Status: Completed!

12 Days Till I Die But I'll Go Down Fighting

Scream Till There's Silence... 13

⎯ Day 12 ⎯


I was nursing what felt like a hangover. It was horrible. One of the men that brought a doctor from the dungeon said I was lucky that Mikey just slapped me and didn’t punch me. Mikey had killed people with one punch. Yeah, well, it feels like I got hit by a truck!

Is this castle hell?

Is the brother/boss the devil himself?

Is Mikey a misguided angel trapped in the clutches of the devil?

Am I going to die?

So many more question, no answers. But am I just asking the questions without truly ready for the answers?

At the moment I sat in the green house, clutching the note from Mikey’s brother.


That was all it said. Tonight I would be killed, and then he will eat me. Or at least I hope he kills me before hand.

‘Snap out of it,’I scolded myself.

Clenching my teeth and shakily stood from the stone bench. My lower half still pained me and my headache was slitting my scull in two. I wanted a private walk around the garden before Mikey or a man came to take me back to the room. But as I leant down a tiny bit to smell a buttercup, my eyes caught something else. Something that just may save me.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Mikey)]⎯[()]⎯

“Mikey?” his angel spoke as he moved to leave the room.

“Yes Angel?” he asked.

“Can you get your brothers head pet?”

“Why Angel want pet?” he asked confused.

“Angel is going to miss her Mikey,” she smiled brightly. “So Angel was wondering if she could have a friend while waiting for her Mikey. Angel doesn’t like being alone.”

Only too pleased to make his pretty angel happy, he nods and gets the pet before helping brothers men set up for brothers killing of the evils.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Pet)]⎯[()]⎯

The head pet, named Ami, left Master Mikey’s wife’s room. Her blood and body tingled from what she was just told.


Freedom was not only in Ami’s grasp but all the “pets” and prisoners, and Angel. Ami didn’t think her name was Angel. Mikey had a habit of giving his pets nicknames although never had he used angel as one. Whatever her name was, her idea may just work.

Freedom…. After 5 years it seems like such a fairytale word.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Brother)]⎯[()]⎯

Tonight was the night.

The feast.

Brother had many bodies in his dungeon for tonight’s feast of feasts. Of course, one wasn’t in the dungeon. One was in his little brother’s bed. She will be the first. Just before the full moon he will enjoy the pleasure of her body like his younger brother has. And while she’s screaming out in pain from his brutal raping, he will plunge the knife into her chest just as the full moon is overhead. Her blood will be sweet, sweeter than a virgin’s.

First his father.

Then his two young cousins and aunt.

And now? His brother’s wife.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Police)]⎯[()]⎯

“Time is running out,” the man spoke pacing.

His partner didn’t look away from the map. There that to be something. Something they just didn’t see. Where was the castle? Who were Gibson and Melrose? Was it some joke? Her gut told her it wasn’t. A kidnapped girl figured out how to get a message out. It was up to them to get to her and others before they were killed today.

Hopefully they weren’t already too late.

Just then a man ran into the office holing up a piece of paper.

“We got it people!” he grinned. “Marriage certificate of a minor. The groom? Michel Alexander Gibson.

“Well?” the man that was pacing before asked. “We need a location!”

“Got that,” the man grinned. “Marriage of a minor needs to be approved by a judge. We have the judge and we have a location. Two hours by helicopter.”

In an instant orders were being shouted out. They needed man power and they needed major transportation to get they don’t know how many people free.


The door came open with a bang. A very angry man stood in the doorway. Oh no, please tell me it worked!

“You bitch!” the man yelled moving to me and yanking me from the bed.

I yelp from the pain that exploded in my lower half. Mikey had visited me only a half hour ago.

“You’re dead bitch,” the man said dragging her out of the room. “The boss knows of your little stunt.”

As the man pulled me up the stairs my eyes locked on the man laying on them. Dead.

It worked. The poison worked. The head pet got it in the food at shift change so I knew at least half the men were dead, hopefully more since some men snuck some food not for them at the shift change. Hopefully the head pet was able to do the next step and the one after that.

I was shoved into the boss’s room. This time I didn’t need to find him, he was already waiting. He slapped me and surprised I fell to the ground.

“Fucking cunt!” he shouted at me. “Kill my men will you!?”

Grabbing me by the collar of my shirt he dragged me to where I usually met him. The place with the candles and large weird symbol. There on a stone tablet, laid the chief’s head.

“Oh God,” I sopped.

He threw me down on the ground before the tablet.

“He confessed it was you!” the bastard continued to shout. “It was you that gave him the poison and convinced him!”

I just kept looking at the head. I wanted him to be alive so I can ask him what he was thinking. But then I knew he covered for the head pet so she could complete the other steps. He gave his life to save the others. Maybe he couldn’t live with himself after all he had done, he redeemed himself today.

I cried out as the bastard’s hand hit my face again.

A man suddenly entered, “Boss! The head pet has killed the guard in the dungeon, they’re blocking the doorway.”

The boss gave a great long shout. I do admit… I shook with fear.

“Leave!” the devil shouted to his man as he stomped over to a table.

He opened this cloths covered wooden box.

“Oh God,” I whispered as he pulled the long knife out.

In my heart I knew I was going to die, but my soul refused to go down without a fight. I crossed myself right before he turned. But as he turned and grinned at me with those disgusting teeth, we heard it.

Helicopters, a lot of them.

I grinned, even though I’d be dead before they reached the forth floor, the others will be saved. I could die in peace knowing I defeated the devil.

The devil moved his eyes from the ceiling and back to my smiling face. “What did you do?” he screamed marching over to me.

He slapped me again with his hand not holding the knife. The force knocked my body to the ground again. Blood trickled down my lip but I sat up and smirked at him.

“I wrote a letter,” I told him quite satisfied with myself. “My husband was happy to help.”

Before I knew it the knife was in my right shoulder. I screamed out as he matched away back to the box. From below we heard gunfire. I felt myself getting weaker at the loss of blood. I weakly raised myself on two legs, using a chair to balance me. If I was going down I’ll go down starring the devil in his eyes unafraid.

He turned with his new object in hand, a gun.

‘Goodbye, I love you,’I silently said in my head to all my loved ones.

With the blood pounding me in my ears I didn’t hear the footsteps. All I could hear was the gun going off. I guess I wasn’t lucky enough for suddenly death. It felt as if my head literally exploded, and then…
