Status: Completed!

12 Days Till I Die But I'll Go Down Fighting

Scream Till There's Silence... 10

⎯ Day 9 ⎯

⎯[()]⎯[(With Mikey)]⎯[()]⎯

Mikey looked down at his Angel. Mikey never thought he’d marry such a pretty angel. But he did. His angel was all his. Plus since they were married and not best friends, Mikey could touch his Angel and do stuff without her crying.

The feeling was much better with Angel, just like brother said.

Mikey woke up knowing his brother wanted Mikey to do something. So he quickly had his angel again. Mikey might have been too rough though. Mikey didn’t mean too but he pounded too hard into her and knocked her head against the wooden headboard. But Angel alive, Angel just sleeping. Mikey leave now to help his brother and let his pretty angel sleep.

He’d hurry with this job and the evil little girls, Mikey wanted to come back right away to his pretty angel wife.

Bending down, he kissed his Angel lightly on the lips and left the room.


I woke up in so much pain.

Not only in pain but so gross. Mikey obviously didn’t think it mattered that semen was all over me, and a bit of blood. I’ve tired several times to get up and move to the bathroom but my lower half just hurt so much.

Finally I just couldn’t take it and managed to make it to the shower, crying while I did. The pain was just unbearable. I was in the shower for an hour when I knock sounded on the door.

“Wh-” I cleared my throat. “Who is it?”

“The head pet, Mistress Gibson.”

A female. “Come in,” I said.

She did. It was the one that called on me to take to her master. The only pet that I’ve seen that is older than I. She kept her eyes diverted.

“Another pet and I changed the bedding Mistress Gibson. Another has just brought food and medicine. Does Mistress need help with anything?”

She knew but I answered. “I could use help out and then dressed.”

She nodded and did as I asked. She was smart and had given me the medicine then helped me get dressed. When she helped me settle back onto the bed and placed the tray over my lap, I just watched her.

Finally I had to ask. “Is there any way home?” I asked her softly.

And for the first time she looked up into my eyes. Dead, with no hope. Just like the other girl I saw in the kitchen.

“No,” she finally answered but then grabbed my left and in hers. “But you’re lucky, Master Mikey a good man. He’ll protect you.”

“How come you’re so much older than the other girls I see?”

She frowned. “I told the master I have HIV, master won’t kill me and eat me if it means I’d give him something. So he lets me work for my life. I’ve been here 5 years.”

“Smart,” I murmured speaking about her lie.

She continued. “Most but not all pets younger than 14 work around the house till the master finally wants them. Pets 14 and no older than 17 are kept in the dungeon along with men in their mid twenties. Those are Master’s taste.”

With that, she left me to my thoughts. I couldn’t bare to touch the food till hour later. I knew I needed strength.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Family)]⎯[()]⎯

Zack laid in bed watching the TV play the tape for the third time. Claire’s third birthday party. At one point in the movie his dad filmed 13-year-olds Jimmy and Zack. Jimmy was trying to get Zack to leave and go to the park for a game of baseball with some other guys. But no, Zack couldn’t leave his treasure on her birthday. His mom would have let him leave but Zack just didn’t want to. His little sister was so happy and he wanted to share this happiness with her.

This tape was shared with one of Zack’s high school baseball games.

“Say hi Claire Bear,” his mom’s voice spoke, she was holding the video camera.

“Hi!” 5-year-old Claire said loudly.

“Who you cheering for?” their mother asked.

Claire giggled. “Zack-Zack! He’s gonna beat ‘em all!”


“Yeah! Zack-Zack is the best baseball player ever!”

In the background you can hear their dad say Zacky was up. Claire cheered the loudest. Their mom zoomed in on Zack as he looked in their direction and waved.

“He waved to me!” Claire’s loud happy voice said in the background.

Zack hit the ball on the first pitch.

“Yay Zack-Zack!” Claire cheered with the other fans, but her voice was one he could always hear. “Go! Go! Go! Wooooo!”

As he slid home and then stood and dusted himself off, he blew a kiss to Claire. No one on his team or in school teased him for that because it was no secret to anybody that Claire was Zacky’s world

She still is.


I was listening to my iPod when my door suddenly opened. It was Mr. Melrose the man I met my first day here and haven’t seen since then.

“Claire,” he greeted with a smirk. “How was your night?” I just glared and he chuckled lowly as he stepped more into the room. “What? You didn’t have fun?” He wasn’t expecting an answer so he continued speaking, “Come on now, up.” I didn’t move and he glared. “I said up. The boss wants me to show you something. You won’t be seeing him so no worries. Now up.”

“I can’t,” I gritted out.

He didn’t get it at first but then he laughed and walked over to me, lifted me out of the bed bridal style. I winced at the pain in my lower half but he laughed very lowly at my pain.

I tired to follow his movement as he walked us to where ever. Mr. Melrose walked up down the stairs till we were on the bottom floor. I paid closer attention as he walked past the green house door and several others I didn’t know. Finally he stopped at one, and knocked twice, paused, and knocked once more. The door opened to show one of my kidnappers. He nodded and stepped aside for Mr. Melrose and I. Goodie, more stairs. As he walked down I could hear the crying and moans of pain and sorrow. A chill ran up my spine and Melrose ignored it.

I took a quick and deep breath through my nose when my eyes landed on all the girls and men locked away in cages. Some looked up when hearing us enter but looked uninterested, most likely thinking I was a new one to join their lot. Melrose walked us to the very back and tears silently flowed down my cheeks as I saw what was in the very last cage. Little girls, four of them looking no older than 10. They were all huddled together.

“Like them?” Mr. Melrose whispered in my ear. “Your husband brought them in the day before you. All sisters. They’re the boss’s special treat for the full moon.”

I licked my lips, “And that is when?”

He chuckled as if he knew why I was asking, and he probably did. “3 days.”

Then with that he turned and walked us out of the dungeon. Only two things crossed my mind:

1) I have 3 days more to live

2) I will get free and these people will be coming with me.

If I go down, I’ll go down fighting.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Mikey)]⎯[()]⎯

Mikey eagerly got home only to discover his angel very upset. Mikey grew angry thinking somebody hurt his Angel but that wasn’t it. She said she missed him. Mikey grinned at that and quickly stripped her, taking her body with his again.

He loved how his angel made him feel.

This time he was more gentle. The cook had caught him while going up the stairs. He asked to talk to Mikey about Mikey’s wife. Thinking something was wrong with his Angel, he followed the cook. The cook explained that some women get very sore if you share bodies too much and it can hurt them. Mikey didn’t want to hurt Mikey’s angel but Mikey wanted his angel. The cook told him he needed to be less rough and ask his angel during the time if she was hurting.

Mikey listened to everything, very happy that now he wouldn’t hurt his Angel wife without knowing it. Angel too nice and small to know if Mikey was hurting her so it was up to Mikey to make sure he was gentle with his pretty little angel.

Once again she slept. She always slept after Mikey shared his body with Angel. Mikey didn’t mind. Angel had to sleep and Mikey loved holding his soft silky angel as she did. When she woke up he’d have her again and get her food.

Mikey loved his angel.