michelle couldn’t but only Alice did.”

“Only I could,” Val starts to explain, “talk to Jimmy, Alice with S-Brian, Leana with Zack, and Michelle with Matt.”

“The bet had 3 different ways to lose,” Lena adds. “Talking to your man. You can’t have a kiss with him on the lips, and only talk to who you’re suppose to.”

“And I won!” Val cheers again grinning.

“However,” Michelle smirks looking over at Brian. “I do remember promises of a shopping spree.”

“Yeah…” the rest of us girls smirk.

The guys groan.

“Don’t you have work baby?” Zacky asks me, saving himself.

I look at my watch, “Oh yeah, I should probably leave now.”

“Kay,” Zack nods getting up.

]|[ Zacky ]|[

Alice and I said bye to everyone and left to my car. I was pulling out when I saw Johnny’s car coming from up the street.

“Shoot,” Alice suddenly cruses as she spills the content of her purse in front of her on the floor.

She leans down out of sight when Johnny and I slowly pass each other in our cars. We share a small wave and that’s that.

° FF 3 Days ° Monday °

“So when am I gonna meet the girl that stole our whore’s heart?” Johnny asks, placing some of his weight on his pool cue.

I rolled my eyes just before I aimed and shot the cue ball. “Soon. She’s always so busy with work and her brother.” I paused for a moment. “And I’m not a whore.”

“So Z,” Rev started suddenly entering the room with drinks in hand. “You and Alice… you know.”

I grabbed my drink from him and answered simply, “No.”

“What’s this?” I, Johnny and Jimmy all hear Syn shout before entering the game room. “Our whore hasn’t slept with Alice yet? It’s been what? Almost 2 months?”

“Glad to know what my friends really think of me,” I said glaring at them all.

“Relax Z,” Matt said also entering the room and taking a seat on a bar stood. “You know we’re kidding.”

“Yeah,” Jimmy piped up, “Alice is good for you. Don’t go pressuring her into anything because of our teasing.”

“I know,” I shrug playing it off as nothing but knowing it wasn’t. “I’d never pressure her into anything. I’m an ex whore thank you very much.”

All the guys chuckled at my words and dignified tone.

I glance at the neon clock above Matt’s bar, “Shit, guys I gotta go.” I move and place my pool-stick in the rack. “I told Alice I’d bring her lunch.”

Johnny and Brian at the same time make the whipping motion and sound to go with it. They all laugh as I roll my eyes, leaving the room and then Matt’s house.

° FF 2 Days ° Wednesday °

]|[ Johnny ]|[

“Johnny!” Alice laughed loudly as I chased her through my condo.

“Get back here!” I shout laughing, chasing her. “You’re all trapped now,” I grin.

She was one side of the kitchen table, I was on the other.

“John I swear!” she grinned.

“You did. Admit it!”

Alice giggled, “Ok. Ok. I’m sorry!”

“I knew it!” I cheered. “I knew you cut my hair!”

She giggled again, “Who else could have?”

I pouted, “You’re mean.”

She copied my pout, “Sowwy.”

I sighed it off and rubbed the top of my now buzzed head. She’s been wanting me to buzz it off for a long time now. Who knew my little sister would go so far as to spike my drink last night with some sleeping pills. I’m already a kinda sorta heavy sleeper but those pills made it so I slept through the buzzing of losing my hair.

I really didn’t want to cut my hair but I didn’t want to upset Alice so I smiled, “It’s ok little sis. It looks good, you were right.”

Her grin got larger, “I knew you’d like it! Told you so!”

At that moment my home phone rang from behind Alice. I walk over to it and kiss Alice’s cheek before looking at the caller ID.


I look at Alice, “Hey Alice. Can you up to your place and get your bass? We can jam.”

She perked up, “Ok. Be right back.”

She rushed out of my place and once the door closed I picked up the ringing phone.

“Yo Zack,” I greet, keeping my ears open for Alice coming back down.

“Johnny my man!” is Zack’s cheerful greet back. “When you free you little shit? I want you to meet my Alice. You’ll love her!”

I rub the back of my neck, “Sorry Z. You know I want to. I really do, it’s just… my cousin’s sick and my parents have me going over there nearly everyday now.”

“Oh,” Zack says softer, “Sorry Johnny.”

“It’s fine,” I shrug though he can’t see it. I then hear Alice coming back down. “Look Zack. I gotta go. Mom’s waving me to get off the phone.”

“Kay. Later.

“Yeah. Bye.”

I hung up just in time for my front door to open with Alice holding one of her basses.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, how many of you liked that chose call in the car? Clumsy Alice...