Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 03

]|[ Johnny ]|[

“What the hell you guys doing here?” I ask confused once opening my door.

All my band mates plus Val and Leana stood outside my door. It was a little weird. Since buying and moving here 3 years ago they’ve been here no more than 5 times.

“Came to visit,” Jimmy grinned.

“Who the hell lives above you?” Brian asks.

I freeze but then I hear it. The amazing guitar skills of my little sister. She must have been playing in the living room and not the sound proof music room so you could hear it from my doorstep.

Before I could answer someone else interrupts, “Johnny?”

The guys part and turn to the voice. It was Alice’s best friend, Zander.

“Hey Zander,” I nod. “What’s up?”

“Band practice in an hour,” he says slowly looking at all the people looking at him. “Um uh yeah… I’ll talk to you later. See ya.”

With that we watch as he walks up the stairs and we hear his key to my sister’s condo in the lock and opens it walking in. Like I said… gay best friend. He can have a key.

The music soon stops.

“Well come on in,” I said with a wave.

Zacky was the last to enter but not before looking upward at my sister’s condo once more.

With a shake of his head Zack says, “I have to meet the guy playing in there.”

‘Why do people always think only guys can play?’I think with a frown. “Come on Zack. Go grab a drink.”

]|[ Alice ]|[

“Thanks for coming Alice,” Joey grins towering over me. “And thanks for the help.”

I look down with cheeks burning, “It’s ok.”

He backs up a bit causing me to relax. I sense Zander to my right and look to see him making his way over.

“Ready Ally?” he asks softly.

“Yeah,” I whisper.

He grabs my hand and shouts his goodbyes to the rest of his band; Joey, Nick, and Kelly.

“So… I saw your brothers band at his place today,” Zander says casually on the way to my home. “That’s gotta be what? 5 months since they last came over?”

With my forehead on the window and breathing air onto it drawing pictures, I don’t answer. Why do I care? They were just people. People my older brother never wants me to meet. Doesn’t want me hurt. He says some people will say there’s something wrong with me but I don’t understand. Nothings wrong with me. I know it. I just don’t like people. There’s too many people. I just want to go home and play my music. The flute sounds nice right now.

° FF Next Day ° Tuesday °

“I want this one!” I shout to Johnny.

It was beautiful. A white baby grand piano. Perfect. I’ve been saving for I don’t know how long for something like this.

“So this is it,” I hear Zander beside me.

“Looks good sis,” Johnny also comments.

But I don’t look at them. I keep my eyes on the piano. I could cry but Johnny says I shouldn’t do that if I don’t want people looking at me. I don’t want that.

“Well,” Johnny claps drawing my attention to him. “Lets buy it and move it to the truck.”

Johnny had hired a moving bus and 2 guys to bring it to and in my condo. My condo is a three bedroom. Large I know. One room is my bedroom, one my music room, and I had one the was a guest room for Zander when ever he stayed over but I got rid of that room. The guest room is now the piano room. The lighting is beautiful with hardwood floors but I got a very large and soft white rug. Plus I adds a very stylish white couch against one wall.

“Have you been studying how to play?” Johnny asks as we watch the movers load it up.

“Yeah,” I whisper but then speak a little louder, “When you went away on the last tour I’ve been listening on how to play more.”



‘Careful- careful- careful…’ I thought over and over in my head watching the movers.

I’ve been saving so long for this beautiful piece and was a little over worried. Though… Johnny did help just a tiny bit with the cash.

“It’s beautiful,” I whisper in awe stocking my index finger along the keys.

I sat on the matching bench and positioned my fingers. I was in another world. My world. My mind took control of my body and moved my fingers to the right place in the right time. Images swirled alive in my head; colors, shapes, music notes, and all around the beauty of the world. Nothing could break through.

]|[ Johnny ]|[

I sat beside Zander on the white sofa as Alice played her first piece on her piano. Wonderful… as always. I knew the only way to bring her out of her masterpiece was human contact and that didn’t always mean she could or would stop.

‘What did she need help for?’ I thought confused.

The dream coming back to me. Beth asked- no pleaded for me to help Alice but… why? Alice was fine. She had food, a place to live, family, friends, a job, a passion in life, and was healthy. Why? Or better question what? What did she need help with? People? I couldn’t fix that. There was no cure. Hell! My sister didn’t need a cure. Sometimes I could go weeks forgetting something was wrong.

As far as I’m concerned… my little sister is perfect.

° FF Next Day ° Wednesday °

]|[ Alice ]|[

“Hey Ally,” I heard Zander say as he opened the door to the private room at work. “Little Sarah’s sick and can’t make her appointment.”

“Ok,” I said softly not looking at him and strumming my guitar lightly.

“Do what you like while I head back out front,” he said.

I looked up slightly and nodded. Nothing to do for two hours. Lessons were usually 1 ½ hours and I had ½ an hour in between each lesson. It was about an hour and a half later when I placed Pumpkin down in the case. I stood up and left the room itching to go look at the new guitars that came in yesterday.

‘Gorgeous…’ I thought looking at the piece of art.

And I wanted it. But… I had just gotten my Baby White yesterday. I’ll wait, I decided with a frown. I could always order another one.

In the mean time…

Reaching up I gently took it into my small hands and sat at a chair near by. Hey, I work here. I can touch any of them I want. Plugging it into a small amp and turning the volume to a reasonable level I got ready.

]|[ Zacky ]|[

I can’t believe I broke a string on my guitar. Damn it! And I’m out of extra strings. I decided to head over to Music World Industrial co. Nice place and it was the closet to my house. Throwing the hood of my hoodie up and placing the sunglass over my eyes I walked in. I had only planed to go in, get my strings, and then get out.


Damn someone can rip it up. Forgetting the strings I headed over to the noise. I stood in silence but awe as the woman’s fingers brought the music to life. Her head was bowed, short dark hair falling in front of her face making it impossible to see. She was petite, wore tight light colored jeans with a black tee and checkered hot pink Vans.

Her small slender fingers moved with grace but yet quickly to the cords making it finally come to an end. And then she lifted her head. Beautiful. Stunning deep but light brown eyes and a pretty pink mouth that was asking to be kissed. Nice shape in face and a minuor piecing that added to her cuteness.

But then her cheeks heated with color and I snapped out of my daze to see she had snapped out of hers and had noticed me there.

“Uh you’re um very good,” I managed to get out.

Her cheeks got even brighter and she adverted her eyes. With a whisper I strained to hear she said, “Thank you, sir.”

“Sir?” I questioned but when she shifted slightly I noticed the name tag on her shirt. ‘Ahh… so she works here.’ “I was wondering,” I said specking up again, “if you could show me where the strings for the guitars are?”

“Um, well, yes,” she mumbled looking down. “Let me show you.”

She got up and quickly but gently put the guitar she was playing away. With cheeks now only slightly pink we started over to the guitar strings.

‘Shy little thing,’ I thought following behind her.

“I’ve never seen you in here before,” I commented. “Just starting?”

“No,” she said softly, “four years. I only give lessons in the back room. My last appointed canceled.”

“Really!” I ask in a slightly shocked voice. “I’ve been thinking of getting a new instructor. The one I’m with now just isn’t working out.”

‘Where the hell did that come from?!’ I think with a little shock in myself.

“Oh…” she said blushing again and looks away. “You can make an appointment at the front desk with Zander or Jared. I’m sorry but I have to get ready for my next lesson.”

I took note to her pulling on the hem of her shirt lightly, maybe a thing she does out of nervousness and I smiled kindly to ease her nerves.

“That’s fine,” I nodded. “I’m Zacky.”

She stared at my out stretched hand for a moment but then took it lightly in her small one. A shock went through my body, as did hers I’m sure since she quickly pulled her hand away.

Looking confused all she said was, “I’m Alice.” And walking away.

I watched her hips sway a little before she disappeared behind a police taped decorated door.

‘Alice… beautiful. Simply beautiful.’

“Find everything ok?” the guy behind the counter asked. Name tag said Jared.

I nodded, “Yeah. I’d also like to make an appointment for a lesson with Alice.”

“Alice?” I heard.

Jared and I both looked to see a guy come from a room from behind Jared. He looked familiar… hmmm… got it! He was the guy at Johnny’s place. The one that walked up the stairs to the condo with the awesome guitar player.

“Yeah.” I said answering his question. “I just talked to her. Like to make an appointment for guitar.”

“I guess…” he said slowly with slightly squinted eyes.

Hmmm, protective…. Boyfriend? Hope not. Good friend? Sounds better.

“Great,” I smiled to ease his nerves this time.

“How about Saturday?” Jared asked coming back into the convo. “2 o’clock? And I’ll need a number to reach you at in case something comes up.”

“Ok,” I nodded and rattled off my number.

“It will be $9.88 for the strings (is that right? No clue) and on Saturday you and Alice will go over the price for the lessons.”

I got my wallet out and paid the man. Smiling at them as I walked out the door.

]|[ Alice ]|[

“Ally,” I heard as the door opened. “Danny’s here for his lesson. And…” he paused for a moment. “Ally… there was an older guy that wanted lessons from you. Said he talked to you. He was all covered up, might be careful.”

With my face heating up I kept my eyes on my bass, Kingston.

“Yeah,” I finally managed. “His names Zacky. It’s ok… he has a kind voice.”

“Ok,” I could hear the smile in his voice and looked up. “Names Zacky, huh? Well glad to see you making new friends.”

“Hey Alice,” we heard from behind Zander.

Zander moved out of the way to show 15-year-old Danny here for his lesson. He walked into the room and sat in his chair, starting to get his bass ready.

“Oh,” Zander said suddenly. “Your brother called and wanted to know if you wanted to go out to Vines tonight?”

“Can you call him for me and tell him I’d like that?”

Zander grinned, “Sure thing Ally.” And with a wink he walked out.

“Ok Danny,” I said softly while turning to him. “Lets pick it up from your last lesson.”