Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 21

]|[ Alice ]|[

Val, Leana, and I were waiting in the place us four all agreed to meet. All who was missing was Michelle.

“Got it!” Michelle suddenly exclaims, coming out of nowhere.

We couldn’t take it any more and take the certain items out of our bags. I look at all of theirs and they look at mine. We all crack up in laughter at each one.

Leana was holding up a pair of heart and cartoon muscle men boxers. Val had a pair with unicorns. Michelle was holding up hers that had rainbows and ‘Gay Pride’ covering it. My pair were covered in My Little Ponies.

“So we all understand the bet?” Leana asks.

We all nod and Val answers with a smirk, “Oh yeah…”


Zacky opened the door in not but a towel. Even through I’ve seen him in the buff and we’ve made love, I can’t help but blush.

“Hey baby,” he greets kissing me and pulling me inside. “Just let me head up stairs to get dressed, then we’ll be set to go.”

“Wait Tamu,” I tell him searching though my bags.

I find the one I’m looking for and hold it, looking at him uncertain.

“Did you get me a gift?” he asks grinning like a little boy on Christmas.

“I don’t think you’ll like it,” I mumble looking down. “I saw them and thought they were really cute. But um it you uh-”

“Baby.” Zack steps up to my, prodding my head up by my chin with his finger. “I swear I’ll love it.”

“Ok,” I tell him softly, handing him the bag.

He excitedly opens it and I’m surprised he only pauses for a moment due to confusion and shock.

“Oh,” he says slowly smiling. “I love em.” He pecks my cheek. “Thanks baby.”

“You do?” I grin, jumping on my toes a little. “So you’ll wear them tonight?”

He flinches only the tiniest bit, “Yeah, yeah of course.”

“Good,” I smile leaning up to peck his lips. “I’ll be waiting in the living room with Ichbod. You go get ready.”

I guess my peck wasn’t good enough because his arms reach out and bring me to him for a long and passionate kiss. I giggle as I feel his cock getting hard and pressing into my lower stomach.

“Go go,” I giggle pulling back. “You’re going to make us late.”

Zacky doesn’t comment back, just pouts. I watch him walk up the stairs and giggle as he drops it when he reaches the top. He’s got such a cute butt. I look down at Ichbod and pet the top of his head.

“I can’t believe he fell for that,” I laugh leaning down to kiss the top of his head.


Zack and I get to the restaurant and greet everyone with hugs and smiles and all that nonsense. I catch the gaze of each of the girls and scratch my right eyebrow to show that I’ve completed part one.

Part One: Get your man to wear the boxers to dinner.

Michelle and Leana also scratch their right eyebrows as Val scratches her left one. Val’s out. The dinner continues on: we order and talk and all that nonsense. Michelle suddenly coughs twice then brushes her hair behind her left ear. Time for the next move.

“Oh Jimmy!” Leana sudden says surprised. “Show everyone those boxers I got you today.” She looks around the table at everyone. “They’re so cute.”

“When you’d get him boxers?” I ask confused, like planned.

“I didn’t see you get him anything,” Val continues; though she’s out she has to go along with the plan.

“Well,” Leana carries on, “Remember that store with all those funny and cute boxers?” us girls nod. “After we split up, I went back to get a pair for Jimmy.” She looks beside her at her husband, “Show them Hun.”

“I um uh,” he stumbles.

“Yeah Hun,” Matt smirks, clearly loving this.

“If it makes you feel better Jimmy,” I smile. “I went back also and Zacky a pair. I’m sure he’ll show his.”

Michelle looks at her man, “Bri, you too.” She looks at the rest of us. “I guess great minds think alike because about an hour after leaving you guys, I stopped to get some other things for home but found this one shop and then a pair of boxers for Brian.” Michelle looks back at him, “Show yours too.”

Zack, Jimmy, and Brian all looked ready to run. And us girls were waiting, looking at them. Like Zacky, I guess Jimmy and Brian both thought that us girls were clueless about how embarrassing the boxers really were, and didn’t want to hurt our feelings. They sighed but got up, lifting their shirt up to the side and pull up a bit of their boxers from their pants. Matt started cracking up and Val did the planed, awww. The guys quickly fixed their shirts and sat down.

Part Two: Have your man freely show the other guys in the middle of the restaurant.

“Ohhh Zacky those are so cute,” Michelle smiles.

Zack forces a smile, “Thanks. It’s all Alice. But I like what you picked for Brian.”

Michelle pecks her man’s cheek, “Thanks. I really do think more people should support Gay Rights.”

“I agree,” Val adds before taking a sip of her water.

“What’re on yours Jimmy?” Matt asks, a chuckle in his voice.

“Hearts and these funny cartoon muscle men,” Leana says answering for her husband.

I dial Leana’s cell number on my cell under the table and then stand up, “I’ll be right back.”

“Oh I’ll come with you,” Val smiles.

“Me too,” Michelle adds getting up.

“Don’t leave me with the men,” Leana smiles, leaving her cell on the middle of the table.

While we walk away, we hear the “women” comment from our guys. We head in the direction of the bathroom but turn left and not right, waiting in an empty room to listen to our guys conversation through my cell phone to Leana’s cell.

“I can’t believe you guys wore those,” we hear Matt tease.

The other three guys tell him to shut up and Jimmy adds, “At least I have an excuse. You all know how Leana acts. She gets all defensive if I don’t like something she gets me. You can’t have the wife mad at you or no sex.”

“Yeah yeah,” Zack cuts in. “What about Alice? She’s never got me something like boxers before. That’s a big step—”

“Bigger than sex?” Brian pipes in.

I blush and Leana pecks my cheek jokingly.

“Shut up,” Zacky says simply. “To Alice it’s a big thing and I didn’t want to ruin her first time getting them for me by saying I’d rather not wear them.”

“What’s your excuse Syn?” Matt asks.

Syn? I know I’ve heard that before…

“Well uh. Michelle came home in a fuss about how cruel people are to gays. She wouldn’t shut up, and then she finally said she thought we should help some how. And then goes on saying she found this one place with all these gay pride stuff, half the total goes to supporting gay rights. Well after her raving rant about cruel people to gays and you guys better fucking believe I wasn’t gonna say no to her and those boxers. Especially with that attitude.”

The guys laugh at Brian’s tale.

“You guys ever gonna wear then again?” Matt asks.

“Hell no,” Jimmy and Brian says.

“I dunno,” Zack answers. “Their embarrassing but cute in that weird kinda embarrassing way.”

“Does that count?” I ask look at the girls.

Val smiles, “Yep. You win.”

“Yes!” I exclaim, hanging up the phone.

Part Three: When the leaving guys alone, first one to say something nice about their boxers win.

We make it back to the table, and once reaching I smile while kissing Zacky lightly on the lips. Leana smacks Jimmy’s arm and Michelle rolls her eyes at Brian.

“What?” both Brian and Jimmy ask.

“Defensive?” Leana asks, eyes narrowed.

“Attitude?” Michelle asks, eyebrows raised in waiting.

“What the hell?” Brian asks. “How’d the hell you know that?”

Leana leans forward a little, grabbing her phone out of the middle of the table and smiling.

“All part of the bet,” I grin. “Which I won!”

“Bet?” all four ask shocked then groan.

We four girls laugh. Looks like I get $120 bones.

° FF 3 Days ° Wednesday °

]|[ Zacky ]|[

I was on my way to Alice’s work. I didn’t get to see her Monday or Tuesday so I’m gonna be sitting in on her last two lessons today then we’ll head over to my place.

Anyway, I got there just as Alice’s second to last kid arrived. It was a girl who knew me from A7x, she was there for guitar lessons and had me sign her guitar. It was the first rockstar/famous thing I had done with Alice there. The girl asked me to play a song, which I did, but she didn’t ask me for any tips, she had her full attention on Alice… like I did. The next appointment was a little boy getting all excited because he said he recognized me from a poster in his older brother’s room. I signed his guitar too.

After the little boy left, I helped Alice clean her already clean room, neat freak. And we went through Taco Bell’s drive through for dinner.


Alice and were in a heated kiss on my couch when I pull back and say the thing that was ticking in my mind.

“I can’t wait till I marry you.”

“You have to propose first,” she laughs.

I shrug, “Details, details.”

“Think about it,” she smiles dreamily. “One day I’ll be Mrs. Vengeance,” she said jokingly.

“No you’ll be Mrs. Baker,” I correct her, then smile wider. “You’re going to be so happy with me baby. As my wife and mother of my kids, I’d always be there for you. I’d take care of and love you all till I die.”

“Yeah,” she agrees softly. “I’d love to have kids,” she said with a dreamy expression. “I want a boy and a girl,” she looked up at me, to hear my opinion on that.

“Yeah,” I grin. “I’d love kids that looked just like their mother, they’d be beautiful.”

She blushed, “No, I’d want them to look like you. You have gorgeous eyes Tamu.” She quickly changed her opinion into, “But I only want kids after we get married.

“Yeah,” I agree with a nod.

“What are we doing tonight?” Alice asked as her fingers dragged up and down my arm.

“The guys and girls are going clubbing,” I told her. “We should go.”

She bite son her bottom lip. “I don’t know. I don’t really wanna,” she told me, looking at her fingers as they continued to go up and down my arm.

“C’mon, baby,” I grin. “It’ll be fun. Besides, we haven’t gone out and danced in a while,” I add, trying to coax her into it.

“I guess,” she sighs, still not looking at me.


“Baby!” I call from the bottom of the stairs. “Come on! I’d said we be there 5 minutes ago!”

“I’m having trouble with my outfit!” I heard her call back. “I need help!”

I sigh a little frustrated, I hated being too late to places. I move up the stairs and turn right to get to my bedroom. I walk in my bathroom but don’t see her, she must be in the closet or the toilets separate room. I walk over to the bathroom door and knock.

“Baby?” I ask.


I roll my eyes, “What do you need help with?”

“I uh… just, go and sit on the bed real quick.”

I take a deep breath but do as she says. I sit and wait only for a couple seconds and the door opens.




She was wearing some black and pink little lingerie number. She moved so she was leaning against the opening of the door way, one of her arms bent and stretched over her head, holding onto the door frame. It was so… fucking hott.

I gulp and ask in a wavering voice, “Sso what do yyou need help with?”

She smirks and slowly starts making her way over to me. Once she reaches me, she straddles me, pushing me down onto the bed so she loomed over me.

“I need help getting this thing off,” she tells me in a husky lust filled voice. “Think you can help?”

I smirk up at her, “Oh yeah.”

…We never did get out of the house that night.