Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 04

]|[ Brian ]|[

“What the hell are you guy doing here?”

Matt, Jimmy, and I all turned to the voice of Zacky’s.

“Hey V,” Jimmy said as he hit the que ball into his solid red making it go in the corner pocket.

“You guys came over to me house to play pool when Matt has one?” Zacky questioned again. “And where’s Johnny?”

“You know him,” I shrug.

Zack nodded in understanding and went behind the bar grabbing a Pepsi.

“Where’d you go?” I ask sitting on the bar stool watching Matt and Rev play.

“Music store to get more strings.”

“Yeah?” I questioned uninterested.

“Met a girl,” he says in the same voice.

That pecked my interest. Zacky usually doesn’t just mention girls like that. He’d mention a one night stand but… not a girl he met while shopping.


Complete silence.

I turn to him, Matt and Jimmy look up from their game. Zack’s expression clearly showed that he didn’t mean to say that out loud. You see… Zacky never said that. Ever. Pretty, hot, fine and maybe even a gorgeous but never beautiful. To Zack, beautiful was the highest compliment about a girl.

“Beautiful huh?” Jimmy smirked.

“Forget it,” Zacky mumbled looking down at his soda.

“What’s her name?” Matt asks forgetting all about his game.

“Alice,” Zack sighs but I see the corner of his lip twitch.

“Gonna see her again?” I grin.


“Date already?” Rev asks as his hand moves slowly, moving one of his pool balls into a pocket as Shads not looking.

“Well…” Zacky drawls out. “Not quite.”

“What do you mean?” Shads asks.

“Guys,” Zack says in a frustrated voice. “Just leave it.”

“No way V,” Rev grins. “You used the B word. Spill.”

“I have an appointment,” he says tentatively.

“What?” all three of us chorus together.

He sighs looking at his JD again. “She teachers music lessons. I made a guitar appointment…. For lessons.”

It’s silent. That is till Jimmy brakes it with a laugh. A huge, loud, long, and hysterical laugh that Matt and I join in on. Zack stands there scowling at us.

“W-wha? Y-y-you….” I can’t even say it as I continue laughing.

Zack walks out of the room as we continue to laugh.

]|[ Zacky ]|[

‘Assholes,’ I frown as I sit in my living room.

They come trailing in a couple minutes later. Grinning.

“Sooo…” M trailed off. “Guitar lessons?”

They chuckle again and I just sit there.

“Why?” Syn asks.

I shrug lightly but answer, “She’s real shy. Really really shy. I thought lesson’s would help break the ice.”

“And the B word?” Jimmy brought up.

“Forget it guys,” I say, my annoyance on high. “And don’t bring this up to Johnny. He’s still crazy about Jen cheating on him.”

The guys nod in agreement. That’s the second long time girlfriend in a row that cheated on their best friend. And plus… Johnny hates to hear about that stuff.

“So you’re… lesson is Saturday?” Brian asks almost laughing again.

“Yeah. At 2.” But then I suddenly glares at them. “Don’t show up. Like I said. She’s real shy and I don’t want you guy’s blowing this.”

We all nod and Matt adds, “Don’t worry Zack. We won’t interrupt your lesson with the beautiful Alice.”

And yet again. They all laugh in my expense. What are best friends for?

]|[ Johnny ]|[

“I’ll get the Italian Club Sandwich with Ranch on the side,” Alice told the waiter after me. “So Johnny,” she says looking at me. “How’s… Jen?” she paused to remember the name.

My hand tightens around my root beer as she asks but I take a calming breath and look at her. Jen- the lying two timing bitch never knew or met Alice. But I would mention Jen to Alice.

“It’s over,” I say in a non-caring voice.

Alice looks genially sad, “Oh I’m sorry Johnny. Why?”

“We thought it better to just stay friends.”

Ok, I lie. No use getting her upset over that bitch.

“Oh,” she smiles in understanding. “I hope you find someone one day. You’re a good guy.”

She smiles showing her perfect white teeth and her eyes are filled with love. I’m sure mine shine with it also. I do love my little sister, not in an incest why of course. When I found her when I was 13, I was already in love and fought to keep her no matter what.

“Is the band doing well?”

Alice brought me out of my thoughts before they turned dark and smiled at her.

“It’s going good. We’re all happy to be home for a short bit.”

“That’s good. Oh! Johnny I’m going to go try the claw machine.”

Laughing at her child ness I pull out a dollar and give it to her. My little sister is perfect.

° FF 2 Days ° Friday °

]|[ Alice ]|[

“I’m not to sure about this Zander,” I said nervously pulling at the helm of my top.

If you could call it that. I loose black halter top with silky waves. A purple plaid skirt with some straps, fishnets, and lace up black boots. Zander picked it out.

“You look great Ally,” he said walking out of the bathroom finally done with his hair.

“Umm…” I look around. “This isn’t a good idea. I don’t like lying to my brother and remember last time you took me to a club? You know I don’t like people.”

Yes I was whining now.

“Please…” he whines now and did the unthinkable.

Puppy dog eyes with a pout. Always work. Dang.

“Ok,” I whisper.

“Great!” he grins.


I music was loud and deafening but I moved to the beat. I wasn’t in the crowd of people but by a mental rail and tables. Zander had wondered off not to long ago and hadn’t come back. Maybe he found a nice guy to talk to… or fuck.

]|[ Zacky ]|[

Jimmy and I had decided to go out to the club tonight and untwine. We must have been there 20 minutes when I spotted someone. Zander.

“Yo Zander,” I grinned at him.

Hey. If I want to get anywhere with Alice I have to make nice to her friends.

“Hey Zacky…” he said slowly.

I have no clue why.

“How’s it goin?” I question.

He shrugs, “Pretty good. I’m just here with Alice.”

“Oh,” I know the interest is in my voice. “How’s she?”

“Let’s go find out,” he grins, his mood suddenly more upbeat.

I follow him and see Alice and damn she’s looking hot. She’s got her hands a little above her head holding onto a metal railing and she was moving to the music. Zander was able to come up behind her and wrap his large arms around her small frame. I tense up as he kisses her lightly on the cheek and she smiles up at him.

“Looks who’s here,” I hear him say as I make it beside them.

Alice looked from Zander to me and even in the dark and flashing club I see hint of a blush. Zander moves his arms away from Alice and smiles.

“I’m gonna head out on the floor,” he says to us both and then turns to Alice. “Be nice,” Zander says and walks away.

“You wanna dance?” I ask looking down at her still even though her boots gave her an extra 3 inches.

She laughs and starts walking away.

“Hey! Hey!” I say moving to follow.

I shove my way through the crowd she decided to go through.

“I’m really a good dancer,” I call out to her.

She makes it to the bar holding up her index finer and I hold up two fingers.

“Make it two,” I tell the bartender. She doesn’t even look at me. “It’s gonna be like that huh?” I ask as she picks up her drink. “If you’re mad at him don’t take it out on me.” I pause looking around then back to her. “I’ve been trying to figure out the two of you.” She finishes her drink. “You his woman or what?”

She turns her head to me and smiles slightly. “No. I’m not his woman.”

“Good.” I nod and smile as she laughs.

She looks around for a moment and tenses up a little.

“Wanna get out of here?” I ask.

She looks at me with distrust and shakes her head no.

“No?” I ask and she shakes it again. “How about we head over to the V.I.P room? And just talk?

“I guess.” She had whispered it and I only knew she said it by reading her lips.

“Great,” I smile and grab with hand pulling her through the dance floor.

I’ve been here before so the bouncers at the door recognize me and let us through. I’m a little surprised but happy to not see Rev up here. I guide her over to one of the couches in the room and continue to smile gently to ease her nerves. Shy little thing but very cute.

“Tell me about yourself,” I urge.

“You first,” she smiles.

“Well. I’m a middle child. Older sister, younger brother. Parents still together. I have a puppy named Ichbod. I’m 26. I drive a black Jeep Liberty. Uhh, I’m a music… promoter. My favorite colors green and I love pancakes and candy corn.” Her smile grew through out the time of my talking and laughs at the last thing. “Now you,” I tell her.

“Well…” she says softly. “I have a protective older brother. My parents are both dead. I have no pets but would love to get a chocolate Labrador. I’m 19. I have a silver volvo but I hate to drive. I give lessons for music, as you know. My favorite color is blue and baby yellow. Plus… I love tacos and cotton candy.”

“See we’re prefect for each other,” I state without really mean to say that out loud.

She blushes crazily and looks at the window showing the club below.

“Sooo…” I say trying to pick it back up. “Protective older brother huh?”

She laughs lightly looking back at me. “He’s harmless. Just worry’s over me. He’s great. He raised me.”

He probably was great. I could clearly see the love she has for him. He sure did a hell of a nice job raising such a beauty. Still… protective older brother; one that probably won’t like a 26-year-old hitting on his 19-year-old little sister. I’ll just have to wait a long time to meet him. (ME: and that my friends is irony!)

“So, excited for my lesson tomorrow?” I wink.

She looks away and answers with a simple, “Yes.”

“I like your tattoo’s,” leaning back slightly to see the colorful sparrow on her right shoulder.

Her smile gets wider, “Thank you. I love yours. Tell me about them.”

You and I both have no clue how long we talked about tattoos. It wasn’t before long till Zander called Alice and Jimmy called me. Both ready to go. We say our goodbyes in the club. And I wanted to hug her bye or something but didn’t want to scare her off. With a I’ll see you tomorrow I smile goodbye, I meet up with Rev who I drop off at his and Leana’s place.

]|[ Zander ]|[

“Soooo…” I drawl out with a grin. “Have fun with Zacky tonight?” Ally blushed and broke eye contact as we slipped into the car. “Where did you two head off to tonight?” I pressed again.

Looking out the window she shrugged. “We went to the ZIP room and talked. That’s all.”

“Does… he I dunno,” I shrug while keeping my eyes on the road, “seem familiar to you?”

She glances at me for a moment before returning her gaze to the outside, “His face… it does seem familiar but you know I’m horrible with faces Zan.”

I nod, “I know.”

Oh my. She was right. And she had no clue. Should I tell her? I mean he is Zacky Vengeance. Her older brothers band mate and best friend. Almost gave me a heart attack when I saw him at the club! I had no idea it was him who stopped into work.

Oh my. He asked for guitar lessons. I chuckle making Alice look at me at my sudden laugh. I just flash her a grin and turn back to the road. Jeez… was Mr. Vengeance that desperate or did he just really like Alice? What would Johnny say? This is tricky. I’ll just… let things play out. Yeah… that’s what I’ll do.

“He’s nice,” Alice say suddenly almost making me jump. “I don’t feel to weird around him like everyone else.” She glances at me for just a moment. “I can talk to him and not feel too awkward.”

“That’s great sweetheart,” I tell her with genuine happiness.

And it was great. Ally was the sweetest and most caring person ever but with her condition it was hard for her to make friends or find that someone that she didn’t feel different around. I happen to be one of the those people. I’ve pretty much been her only friend since we met when she was five and I was six. She has others friends of course that she can be around but… its still hard to find any. And Zacky was one. Hm who a thought it?

This was great the more I thought of it. Zacky… even though a bit of a player and Johnny’s best friend… seemed like a good guy. He was kind to her, gentle, and hell! He was going to get guitar lessons! He’s in a famous band! I guess… I support their relationship… anywhere it may go.

But if he hurts her…