Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 27

° FF 10 Days ° Tuesday °

]|[ Alice ]|[

5 months. 5 beautiful months with my Zacky. At the moment, we were at the beach. Having a very nice picnic. The sun was setting, making fire in the sky come to life. We must have been here for a good couple hours. Taking and laughing and not some times not talking. Just enjoying the feel of the other, holding each other as we watched the sun set. God how did I get so lucky to have a guy like Zack?

Zack suddenly tickled my sides, making me squeal and try to squirm out of his hold. He tickled me till I was on my back trying to escape him. Tears came to my eyes as laughter escaped my throat. Finally it stopped. My laughter subsided to giggles as I looked up at him. He was grinning down at me and held his hand out. I reach up and took it. He pulled me up into his arms and kissed me soundly on the mouth.

It was passionate and filled with so much love I thought I’d faint because the power of it all. But it ended to soon. Confused, I open my eyes… and then look down (only slightly because she’s so short).

I gasp.

Zack… was on one knee. A little black box in hand.

“Alice,” he starts taking a deep breath. “I love you so much. I love your smile, your laugh, your beauty inside and out. I’m so in love with you Alice. Please say…” he opens the box, “that you’ll marry me?”

By now I was a blubbering mess and all I could do was nod. He screamed from joy and jumped up. I threw my arms around his neck and he spun us. All I could do was laugh with my happiness.

I’m going to marry this man.

° FF 74 Days ° Monday °

I’m going to kill that man.

But I guess I could forgive him since he’s finally coming home today… that is later this night. Two weeks after Zack proposed, Avenged Sevenfold got a get deal for a tour. Headlining the Rockstar Taste of Chaos. It was hard to not celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving (ME: I know the dates are off, my story) with Zack but his family more than welcomed Johnny’s folks and I to join them. I’m still shy around Mr. Baker and a little of Mattie but I really am trying.

At the moment I was lounging back on the couch watching Ladder 49 while absentmindedly rubbing my 5 ½ month tummy. I smile remembering something’s Zack said the day he, my brother, and the guys left.

- ° Flashback ° -

“I want you to be careful while I’m gone for the 2 ½ damn months, ok? And I want callseveryday. And I wanna be on speaker when you go to the doctor next month to hear our baby’s heart beat. And I want pictures of you and that cute tummy. Especially in a bathing suit. I want to show off my fiancée and baby while on tour. Oh! And you gotta let me talk to your tummy whenever I want. The baby’s gotta now her daddies voice too. And—”

I placed my palm over his mouth with a giggle. “Tamu. Relax.”

He reaches up and removes my hand from his mouth, kissing the palm of it. “I just don’t want to miss anything. Thank God I’ll be there for the birth. And I’m worried something’s going to happen when I’m away.”

I peck his lips. “Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be ok. I’ve got your parents, Johnny, the girls, my girls. Everyone isn’t going to let me out of their sight even though I’m barely showing.”

“I know baby,” he whispers pulling me closer. “I just worry because I love you both so much.”

“I know. We love you too Tamu.”

- ° End Flashback ° -

“Alice?” Zander’s voice breaks my thoughts. “Foods done.”

I have to stretch to get up. Sure I’m only 5 ½ months but this stomach is huge! But I manage to get to my feet and walk into my kitchen. Zander was scooping the pasta noodles onto plates.

“Thanks Z,” I smile leaning up to kiss his cheek.

“No prob mama.”

I slap his arm. “Don’t call me that.” But I was smiling as I told him.

I love my bestie friend. I take the plate from him and go sit at the kitchen table. I gaze around for a moment. Hopefully Zack really does like the color I repainted for the kitchen. It was very lovely light yellow color that made it seem more open and bright. Hopefully he does like it. He said I could change anything in our house. That’s right, our house. Before he left on tour, he wanted me to pack up my condo and move in. He even let me clear out the down stairs guest bedroom to make it into my new music room. My own room to get away and relax. It was twice the size of my one in the condo, so I could fit all my music instruments and my baby white piano with the couch.

Damn do I love that man.

Val and I spent a lot of time talking about the future. Of what great fathers our men are going to make and how the others are going to be life long uncles. She’s hoping for a girl while I’m hoping for a boy, Zack wants a girl and Matt wants a boy. We like to joke that they’ll grow up and get married. But that’s just talk of two pregnant chicks missing their husband/fiancé.

Leana joins us sometimes too… with her being around 2 months pregnant. Happened the day before the guys left. She’s telling Jimmy tomorrow.


“Baby… Baby I’m home.”

“Whaaw?” I mumble, my eyes fluttering open.

They meet with a pair of gorgeous green ones.

“Zack!” I shout jumping up as best I could.

I latch my lips onto his. Damn did I miss my man.

“I… missed… you… so… much,” he says in between kisses.

“Me… too,” I say back.

I don’t have to tell how I welcomed him back home.

° FF 3 Days ° Thursday °

]|[ Zacky ]|[

I loved being back home. Going to sleep with the love of my life in my arms. I know Matt and I annoyed the hell out of the other guys and other people on tour. Our talk of the women we love and the babies we have on the way. But can you blame us?

We love ‘em.

“Zack!” Alice calls from downstairs. “Come on! We can’t be late!”

“Coming!” I call back grabbing my keys and wallet.

We had a doctor appointment today. I couldn’t wait to hear my baby’s heart beat again. Last time it was over the phone and almost cried. Can you blame me?

The love of my life is having our baby!


“Ok Alice. You know the drill, this is going to be a little cold,” our doctor said as she applied the jelly goop to Alice’s protruding tummy.

I held Alice’s hand while watching the screen.

“And hopefully we’ll be able to see the sex of the baby today… let’s se— oh.”

“Oh?” I fretfully ask. “What? What’s wrong?”

“Well… nothing’s wrong really.” She smiled. “Looks like there’s more than one heart beat. Looks like twins.”

“Twins!” Alice exclaims while all I can do is look at the screen wide eyed.

Alice and doctor don’t seem to notice. “It happens some times. One baby hides behind the other and sometimes a heart beat always isn’t heard, with one baby or two.”

“Twin what?” Alice asks still not noticing my shock.

“Hmm…” the doctor moves the thing around. “We got one girl.”

“Girl,” Alice smiles.

“Annnnd… another girl. Congratulations Alice and Zack.”

“Oh Zack,” Alice coos finally looking up at me.

I finally snap out of it. “Twins,” I whisper.

“Girls!” Alice squeals.

“Twin girls,” I mumble, a grin slowly forming on my face. I look down and kiss Alice. “They’ll be as beautiful as their mother,” I wink.


“Hey,” Johnny greeted with a smile as he opened his door.

Alice moved into his arms. “Hey big brother.”

When she stepped back, he rubbed her tummy a little and looked up at me. “Hey Zack.”

“Hey,” I grin.

He looks back and forth between Alice and I. “You found out the sex,” he grins after realizing it.

We both nod and move into his condo. It was all packed up. He was moving into a nice small house. He only stayed into the condo because he wanted to be close to Alice and watch after her. But that’s my job now so he can finally move.

“So,” he started after we all got drinks and sat down. “Am I getting a nephew or a niece?”

Alice looks at me and I nod, she looks back at Johnny. “How do you feel about nieces?”

“A niece!” he grinned. “That’s gre- wait… did you say nieces?”

“Yeah,” both Alice and I said.

“Twins!” he says shocked, eyes wide.

“Twins,” I confirm with a proud nod and kiss the crown of Alice’s head.

“That’s great,” he grins getting up and hugging Alice again.

But I catch his eye over her shoulder. He’s scared now more than ever. As am I.

° FF 2 Days ° Saturday °

]|[ Alice ]|[

“Well now we know why I’m so fat.”

All the girls laugh at my comment. The band, their girls, my girls (Heather, Cecil, Zander) and some other close friends were all at Matt’s for a BBQ to celebrate the babies. It wasn’t a baby shower, the guys just like any excuse to get together with friends and knock back a few. Zack cut back a lot since the news of the baby and even more now that it’s babies. He wants to be responsible and he says he can’t do that if he’s drunk; same with Jimmy and Matt. The most he likes to have now is two beers or one shot of Jack. Quitting smoking was hard at first for him but he’s cool now.

“I can’t believe I’m going to be an aunt!” Michelle grinned. “I’m gonna spoil my nephew rotten.”

“Not as much as my nieces,” Johnny exclaims joining our little group.

He places a kiss on my cheek and I smile up at him. I gaze around the backyard. My girls couldn’t have got a better family.