Status: Completed!

12 Days Till I Die But I'll Go Down Fighting

Scream Till There's Silence... 12

⎯ Day 11 ⎯

⎯[()]⎯[(With Police)]⎯[()]⎯

“Sir!” police officer called as he came jogging into the office. He held up a letter.

The man from the FBI grabbed the letter, his partner read over his shoulder.

This is not a joke!

I’ve been kidnapped! Its day 10 and I have 2 more days till “the boss/master” kills me. It’s not a joke when I say he’s planning on killing me then eating me. There are others too! They’re in the dungeon, in cages. They’re knocked around but fed because they’re the next meal.

Please, who ever gets this turn it over to the police.

To make this believable: is there 4 sisters missing? All under the age of 10? Well they’re here. They’ll be the main course for this sick bastard on the full moon, along with myself. The other people: no women besides one over the age of 17, all the men our mid twenties. Save us, please.

I don’t know much, not even what state I’m in. We’re on a castle like estate, on a large piece of land… it has a green house. The same man always goes out with other men to kidnap, he’s very large with muscle and has two large scars covering his face. The only names I can give you is Gibson and Melrose.

Please please help us.

After reading it the man passed it around.

“4 sisters under the age of ten,” the woman partner said.

“Is it a joke?” another man asked.

“Large man with scars,” one pointed out.

“Men in mid twenties, girls 17 and younger,” another said.

“If she was really kidnapped then how could she get a letter out?” one doubted.

“We take this seriously,” the FBI dude said firmly. “We start searching. Now.”


It was close to noon. If anybody at the postal office got that letter marked: HELP! 911! Then I can only hoped they put it into the hands of a police officer. Only problem is that Mikey is gone for hours some times on a job for his brother. He says he hates having to drive so far to get the “evil people” for his brother. So who knows where my carrier pigeon took my letter.

I pulled the covers up to look at Mikey. He fell asleep on top of me last night. He was laid in between my legs with his head resting on my stomach. He looked like a little boy.

But lets get one thing straight: I don’t love him like that. I’m not identifying with my captors. I’d leave in a heartbeat if I can. I just feel so sorry for Mikey. He shouldn’t be here, he should be somewhere where people can help him and not take advantage of him. Of course… if they told him something he didn’t like he’d most likely try to kill them.

‘Like me,’ I thought sadly.

Never do I forget that this man is mentally challenge and bipolar, able to kill me in a snap.

I’m shook from my thoughts when Mikey started to wake. His brown eyes opened and once realizing where he fell asleep, he placed a kiss on my stomach and then crawled up so he was laid beside me.

“Morning Angel,” he grinned.

“Morning Mikey,” I said.

“Angel yummy,” he said in the child like voice.

I couldn’t help but blush from embarrassment. Derek was my first and we’ve had sex a couple times, and I’ve given him head but he had never went down on me. I was embarrassed that Mikey pretty much ate me out and my body couldn’t help but react. I couldn’t go off into my own little world like I did when he raped me up. Maybe because my own little world was Derek and I having sex, and since he never went down on me I just couldn’t imagine it.

I was once again shook from my thoughts when Mikey placed a kiss to my cheek before getting up.

“Mikey go get Angel food,” he told me smiling as he then moved to the dresser and threw on some clothes, then left the room.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Mikey)]⎯[()]⎯

“Mikey,” a gentle voice spoke.

Mikey looked over his shoulder to see his older brother. “Brother!” he spoke happily, wiggling on the stool he sat on in the kitchen.

Brother walked over to his larger scarred brother and placed a hand on his shoulder. “How is your wife?”

“Angel fine,” Mikey answer happily. “Angel no bleed no more.”

“Good,” brother drawled out with a smirk. “Did you take my advice?”

Mikey’s brown eyes lit up. “Angel yummy!”

The older brother chuckled lowly, quite happy with himself. “Oh? Mikey had fun still?”

Mikey nodded frantically. “Yes. Mikey like more being inside Mikey’s angel but Mikey think Angel very yummy. Mikey getting Angel food now.”

“Good,” he answered in that soft tone he only used for his little brother. “I’m proud of you Mikey. A man takes good care of his wife. Good job.”

Mikey absolutely beamed at the praise.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Family)]⎯[()]⎯

The man just lay in the bed, looking up at the poster covered ceiling.

Claire hated posters on the walls; she liked them on the ceiling. The walls were covered though, with pictures of: family and friends, the people that meant everything to her.

Did she know she’s his world? That when the sun shown for him it was because of her. She is his greatest treasure, bright, invaluable, priceless. Everything. His Angel.

Zack has barely slept and ate. He’s lost weight and it seems like the only time he does eat is when his mom or older sister start crying and begging him to because they refuse to lose him as well.

How could he eat not knowing if his sister is or not? Sleeping was hard. Every time he closed his eyes there she was. Every time he slept she was in his dreams, laughing while she ran away… Zack could never catch her. She was just getting further away from him. She just kept running into the darkness.


As I ate I gazed at Mikey’s shirtless body as he colored. Where did he get the scars? Something tells me it’s not his brother the boss. I’ve been wondering for a while now. I mean his back looks like he was whipped repeatedly. His chest, his arms, his legs, and the two on his face make me wonder who can repeatedly hurt someone as innocent as Mikey.

And how? I would think Mikey would kill anybody who tried to hurt him. So who could hurt him more than one time over and over again? Maybe Mikey will be ok if I ask, he’s very calm and relaxed right now.

“Mikey?” I asked placing my fork down. He looked up and I continued, “can I ask you something?”

He nodded with a smile, “Angel ask Mikey.”

“Where did you get your scars?”

His whole face just fell and he slowly stood. Scared I got up as well. I nervously watched Mikey start pacing his hands clenching and unclenching.

Before I could calm him he spoke, “my daddy.”

I paused for a moment, “Your dad gave you those?”

Still pacing he answered, “Yes. Daddy say Mikey stupid and dumb. Every time Mikey do something wrong daddy would hurt Mikey. Brother couldn’t do anything. Mikey bigger than brother but Mikey still not hurt daddy. But brother grow up and kill daddy so daddy never hurt Mikey again.”

I slowly made my way over to him and I was surprised to find my hand shaking as I reached out to his arm to stop him. Right when I placed my hand on his arm he jumped, startled, and spun around.

The lat thing I saw was Mikey’s hand coming to my face, then blackness.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Mikey)]⎯[()]⎯

Mikey sat in bed with his sleep Angel. Mikey didn’t mean to hurt his Angel but Angel startled him. Mikey has killed his other toys but that’s when they made him mad. Angel didn’t make him mad, just startled him. That’s why Angel still alive. Brothers men brought an evil man from the dungeon, he a doctor, he said Mikey’s angel will live.

Mikey happy pretty Angel will live.

Mikey love his pretty Angel.