Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 26

° FF 1 Day ° Thursday °

]|[ Zacky ]|[

“I can walk,” Alice muttered.

Johnny, Zander, and I ignored her. I was caring her bridle style as we move our way to my house. Johnny, grudgingly, agreed my house would be better for Alice. It was bigger and Alice could stay in the downstairs room so we didn’t have to be worried about her becoming dizzy and falling down the stairs at her apartment complex.

Alice was peeved at us babying her. She just didn’t understand how fragile she is. And I had a right to be extra worried about my baby because she was carrying my baby. Of course, she didn’t know I knew.

We had our way into my house and I went straight to the downstairs guest bedroom. Zander followed while Johnny went to the kitchen to make some tea for Alice. Zander moved back the covers, letting me place Alice in the bed then move the covers over her. She looked adorable with her pouting. I hid my laughter behind a smile and leaned down to place a kiss to her lips.

Damn do I love this woman.


It was close to midnight but I couldn’t sleep. I was downstairs with Alice, my arms wrapped around her as her back pressed against my chest. I had told Johnny I would sleep in my own room but we both knew it was a lie. But hey, if it helped him sleep at night to think I wasn’t sharing a bed with his little sister then so be it.

Little sister. It still blows me away. Johnny’s secret life is finally out. Never, in a million of years would the guys and I have thought he was hiding a little sister.

“Zack,” Alice’s sleepy voice reached my ears.

“Yeah babe?” I asked in a whisper.

“What are you doing?”

I was confused by her question till she laid a hand on mine. The one that was gently caressing her stomach, our child that wasn’t even a little bump yet.

“Nothing baby,” I whisper and kiss the back of her head. “Just can’t sleep.”

Alice moves to turn around but I hold firm. If she were to turn and face me, she’d have to lie on her broken rips. Hell no.

“Your ribs,” I gently remind her.

She sighs annoyed but stays the way she is. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just thinking. Go back to sleep. You need your rest.”

She was to tired to argue and just nods while making a small sound of agreement in the back of her throat. Her breathing very soon tells me she back in the land of dreams. With a sigh I decided I should try to sleep. Nuzzling my face into my loves neck, I try to do just that.

° FF 1 Day ° Friday °

I was awaken by Alice jumping out of bed and running out of the room. Scared as hell I jump up and follow. She runs into a bathroom and slams the door behind her. I throw the door open to see her throwing up in the toilet. Poor baby. I move forward and move her hair out of the way and gently rub her back.

When she was done she moved back, resting her back against the wall. Closing her eyes as a couple tears escaped. Grabbing a towel from the rack, I wet the end and kneel down beside her, washing her face a little.

“Shh…” I coo. “It’s ok baby. You’re just a little sick. Please stop crying.”

“It hurts,” she sobbed.

“What hurts?” I asked concerned.

“My side.”

I mutter a curse. “Ok baby. I’m gonna go get your pain pills. Don’t move.”

She just nods, eyes still closed. I quickly leave the bathroom and rush to the kitchen. Grabbing the pills and bottled water. I get back to Alice and she takes them but continues to cry a little. I slide down beside her, leaning against the wall. Gently I take her into my arms so she’s sitting in my lap. Curling up and wrapping her little arms around me, she buries her face in my chest.

“What?” I ask after she mumbles something incoherent.

“I’m pregnant,” she cries.

“Shh, baby. That’s great. What’s wrong with that?” If I didn’t find out from the nurse, I’d be 130 time’s more shocked.

She sniffles a couple times before taking her head from my chest and looking me in the eyes. “It’s great?” she asks unsure.

I grin. “It’s fantastic.” I frown a little. “Why? Do… do you not want to have the baby?”

“No!” she shouts a little shocked then lowers her voice. “No Tamu. I just thought… you’d be upset.”

“Why would I be upset?” She just shrugs her shoulder very lightly. “Baby,” I smile. “I’m so happy. A child of you and me, nothing could be better.”

Her lip starts quivering again and her eyes fill with tears. Once again she buries her face in my chest and starts to cry. I don’t try to shh her because I know these tears, are tears of happiness.

° FF 3 Days ° Monday °

]|[ Alice ]|[

Since telling Zack, I feel a burden lift from my shoulders. I’m ecstatic he’s so happy that we’re having a baby. We decided we’d wait longer to tell everybody. I am only 6 weeks and not showing; Val’s 8 but still not really showing.

He’s hoping for a little girl and I’m hoping for a little boy but we’re both hoping that the baby and I just make it out fine and happy.

Zacky’s so cute. He’ll give me a peck then my tummy even though I try to tell him the babies still a little ball of nothing. But he just replies his baby isn’t a little ball of nothing but the next rockstar Goddess. I just giggle and let him continue to talk to my still flat tummy. He’ll be a great daddy. I’m… not too sure about myself. I don’t know how to be a mother. I haven’t shared my worries with Zack. He has enough to worry about with his job and taking care of me.

° FF 25 Days ° Friday °

Zacky and I had our 5th month anniversary last month, September 23rd. He had the girls take me out to buy a fancy dress to go along with Zack’s very snazzy wear. He took me out to the most beautiful restaurant. And after that he drove us to the beach and we walked in the sand with our shoes in our hands. It was like one of those scenes from a romance movie you gag at but when it happens in real life with you… the movies all makes sense. Damn do I love that man.

I’m now 9 weeks pregnant and Zack and I are finally telling everyone. First, we’re telling Johnny tonight and tomorrow everyone else. I’m so worried but yet so happy to share Zack’s and my joy. It’s still hard to think I’ve got a little baby growing inside me. I know Johnny’s going to be so happy at the thought of being Uncle Johnny.


We were almost at the end of our meal when I felt Zack place a hand on my knee. I looked up at him and he nodded slightly. I nodded back and placed my fork down.

“So John,” I started with a smile. “Zack and I have something to tell you.”

Johnny glanced at my smiling face then Zack’s grinning one, his eyebrows jumped up. “You did it?” he asked Zack. “I thought you were—”

Zack coughed loudly a couple times and turned to him concerned. “You ok Tamu?” I asked after he stopped.

He nodded and cleared his throat. “Fine, fine. Just got a little bug in my throat.”

“So wait?” Johnny said. “What’s the news?”

I grinned. “I’m pregnant.” He didn’t do or say anything. “Johnny?”

And he… just flipped. He flew across the small distance of the table, getting a good hit in Zack’s face. Zack at pushed me away from him and into the corner on the booth almost as if he suspected it. Soon the two were on the floor. Johnny on top of Zack punching him in the face a couple times before some men in the place grabbed him and another helped Zack up.

“Johnny!” I cried. “Zack!”

I didn’t know who to go to. Johnny was my brother, he saved me and kept me safe. But Zack… is my other half. The father of my baby and he keeps me safe also.

“Let me go!” Johnny yelled out angrily. “I’m fine, I’m fine.”

The men holding him loosened their grip and Johnny shrugged them off. He was breathing hard, his fist clenched at his sides. He and Zack were in a little stand off. Finally I guess Johnny couldn’t take it any more and just turned, stomping out of the place.

That… could have gone better.


]|[ Zacky ]|[

I looked at myself in the mirror. Bruises were starting to form on my face. My face was beaten and bruised at this point.

“I’m gonna have to talk to him about hitting you,” Alice’s voice reached me as she walked into the bathroom with a pack of ice and cold wet cloth. “What if he broke your nose or smashed a tooth out? You’d be so ugly I won’t be able to take you out in public,” she said with a teasing smile and laughter in her beautiful eyes. “It was hard before, I mean, what with all those men and women staring at you.”

“And here I was thinking it was ‘cause I was so damn fucking sexy,” I comment trying to smile that best I can with my bruised face.

“Nope,” she said smiling and kissing the tip of my nose. “But I love you and that mug any way.”

“Thank God for that,” I say right before I wince at the cold meeting my skin.

Damn. I thought he’d take it good. He was still iffy about Alice and I every time he was with us but not an ass or anything. Like he said at the hospital, he’s not fine with it but accepts it.

Damn. Now I’m gonna have to talk to him again. Alice can’t start worrying about Johnny being mad at her or me. She’s always been over emotional and she’ll get all stressed out, and that’s not good for her or the baby.

° FF 1 Day ° Saturday °

“Johnny!” I yelled, my fist pounding on his door. “Johnny! Open up!” Nothing. “I know you’re here damnit! Johnny!”

“What?” he yelled throwing his door open.

“Do you want to know how I spent my night?” I glared. “Comforting Alice as she cried all night! What the hells your problem?”

He opened his mouth to say something but stopped short. His jaw was locked and fist tight at his sides. Finally he just turned leaving the door open, I followed closing the door behind me.

He stomped into his kitchen, throwing the door open and grabbing a beer. Not offering me one I’d like to point out. But that’s getting off the point.

“Now what’s wrong?” I ask again. “If it’s because you think I’m gonna leave Alice or the baby then your wrong. I love Alice and our baby. You know I’m gonna marry her.”

“I know,” he muttered then took a gulp of his beer. “You’re just a fucking moron.” I don’t comment. “Did you ever once think what happened to Alice’s and my mom? No? She died Zack. In child birth.” I tense. “Alice is her size. After having me, she had to be on bed rest for 3 months. Having Alice killed her. And her mom? Her mom died giving birth to her. It runs in the family, on both sides. Alice won’t survive having a baby!”

‘Dear God…’ I think and out loud I say, “No. No. No. She— it. No. She can’t Johnny. I— I won’t let her.”

His face softens. “You think I will? She’s my baby sister, Zack. But… she just so small. Too small to be having kids.”

“C-section,” I said firmly. “I’m not losing her Johnny. We’re going to the doctor next week. We’ll talk options with her. She— I won’t lose her Johnny.”

‘I can’t…’