Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 05

° FF 1 Day ° Saturday °

]|[ Alice ]|[

I bit my lip nervously as I looked at the clock in my lesson room. 1:45pm. 15 minutes till Zacky comes in.

Or not.

“Hey Alice,” I hear him say as the door opens.

Confused I just reply with, “Hi Zacky. You’re early?” More of a question than a fact.

He grins, “Yeah. I got us tacos. Regular and Supreme.” And he holds up the bag as proof.

I smile but a bit shyly. “You didn’t have to do that.”

He shrugged and sat in the chair beside mine. “I thought you may be hungry. Plus I’m hungry sooo…” he shrugs again with a smile.

I smile back and take the wrapped supreme taco as he holds it out. Happy that he remembered my favorite food from the other night.

“Thank you.”

“So,” he says with taco in his mouth. “How long have you been teaching guitar?”

I sallow my bite, “Umm… 4 years here. When I was 15. But I taught my older brother the bass when I was 11.”

He looked surprised and grins, “Really? Guitar and bass? Multi-talented huh?”

I look down at my taco shyly and take a bite with a hint of blush.

“How long have you been trying to learn?” I ask.

He pauses with his taco half way to his mouth and says, “Uh. About… 2 months? Yeah, 2 months. I just didn’t like the guy teaching me.” I nod and take the last bite of my taco. “Want another?” Zacky asks.

I shake my head no with a small smile, “I’m kinda full. I get full fast.”

“That’s cause you’re such a small thing yourself,” he teases.

I feel my face fan with heat and look away from him.

“Would you like me to tune the guitar you brought while you finish?” I ask him looking to the side of his chair where his case sat.

He looks at me unsure. Like he wanted to say yeah that’s ok but then also wanted to say hell no.

“I’ll be careful,” I reassure him gently.

Zacky finally nods, “Ok. It’s just… it was my uncles and means a lot to me.”

I smile and nod as I get up and move to the case. It was a very nice one. Old but nice and good first guitar.


]|[ Zacky ]|[

“So how much to I owe you?” I asks as we finish putting both our guitars away. “Jared said to talk to you about it.”

“Oh,” she blushes, so cute, “Zander takes care of all that. Jared always say I do it but it’s really Zander.”

“Ok,” I nod. “Thanks a lot for the lesson. You’re a great teacher.”

She blushes lightly, “Thank you. You’re a great student. You just have to learn were it’s best to keep your hands and arms.”


It was true but then it was a lie. I was a terrible student and it’s true, to her, I didn’t know where to put my hands and arms. So… she kinda had to go behind me and place her arms around me to help. What?! It was genius!

“When should I make my next appointment?” I ask sitting back down.

She follows suit and sits, “You’ll have to talk to Zander.”

“He handles everything for you huh?” I ask masking my jealousy. “How long have you known each other?”

“We met when I was 5.”

“Whoa,” I say with wide eyes, “Long time.”

She smiles, “Yeah. He’s my best friend.”

That kinda helped. And ok I know that she told me she wasn’t his woman but still… I can’t help but be weary. She’s known him for years, he handles all her business, and since I’m bi I notice how fucking hot he is. Really hot.

‘Ok Zacky! Snap out of it!’

“So uh Alice,” I say making her head turn towards me. “Do you wanna go get something to eat later tonight?”

She blushes but this time doesn’t draw her eyes away from mine, “Oh uh. I’m sorry Zacky but I have plans with my brother.”

“Some other time?” I ask hopefully.

She smiles softly, “Yeah. Sounds great.”

“Good,” I grin.

“Sorry Zacky,” she says softly and stands up, “I have to get ready for my next lesson.”

I follow suit and also stand smiling benevolently (Ha! Big word!) I say to her, “That’s ok Alice. Thanks again for the lesson.”

And without warning I take her into a hug. A friendly one but she tenses up like a stone.

I chuckle softly, “Ease up Alice. It’s just a hug.”

I don’t let go but a few seconds later she finally relaxes. Though she doesn’t hug back I’m satisfied enough that she’s no longer tense and let go. I being us out of the hug and place my hands on her arms with a smile.

“I’ll see you my next lesson?” I question. “Or maybe we’ll run into each other again like the club?”

She blushes and says in a whisper of a voice, “Maybe. Never know.”

Moving my arms back to my sides I lean down a little a grab the handle to my guitar case.

With a wink, “See ya later Alice.” And I start to the door.

“Bye Zack,” I hear her soft voice as I leave the room.


“Why the hell are you guys here? Again?” I grill walking into my living room.

“Hey Zacky,” Brian grinned from his spot beside Jimmy.

“Take a seat,” Matt gestures to an empty chair. My Chair.

I glare and reply dryly, “Thanks.” But I do sit in it.

“Sooo…” Jimmy grins at me, “How was the lesson?”

“Pull the whole she-sits-behind-you-to-help move?” Syn asks. I don’t answer and keep my eyes on the T.V. “Oh my God!” Syn laughs. “You did!”

Matt and Jimmy join in on the hysterical laughing of the oh so funny topic.

“Aww…” Matt teases. “Don’t pout Zacky. You know if it was any of us in your place, you’d laugh.”

I huff with an eye roll but I know he’s right. Don’t need to tell him that though. He has a big enough ego.

“When’s the next lesson?” Jimmy asks.

“Or did you grow some balls and ask her on a date?” Matt this time.

I turn my eyes away from the screen and to them, “A lesson on Tuesday. Not a date yet. She’s to shy. I did try to though. Asked her out for some food tonight but she has plans with her brother.” I pause then add, “Her older protective brother.”

“Shit,” Brian laughs.

Jimmy adds a, “that’s never good.”

“Tell me about it,” I sigh.

“Meet him?” Jimmy inquires.

I shake my head, “No. Not yet. Hopefully I’ll get to know Alice better way before that.”

]|[ Alice ]|[

“Johnny can we stay in tonight?” I ask as we start heading towards the door. “I feel like cooking and watching a movie.”

Johnny turns with keys in a hand and shrugs, “Sure. Sounds good. What’cha making?”

“I feel like chicken with mushrooms and rice?” I ask unsure. “Is that fine?”

He smiles and starts walking towards the livingroom but as he passes me, he kisses my forehead and nods in agreement. After a little bit of cooking I place the food on two different plates and head out to Johnny wondering if I should ask him. What if he got mad? Johnny can get like that.

We were half way through the meal before Johnny bluntly spoke,
“What’s wrong?”

Turn my eyes away from the TV. I look at him while biting my lower left lip. What if he got mad? I don’t like when Johnny’s mad at me. It hurts.

“Well I was wondering,” I started in a whisper but spoke louder as he cleared his thought. “I was wondering if… of what… you would do if I went on a date? With a guy?”

There. I said it. It’s been bugging me since I think Zacky asked me out earlier. He froze. Completed froze. His eyes were even wide with the shock that I asked. But then turned to anger and I whimpered a little thinking he was angry at me.

“Who!?” he all but shouted while jumping from his seat. “Who that hell asked you out!? What’s his name Alice!?” When I didn’t answer he stopped his pacing and looked down at me. “Oh God,” he whispered and dropped to his knees in front of me. “I’m so sorry Alice,” he said softly and hugging me as my tears fell.

“I-I’m s-s-sorry Johnny,” I sobbed. “I did-n’t m-mean to make you m-ma-mad.”

“Shhh…” he cooed rocking us back and forth to the side to calm me. “I’m not mad at you. I’m upset that someone could think to ask my baby sister out.”

I gently pulled away as my sobbing and tears ended, “Why? Don’t I deserve somebody to love? Like your parents and you? Is it cause people say there’s something wrong with me?”

“No,” Johnny said firmly feeling like an ass. “Nothing is wrong with you. You’re perfect. And because you’re perfect I don’t want some guy that’s not good enough for you to hurt you. I love you Alice.”

“I love you too Johnny,” I reply softly with my forehead on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I made you mad.”

“I didn’t get mad at you Alice,” he repeats. “Just mad at this guy. What’s his name anyway?”

With my forehead still to his shoulder so I didn’t have to look in his eyes, “No guy Johnny. One of my student’s today, a girl, asked if I had a boyfriend. It just got me thinking.”

He pulls back a little making me move my head and look at his gentle face with love filled eyes. Kissing me forehead he apologies for yelling. I just smile back.

° FF 1 Day ° Sunday °

“Why would he do that?” I ask with my nose scrunched up.

Zander just sighed and mumbled incoherent words. One of the guys he was seeing had come up with I-don’t-think-this-is-going-anywhere excuse last night on their date and left. Ass. Zander then went home and drank with his roomy/bandmate, Adam. He still looked at me in that depressed way. I threw a couch pillow at him.

“Only one way to solve a sad gay with a hangover,” I said.

We looked at each other, nodded, and said simultaneously, “coffee and chocolate.”

]|[ Brian ]|[

“Coffee, coffee, coffee,” I muttered while heading into the Starbucks.

I seriously needed a pick-me-up. I was looking at the ground trying to keep my face covered by my hat. Way to early to deal with fans. But I guess not looking where I was going didn’t do any good.

“Shit,” I cursed as a body thudded into me and fell while I remained standing.

“Sorry,” I almost didn’t hear the tiny voice.

Looking down I say a very pretty dark haired girl. Warm and kind light brown eyes with a soft face and nice figure. Small and cute little package.

“Here,” I said sticking my hand down to her.

Though she looked unsure she softly grabbed it and I pulled her up. I noticed right away that her small hands had were the hands of a guitarist or bassist. But also strong like a drummers. Weird.

“No. It’s my fault,” I said softly. “Sorry.”

I also took notice to her nervousness. Biting her lower left lip and tugging gently on the hem of her shirt.

“I’m… Brian,” I told her slightly hesitantly.

She opened her mouth but another voice yelled out, “Ally!”

Both of us turned to our right to see… some guy that looked familiarly for some reason.

“Zander,” the girl, Ally, said softly with a smile.

When the muscular, tattoo guy made it to us he threw his large arm around the petite girl silently narrowing his eyes at me.

“This is Brian, Zander,” Ally said gently.

Jealous boyfriend maybe?

“Brian huh?” the guy grinned.

Then I knew he knew I was also Syn. The girl just didn’t know. I shrugged then looked behind them a little towards Starbucks.

“Oh sorry,” Ally blushed. “Didn’t mean to hold you up. Nice meeting you.”

I smile, “You too.”