Status: Completed!

12 Days Till I Die But I'll Go Down Fighting

Scream Till There's Silence... 11

⎯ Day 10 ⎯


I’ve been running ideas and plans through my head all day so far. It was lunch now and every idea and plan pretty much ended with me dying. So I’m very frustrated. I need to get out of here! Mikey may be in love with me but I’m not sure if he could say no to his brother. Or maybe his brother will simply call for me when Mikey was out and then kill me… and eat me. Double ew.

How was I going to rescue the others? I couldn’t leave them to die. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. Who risks their life to save the lives of people they don’t know? A fellow human being.

I need to think of something… I just need to. So many lives rest on my shoulders.

I wish I had a carrier pigeon to fly a message to some one. That would work. Wait… maybe I do.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Family)]⎯[()]⎯

“I can’t believe this,” Mattie murmured.

“He was such a bright kid,” Mrs. Baker whispered her eyes tearing up.

Zack just stared at the screen emotionless. He actually liked the kid. He didn’t cross the line at any time, and he followed the crazy rules Zack had given him. Claire Bear actually picked a good one.

Derek Cunningham was too young. Damn drunk driver.


Five hours after Mikey left, he returned.

“Mikey did as Angel ask,” he told me as he walked to me and picked me up, and tossed me on the bed.

“Tell me what you did,” I ask him as I stop him for a moment by placing my hands firmly on his chest.

He pouted looking at my hands but then sighed childishly and said, “Mikey put in blue mailbox when brothers men were busy with evil men. Nobody see Mikey. Mikey do good?”

I grinned and hugged him around the neck, “Mikey do great.”

Mikey grinned boyishly and then started pulling at my clothes. I just laid back and once again lost myself in my own little world, numbing myself to the pain around me.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Mikey)]⎯[()]⎯

Mikey paced outside bedroom door as doctor check on Angel. Angel started bleeding. Angel bleed from down there. Mikey too rough? Mikey cried when he saw blood. Mikey don’t want to hurt his angel.

Mikey thought Mikey gentle. Mikey sad Mikey wasn’t gentle with his small pretty angel.

Mikey know! Mikey go get Angel flowers!

Angel love flowers.


The doctor just left. He said because of the force Mikey used, he ripped me a bit. It wasn’t a lot of blood but when Mikey saw it and started yelling and crying I thought I was bleeding to death!

The doctor said he’d talk to Master Mikey and say to him that he needed to wait a day or two. But when he told me we both shared looks. Mikey did what he wanted and if you tired to tell him no he’d get very angry. I can only hope I can put him off from taking me again. I’m in so much pain. The doctor gave me heavier pain meds, thank God.

Soon Mikey returned, with a handful of flowers… some still having the dirt roots.

Even though he hurt me I know that he didn’t know and wouldn’t knowingly hurt me. He was more terrified than me when he saw the blood. He still has that childlike innocence even though he’s now sexually active. He is mentally challenge, you can’t change that.

“Mikey sorry,” he told me softly looking down at the ground as he held out the floors.

He was standing close enough that I could reach out and take the flowers. “They’re beautiful,” I said as I smelled them. “Thank you.”

“Angel feeling better?” he asked still not looking up, giving the impression that he was a small child that was waiting to get yelled at.

“A little,” I answered. “Did the doctor talk to you?”

He finally looked up, nodding frantically. “Mikey didn’t mean to kill doctor but doctor made Mikey mad.”

My breath caught in my throat and I had to swallow the air in it to crook out, “You what?”

Mikey frowned as he thought back on the experience. “Doctor said Mikey no touch Mikey’s Angel. But Mikey like touching Mikey’s angel. Angel make Mikey feel happy.”

“Oh Mikey,” I said softly, my gut clenching at the thought of the doc dead.

Mikey carefully moved onto the bed, laying on top of the covers. He rested on his side, supporting his head on his palm. His other hand reached out and brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“Mikey sorry,” he said softly. “Mikey no mean to hurt Angel.”

“I know,” I said softly.

“Brother come to greenhouse,” he told me suddenly changing the topic.

I froze and just looked at him as Mikey moved to get under the covers and wrap his arms around my sore naked body.

“Oh?” I finally manage. “What did he say?”

Mikey frowned, “Brother heard I hurt Angel so brother was making sure Angel ok. Brother said same thing doctor did but then told me something else.”

Dread washed over me. “And what was that?”

Mikey disappeared under the covers.

“Mikey?” I asked frantically.

He didn’t answer but his hands harshly pushed my legs apart making me wince and then they gripped my hips strongly so I couldn’t move them. It wasn’t till a moment later, when I felt his tongue, that I knew what his brother told him.

Why has God turned his back to me?