Status: Completed, May have sequel later in life :)

Let Me Be the One to Call You Baby

I’m Not Different… I'm Not - 08

° FF 3 Days ° Saturday °

]|[ Johnny ]|[

“Come on Alice,” I mutter into my cell phone. “Pick up. Pick up.”

“Hi. This is Alic-”

Snapping my cell phone close as I hear her voice mail again I stare tensely at the wall. I hadn’t seen much of my little sister since Wednesday. She went to Zander’s for a movie night on Wednesday. She came back Thursday around noon to talk for 20 minutes then leave. Her other best friends Cecil and Heather have been on vacation and from what Alice says their back earlier. She spent the whole day with them Thursday, even spent the night, and on Friday her and I were able to go get lunch and planed to see a movie but with a phone call from Rev, I had to meet up with him and Matt to go to an interview. After the interview I called Alice only to get her voicemail twice. I was ready to call the police. But then I found out she went and saw a different movie with Zander. Then had two appointments for work. We planed on seeing the movie we missed Friday, today but I just got her voicemail… for the third time.

“Honey,” my moms voice came from behind me as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah mom?” I ask not paying attention, my worry for Alice to great.

“Johnny,” she sighs and takes a seat next to me on the couch. “I know you’re worried but Cecil and Heather have just got back. You know it’s hard for her to make friends—”

“—I know,” I cut in.

But she just continues, “—and when a young girls friends come back after not seeing them for two weeks-”

“I just got back from 2 months!” I exclaim anger at the thought my sister would choose friends over me.

“That’s just it,” my mother told me in a stern voice, due to my raised one. “You’re gone a lot. Alice understands that and loves you but with Cecil, Heather, and Zander… they’re always there to comfort Alice when you’re gone. She loves when you’re home and I know she usually spends all her time with you when you get home but Cecil and Heather just got home after two weeks. Alice probably feels the need to reconnect with them like she does with you.” She pauses to let it sink in. “Do you understand?”

With a light smile, I turn my head and kiss her cheek. “Thanks mom. Yeah I understand. I’m just gonna try her cell one more time.”

I press the speed dial #2 before she can say anything.

“Hey!” my sisters cheerful voice answers.

With my worry gone I begin the scolding, “Alice! I’ve been trying to call you! This is my forth try! Are you ok?! Where are you? Who are you with!?”

“I’m sorry,” Alice’s voice whispers and I know she’s trying hard not to cry.

“Oh shit.” I wince. “I’m sorry Alice. Sweetheart I’m not mad. Ok? I’m not mad at you. I’m just worried ok?”

I hear a light gulp and unevenly manage to say back, “Ok. I’m sorry. My phone got switched to silent in my bag. I’m sorry.”

“Hey…” I drawl out in a happier voice. “It’s ok. I’m sorry I yelled. Now… where are you?”

“Cecil, Heather, and Zander convinced me to go to the beach.”

“The beach?” I ask with worry in my voice. “Are you ok? Do you want me to meet up with you?”

I can tell she’s smiling, “It’s ok big brother. I’m fine. Why don’t you spent the day with Charles and Tanya? I’m sure they miss you almost as much as me.” My mom snorts beside me, meaning she can hear our conversation. “We’ll go to the movies liked planned tonight. Is that ok?” she hesitantly asks.

“It sounds great,” I agree cheerfully to calm her. “I already checked movie times. Tonight at 7:40? Be home and ready by 7:15. Ok?”


“Be safe,” I warn her.

“Worry wart,” she laughs.

“Only for you,” I whisper.

“Bye! I love you.”

“Love you too.”

Dial tone.

Snapping my phone closed I look up at my adoptive mother, Tanya. “Wanna go look for that new color to paint the dining room mom?”

She grins, “Just let me get my purse.”

I smile as she leaves the room. I know it was going to be boring and long but my mom deserves it. She loves anytime she gets to spend time with me. I’m not home much and when I am I try to spend most of it with my baby sister. Sure we four could always hang out together but… Alice gets uneasy and shy with my mom, although not my dad.

“Ready honey?”

Looking up at my mom, I smile and get up, “Ready.”

]|[ Alice ]|[

Dial tone.

“You ok baby?”

Turning my head to the driver of the jeep, I answer, “Yeah. I’m fine Zacky. I just don’t like lying to my brother. He was worried when I didn’t answer.”

Taking his eyes off the road for a split second, he smiles at me and says, “I’m sorry you have to lie, Alice. He’ll know soon baby.”

Smiling at his calmness and comfort, I turn my face away from his and look out the window. The sound of Escape the Fate filling the car.

‘Pet names already,’ I think with a smile.

We’ve been going out 3 days. 3 days! I didn’t mind at all. Zacky was sweet and gentle. His hands gently holding mine. His arms wrapping around me protectively. His kisses light, sweet, meaningful. I knew he cared for me already. I just knew.

When Zack dropped me back off at Zanders on Wednesday night all he did was whisper he’d call me. Then left after a light but sweet kiss on my lips. I lied to Johnny about Cecil and Heather being back early so on Thursday I spent the whole day with Zacky. Lunch, mall for 4 hours, then back to his house were I met his puppy and we watched movies. He never tired a thing; simple caressing kisses to my cheek, lips, forehead, and once to my neck but when I tensed up he didn’t do it again. And no I didn’t stay the night, I spent the night over at Zanders. On Friday I went to lunch with Johnny and we were suppose to go to the movies but he said one of his band mates called and Johnny had to leave for an interview. So I called Zacky up to see if he was busy and when he said no, we went and saw a movie till I had to go into work.

“Are you sure you don’t mind going to the beach?” Zack’s voice cut into my thoughts.

Looking away from the window and the outside I look at him, “I’m sure.”

“I dunno…” he trailed off with a small shrug. “I feel like I bullied you into it.”

I smile. “Relax Zacky. I just haven’t been to the beach in awhile.”

“That’s cause you’re so shy,” he grins and I blush. Puffing out his chest a little, “But I’ll be there to protect you my lady.”

Laughing and shaking my head I turn back to the window. Truth is… I don’t want to go. A lot of people go to the beach and I don’t like people. But I want to make Zack happy. He’s so considerate to me and it’s the least I can do.

“We’re here,” he says in a sing-song voice as we find a spot to park.

Getting out of the jeep I walk to the back and help Zacky with the load. Grabbing the two chairs and the tote bag I wait as he grabs the cooler and closes/locks his jeep up. We quickly find a place and set up. I let out a surprised squeal like noise as Zacky pulls me down on to his lap. He just laughs and snakes an arm around my waist.

“Too cute,” he murmurs and kisses my lips.

I gladly return the kiss.

]|[ Zacky ]|[

The kiss was heating up. Sure not all our kisses these last 3 days were small pecks… some were pretty nice open mouth kisses. Still no tongue because I don’t want to feel like I’m some horny guy that can’t wait to attack her.


“Fuck,” I curse with a groan then rub Alice’s back in reassurance.

I have noticed that when I raise my voice or curse suddenly then Alice tenses up scared. I also noticed in the car that she almost started crying. I couldn’t understand her brother on the other end but knew he yelled. I wanted to reach through her phone and hit the SOB.

“Zacky!” the voice calls again and I groan.

“Jimmy,” I greet the voice and nod to the others.

But I don’t move to get up and when Alice tries I keep my arm firmly around her waist.

“Sooo…” Val trails off. “Who’s this?”

“Alice,” I answer and then while pointing to each one of my friends I tell Alice their names, “Alice this is Jimmy, his wife Leana. Matt and Brian, and their girls Val and Michelle. Everyone this is Alice, my girlfriend.”

All the girls grin and Jimmy and Matt exchange looks while Syn just smirks. He was the only one who knew.

“Hey!” Leana says grinning and taking a seat in Alice would be chair if she wasn’t on my lap, as the others set up their stuff around us. “You’re so pretty. Where has Zacky been keeping you?”

Alice’s face heats up and bit’s the bottom corner of her lip.

With a smile I nuzzle Alice’s cheek, and I answer Leana, “Alice is a little shy.”

“Hey!” Syn suddenly cries out. “I know you!” We all look at him confused and then at Alice who looks confused but with pink cheeks. “Remember?” he presses. “We bumped into each other. In front of Starbucks?”

“Oh!” Alice blushes. “I’m sorry, Brian. I didn’t recognize you. I’m real horrible with faces and names.”

“It’s ok,” he waves it off and then looks at me. “We literally bumped into each other last week. Her friend she was with called her Ally. I didn’t know it was your Alice.”

“Zacky and I weren’t going out then,” Alice points out about the your part, leaning more into me.

“Yeah,” Syn nods. “But you were giving lessons to him then.”

“Lessons?” all the girls but Alice question as Jimmy and Matt laugh.

I glare at them then give them looks to tell their girls to zip it. They all whisper in their girl’s ears, who all laugh lightly. Then coo a collective: Awwww. Alice just looks confused and slightly hurt as to why they’re laughing.

Michelle saw this, “We’re not laughing at you Alice. I’m sure you’re great at giving lessons. We’re just laughing at Zack.”

“Why?” she asks with a cute confused look.


Val takes over, “Zacky usually doesn’t like asking for help. Even for something simple like guitar lessons.”

I just roll my eyes. So not true.

“Hey Alice,” Leana looks at her. “Wanna go into the water?”

She blushes and I know it’s the whole bathing suit thing.

I gently rub her side. “It’s ok baby. You don’t have to.”

She hesitates a moment before looking at Leana and smiling, “It’s ok. The water sounds nice.”

She moves to get up along with the other girls. I looking fixedly at Alice as the guys look at their girls. Hey… their all wearing shorts and tops but once they remove those, they’ll be wearing close to nothing. We’re guys and are gonna look. My eyes almost pop when Alice just stands there in her blue bikini halter top, low ride bottoms. I see the other guys take quick glances at her and I shrug off my possessiveness.

“Come on,” Leana grins grabbing Alice’s hand and running off.

Val and Michelle follow and Alice cast me a semi-scared look at me over her shoulder. I just wave with a laugh.

“Ow,” I yelp as Matt suddenly slaps me upside the head. “Fucker! Watch those guns of yours!”

He ignores my complaining. “Why didn’t you tell us you asked her? You said your date went good and you’ve been hanging out with her since but why didn’t you tell us?”

“What are you? My mother?” I ask.

He rolls his eyes and Jimmy takes over, “You were right. She’s hot Zack.”

I glare at him a little then smile, “I know. Told you.”

“And did I hear you call her baby?” Syn teases. “That’s a first. You calling a girl pet names for reason other than sex.” he pauses. “Right?”

“Yes.” I spat at him. “I’m not using her for sex. Alice’s is great.”

“Calm down V,” Matt cuts in lightly with a joking tone in his voice.

“Sooo…” Rev grins. “You call her beautiful. Call her baby. Anything else from Zacky’s forbidden list?”

Ah. Oh yeah. Zacky’s Forbidden List. I forgot about that. I don’t look at them and that’s when they know.

“Tell us,” Matt asks like a 13-year-old girl.

I sigh, “Plate.”

They don’t need any more than that.

“So three things off the list already?” Brian asks shocked.

I roll my eyes at the big deal their making. “What’s the big deal?”

“Well Zack,” Matt starts. “You dated Gena for about a year but never let her eat off your plate.”

“And you only started with the pet names for sex with her,” Brian adds.

“Shut. Up.” I tell them simply and look out into the water…

Watching my girl.