Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 18

° FF 2 Days ° ° ° Friday °

]|[ Zacky ]|[

“Hey baby,” I greet opening my door and kissing my beautiful woman.

“Hi Tamu,” she says back softly. “You look great.”

“And you look beautiful,” I tell her, giving her other small but caring kiss. “Ready to go?” I ask once we pull back.

“Yep,” she smiles and holds out her keys to me.


When Alice and I got to the restaurant the two other couples were already there and talking. Zander and his man, Greg, and then my little bro Matt with his date Jenny.

“Zander,” Alice grins hugging her best friend tightly and then his boyfriend, Greg. She then smiles shyly at Mattie, “Hi Mattie.”

“Hey Alice,” he smiles. “This is my date, Jenny.”

“Hi Jenny,” Alice says in that soft voice, clearly shy with Jenny.

I had Mattie warn Jenny: 1)about Alice and 2)that the other couple on the triple date is a gay couple. Interesting first date that should break the ice for my bro and his crush. It was a nice place though. Nice live music with a small dance floor for couples.

Conversation never stopped before and during the meal. I excused myself for a moment to use the bathroom and when I came back, Mattie was chatting it up with Alice no Jenny in sight… must have gone to the bathroom too.

“You making a play for my girl?” I asked, sitting with a smile.

“In a perfect world, Zack, your lovely woman would realize what a tool you are and run away with me. But alas, the world is a flawed place and for some crazy reason, she loves you.” Matt put a hand over his heart dramatically.

“Come on, baby. Let’s grab a dance or two before my brother embarrasses himself more trying to win you over.”

Alice stood, taking my hand and let me draw her onto the floor and against my body.

“You were meant to be here against me. You know?” I murmured into her ear.

“It feels that way, yeah.” She admitted softly, her head resting against my chest.


“So you’re where again?” I ask as Alice and step into my place later in the night.

“Zander’s,” she answers easily with a smirk. “He and Greg had a huge fight.”

I look at her with a small chuckle. But that smirk threw me off a little. I’ve never seen her smirk before like that. It looks so familiar. I jump out of my thoughts as I suddenly feel Alice’s arms wrapped around my waist and her lips passionately on mine.




This woman is going to be the death of me. But I kissed back just as passionately. My hands, having a mind of their own, worked their way down to her ass. They pressed her closer to me, letting her feel how hard I am for her. I quickly lifted her up, making her legs wrap around me. She made an impatient sound in the back of her throat.

* *WARNING!! Lemon!!* *

]|[ No One ]|[

He nuzzled the amazing soft spot just below her ear as he set her back onto her feet, sliding her with purpose against his hot body. “I want you so much, Alice,” he whispered huskily in her ear.

Her head fell back at his tender touches, and he swept his tongue against her neck. She shivered and moaned, sending his heart thundering against his ribs. He needed Alice in a way no other woman in his life had tempted him. The tugging pressure of Alice’s fingers in his hair, holding him tightly to her made his blood boil. His hands became insistent, tugging at her clothing and she gasped when he managed to pull her top free and over her head. Zack lowered his head to swipe his tongue across the raised swell of one pale globe of skin. She shivered, her breathing coming a bit more ragged, her hands digging into his shoulders even as he kept her steady by her waist.

“You are so beautiful,” Zacky breathed against her flesh, inhaling her own special fragrance that belong to Alice only and no other.

He would have died in that moment if he could not succumb to that heady fragrant call. Her lips were soft and hungry beneath his when he lifted again to her kiss. Zack smiled when he found the hooks with expert fingers, releasing her breast quickly. The beauty of her body for him to gaze at. Sweet, soft flesh with taut pinked nipples. He groaned even as he lowered his mouth to adore her. Her arms snapped around his head, holding him as he pleasured her tenderly.

“Oh, God,” she whimpered.

He lifted his head to find her honey brown eyes sparking with an incredible fire, all for him. Zacky’s touch was sure but gentle as he swept her from her feet once more, this time to stretch her like a great gift upon the bed that he couldn’t wait to unwrap and enjoy. Her lips had grown plump and waiting with his kisses, her chest rising and falling with her own growing needs. And for the first time in his life, he realized what a gift it was for a man to truly pleasure a woman. To feel pleasure from the fact he was giving her such pleasure.

Alice gasped when he stretched out on the bed, her body stiffening at the sheer size of him against her. His hand swept lazy circles against her stomach. He sipped kisses from the corner of her mouth, to slide to the delectable earlobe that tempted him. He sucked softly on the tender skin, laving her delicate ear with his tongue until she shuddered again.

“Don’t be scared. I’d never wish to harm as rare a gift as you,” he breathed into the shell of her ear. “Let me love you the way you were meant to be.”

Alice knew she was in trouble. His rumbled voice had spellbound her. His torturous touch had woven a spell throughout her mind and body. She knew this because she was laying half naked beneath him as he whispered soft promises into her ear. And she was powerless to stop him. She wanted him so much she was on the point of begging him—for something she wasn’t quite such what—with every brush of skin. He moved a leg, raising one solid thigh to rest over her leg, pinning her. But she didn’t care. She was burning for him, his kisses were tender, coaxing.

Her fingers found the thick silk of his hair and pulled him closer. “Kiss me,” she begged lowly.

His dark eyes blazed just before his mouth swooped in and cloaked hers. This wasn’t a gentle kiss. He invaded, he conquered. And she melted, she surrendered. She cried into his mouth when a hand covered her breast, bringing the fire to a frenzy in her veins. Shooting stars exploded, bathing her in their heat. She felt as out of control. She was lost in feeling as he trailed hot kisses down her throat to where his hand held her captive.
Sensation after heated sensation swarmed as tongue met unprepared heated flesh.

Fingers dug deeply into his hair, her only stability in a quickly spinning world. He lifted slowly, annihilating sensitive skin with teeth and tongue until she was gasping and moaning and unable to find a lessening to the excruciating feelings his touch brought her.

“Alice, I have to see you,” he told her pulling back a bit. “I need to touch you.”

She whimpered again when she could not find him with her fingers any longer, but stopped on a breathless gasp when she felt the undeniable pressure of his hands on her jeans. Before she could blink he had undone them and stripped them from her, dragging her Vans off easily. She dared to open her eyes and found his. Hot, devouring her as he simply looked at her naked body. His green eyes flashed and lightening crackled through her system at his wild hungry look. His mouth parted as if waiting to taste the delicacy before him. She shivered when he yanked his shirt free and tossed it away. His gaze found hers again when a soft moan escaped her lips. And for just an instant, she was terrified. Terrified of his strength, of his size. Of him.

However, with his next caress she was swept away again into that galaxy of just im and her, into the world of sensory overload he had created for them. His touch was demanding, but not harsh, insistent, but on her pleasure, not his. Her eyes fluttered closed. Alice nearly screamed when he touched her heated center. His groan of pleasure waylaid her next fears. Her eyes sought his, fighting to see through the blazing colors of pleasure he had brought down from the heavens for her.

He flicked out his wicked tongue and she jumped. “So sweet,” he breathed against her. “Sweeter than anything I could name.” Her hands clutched helplessly at the bed covers when he did it again, clenching and unclenching her hands as if it would help her.

She felt the heat swirl and grow, felt as if her body became engulfed in sensual pleasure in a way she had never imagined until she was writhing and gasping and pleading for anything, everything from him. And then suddenly he took her there. She screamed in her mind, floating as wave after wave of delicious feeling filled her body, her limbs, until she was panting, staring at the beauty of the stars on her eyelids.

“You are beautiful,” he told her reverently as he kissed her a moment later as she fought for breath to fill her disrupt lungs.

Her eyelids were heavy and it felt like it took forever for her eyes to open so she may gaze into his. Before she could let thoughts form in her mind, he was kissing her again, stroking her arms, her stomach, down her thighs, brushing teasing strokes against her heated body until she was moaning again and wanting more.

“You’re going to kill me,” she gasped, wanting more but thinking she was unable to bear the exquisite pleasure again.

“Then touch me.” He lifted a hand to his chest, guided her fingers in a caress. “Let me die with you,” he breathed against her lips.

Her eyes snapped open to find his, the flash of his need still high in his passionate gaze, but filled with something deeper. Something that called to her heart, her very soul. And she did as he asked. She bit her lip, drawing a brave breath and pushed him down on the bed until he was where she had been.

“Touch me,” he whispered. “Let me feel you.”

His voice was low, throaty, filled with his hungry desires. And patience. Muscles flexed under her touch and his breathing hitched when she moved with tentative strokes across the expanse of his chest. She wasn’t brave enough yet to explore in the other direction but he didn’t mind. This was her first time and he wasn’t going to ruin a thing or scare her off because of his needs.

She loved his chest. She couldn’t help it. She stroked up to his shoulders and heard a deep, soft groan sigh through his lips as his lids slid closed. His shoulders could have carried the world as she caressed the width of her new playground. A single arm wrapped over her waist, as if even he needed some anchor to keep him from floating away. She was thrilled at his reactions, when he arched into her touch, when he let out those soft groans at her caresses. She raked fingernails down the corded length of his neck and the arm around her waist became an unbreakable band of steel.

“More,” he gasped, pleading lightly, turning for her pleasure. “Please more.”

She became absorbed in her discoveries and lowered her lips to the strong column of his throat. The sensations that filled her were endless as her lips found the hot skin of his neck, that frantic pulse in her veins. She flicked the heated expanse and froze as a hard shudder passed down his body.

“Again,” he breathed.

When he shuddered again, she savored the feeling, his reaction. She did that. She lost herself in the sensations, hers, his, it didn’t matter as she licked and nibbled and kissed and sucked on the hot flesh offered to her. Suddenly, hard hands tossed her to the bed. She gasped at the move, stiffening, afraid. When all he did was bury his face against the curve of her shoulder, she allowed herself to relax.

His words were hoarse when he told her, “I am trying to keep in mind that you’re a virgin, but if you don’t stop, I cannot promise to be gentle enough to not hurt you.”

She tugged to look into his eyes. “Then love me Zack. Show me,” she pleaded, burning hot enough rival the suns that had been eclipsing her vision, her body, since he had first touched her.

Green eyes scorched hers. He inhaled once, very slowly. “It will hurt, but only once.”

“I know.” She stroked his shoulder, tenderly, amazed that even then, he was concerned for her comfort.

His kiss was reverent once more as he lifted himself over her. She arched as she felt his probing thickness and gasped as he began his assault. Feelings bombarded her, his soft words soothed her as he pushed forward. Sensations beyond description absorbed her under their spell. Until he stilled, and he found her lips. He drew her with him, flying through the stars, kissing her senseless one more time. She gasped softly, the sharp pain unmistakable as he plunged again. But his kisses never stopped and soon she was arching into him, needing the bliss of him, of his touch, of his body.

Worlds spun and collided.

Stars exploded.

The light that filled her, filled him. Ecstasy held her in its indestructible grip as Zack’s own shout of release, of her name, echoed throughout the room. She held on to him as she followed the last trails of their light, of those worlds she had touched, that he had unknowingly brought down from the skies just for her.