Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 07

]|[ Alice ]|[

“You cheated!” I accuse childishly at Zacky as his light to the water gun race went off.

He playfully stuck a tongue out at me, “nuh uh.”

“You pushed me,” I point out.

Before he can respond the guy working the booth asks Zack, “Pick a prize any prize.”

“The purple giraffe,” Zack immediately answers.

“I wanted that one,” I pouted.

He turns to me and grins, “That’s way I won it for you.” And then he holds it out to me.

I blush not thinking he’d do that extremely cliché move. Zack laughs lightly and grabs my hand, making us walk away from the game.

“Here,” he says holding the giraffe out to me again. “I want you to have it.”

Smiling with lightly heated cheeks, I take the stuffed animal, “Thanks Zacky.”

He winks, “no problem babe.”

My cheeks flame more and I turn my eyes away from his.

“Sooo,” Zack trails off. “What ride you wanna go on?”

“Ummmm….” I think looking around us. “The Scrambler.”

“Good choice,” he nods and starts walking that way with my hand still in his.

Almost instantly we’re at the front of the line. Zacky being heavier than me had to sit on the outside cause I’d be pressed tightly against him when the ride started.

]|[ Zacky ]|[

I. Love. That ride.

We went on it three times in a row and didn’t have to wait in line since… fuck, I’m Zacky Vengeance!But I don’t love the ride because it’s the shit but because the whole time I had the beautiful Alice pressed tightly against me. She couldn’t pull away because the speed and friction of the ride made it impossible for her to.

And she didn’t blush. She was having too much fun laughing and screaming. I watched her face the whole time since she’d close her eyes when the ride started. And her laugh: damn… is it bad if her smile and laugh gave me a small hard on? I was able to get rid of it by thinking of M.Shadows in a bikini.

“That was great!” Alice cheered practically jumping when we made our way off.

“It was fun,” I agree with a grin as I grab her hand.

I plan to hold her hand at any possible moment tonight. She’s so shy that the long period of time of us holding hands will become a regular thing for her. Next step, hugs. Next step… well I’ll think of that when it gets there.

“Why didn’t we have to get off though?” she asks looking up at me confused. “Everyone else did but we got to stay on.”

I smile gently down at her and tell her, “I knew the guy doing controls.”

“Oh that’s cool. We’ll have to go back on it before we leave.”

“Anything you want Alice,” I tell her meaning every word.

“What ride do you want to go on now? Are you hungry?”

“I could go for a corn dog.” I nod. “What about you?”

“Cotton candy,” she grins looking behind me.

Looking over my shoulder I laugh and turn that way. “Cotton candy it is.”


“Favorite animal?” Alice asks we got off yet another ride.

“Dog,” I grin and grab her hand. “Man’s best friend. You?”

“Hmmm…” she thinks. “That’s hard. I’d have to say giraffes and owls.” She smiles at me but then adds softly, “but I like dogs too.”

I chuckle softly at that. I thought it was cute that in some way she was reassuring me she likes my favorite animal.

“Zack!” we hear called from behind us.

Praying it’s not a fan I turn with Alice, still hand and hand. Shit. It’s worse. My little brother Matt, Brian’s step brother Johnny, and their friend MJ.

“Shit,” I curse under my breath and feel Alice tense beside me. I look down at her quickly, “Sorry. It’s my brother and some friends. It’s ok.”

“Hey Zack,” the three of them say when they reach us.

“Hey guys,” I nod.

“Who’s your date?” Johnny says getting right to the point.

We look at Alice who’s whole face heats up, then looks down at her shoes, chewing the corner of her bottom lip.

I squeeze her hand for a moment and answer Johnny, “This is Alice. Alice,” she looks up at me with a still slightly pink face, “this is my brother Matt, Johnny, and MJ.”

“Hello,” all three of them say with smiles towards her.

Moving slightly behind me she softly manages a, “hello.”

Looking at my brother and friends, I whisper to them, “She’s very shy.”

MJ chuckles slightly and makes the comment, “Not what you usually go for V.”

“V?” Alice questions softly before I can say thing. “Why’d he call you V?”

I give MJ and the others a glare. They get the point that Alice has no clue I’m Zacky Vengeance.

Johnny quickly steps in to answer Alice, “Umm yeah… it stands for Vick.”

“Vick?” Alice asks confused.

I almost slap my hand to my forehead at Brian’s brother’s stupidity.

“Yeah…” Matt tries. “When me and Zack we’re little…um he got teased for his name and wanted it changed to Vick… so we call him V for short.”

Alice’s lips form an O and she nods. She has no reason to think they’re lying.

“Well,” I suddenly pipe, “We are on a date. Don’t bug us for the rest of it and I’ll talk to you three later.”

They smirk and MJ says, “Count on it.”

With a fake light laugh I say, “Come on Alice.” We walk away with our backs now to them. “Let’s go on another ride.”

]|[ Alice ]|[

“You wanna go on this?” I ask looking up at Zacky.

He grins down at me and starts walking to the line. “Yep. Last ride of the night.”

“I don’t really like heights,” I whisper.

Moving his hand out of my mine and then moving his arm to around my shoulders, he brings me close to him. “I’ll keep you safe,” he whispered in my ear and laughs softly when my face heats up.

“You always make me blush,” I tell him softly in embarrassment.

“That’s a good thing,” he winks.

“Why?” I ask not looking him as we were now standing in line.

“Well for 1) I like making pretty girls blush. 2) means you like me.”

Biting my lip I don’t answer or deny it. He was right. I do like him. He’s nice, sweet, funny, strong, and he’s so gentle with me. Cute too.

As I got lost in thought I didn’t notice how quickly Zacky Vengeance moved us to the front and then whisper in the ear of guy working the machine.

“Ready?” I hear Zacky’s voice, bring me from my thoughts.

Biting my lip and way up at the top of the ride, then looking at him I nod. Squeezing his hand we move into our carriage. Sitting down, Zacky wraps an arm around my shoulders giving me a gentle embrace to calm my nerves.

“I’ll keep you safe,” Zakcy whispers to me again.

“I know,” I whisper back and lean into him.

I’m surprised at my own comfort towards Zacky. I don’t really like people but there are those few that I instantly trusted and liked; my brother Johnny, my friends Zander, Cecil and Heather, Johnny’s adoptive dad Kevin, and even the few random people I’ve met but don’t talk to anymore.

And now Zacky.

I’m so lost in thought it takes me a moment to realize the ride has stopped… and we’re at the very top. I tense up instantly and Zacky notices.

“Shhh…” he says gently in my ear. “It’s ok. I got ya.”

“I don’t like heights,” I repeat.

When Zack doesn’t say anything I look up at him. He was staring at me weird. His face… his eyes. And then the arm around my shoulders slid down to my lower back, his other arm brought his hand up to gently grab my chin. And then… he leaned in… placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

]|[ Zacky ]|[

(ME: I’m guessing you know by now that I LOVE changing POV’s? lol.)

‘Fuck all those other steps!…Oh God please. Please kiss back Alice… Kiss back,’ I think frantically in my head as she freezes up.

Shyly… she does. And gosh damn… fireworks go off. We pull our lips apart and rest our foreheads together. More fireworks. Turning our heads a little to our right… there really are fireworks being lit at the fair. Smiling I move so I’m gazing into her eyes.

“What have you done to me?” I whisper silently to her.

Her eyes turn confused at my question but before she can ask about it, I kiss her again. And she kisses back.

‘What have you done to me?’ I think as our innocent kiss turns to an open mouth kiss. Not French with tongue just opened mouth. ‘She’s mine.’ I think with a surge of possessiveness. ‘No one else’s. Fuck her brother. She’s mine.’

“Zacky,” she whispers through our kiss.

I almost imagine it. But when it slipped through again I realized that she didn’t even know she was saying it.

“Alice,” I whisper and back away a little from our kiss.

“Yeah?” she asks in just a small voice.

“I know we’ve only known each other a week but… please be mine? I’ve never felt this way before.”

Our eyes are locked and I can see all the thoughts running through her head.

“Zack…” she whispers and cast her eyes down. “I don’t know. My brother-”

“Forget your brother,” I cut her off. “He doesn’t have to know. If we keep it a secret from him for a while then when we do finally tell him he’ll see how much I care for you. Please be my girlfriend Alice?”

She hesitates again then manages, “he can’t find out.” I grin. “My brother leaves a lot for work but when he’s home, he always tries to be with me. He’ll get real angry if he finds out.”

“Alice,” I whisper and her eyes move back to mine. “Forget your brother. Forget your brain. Listen to your heart.”

Damn… that was exceptionally corny. I hold my breath waiting and then she laughs lightly with a nod.

“Ok?” I ask almost bursting with happiness.

“Yeah,” she confirms and she laughs when I hug her tightly to me.

Pulling back and plant a big one on her.


‘My Alice.’
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading gals and gents!! :] You people have no idea how hard it is for me to write scenes like this. You know, when they confess their feelings. I hate it! But how do you think I did?