Status: Completed!

12 Days Till I Die But I'll Go Down Fighting

Scream Till There's Silence... 02

⎯ Day 1 ⎯

I sat terrified in the back of the large black SUV. Four men of various size also sat in the SUV. I had no idea where we were driving. One moment I was walking home from my brothers house and then I’m jumped. I tired to fight but it was a losing battle. I was knocked out and woke I don’t know how many hours later. It was night when I was taken but it was light, just turning dark again when I awoke. The stinging from my lip hurt, the one who is driving hit it and made one of my snakebites rip some when they jumped me. The blood was now dry, pooling from my lip, down my chin and neck, and making a nice little stain on my yellow shirt.

I hadn’t even cried yet. I just couldn’t. Shock I guess you can say. Fear as well. Who knew if the men would get pissed at my crying and hurt me again. I wish I knew where we were heading but then… it scared the shit out of me. Why me? Why have they taken me? When I was coming out of my unconsciousness I heard two of the men mention the boss twice. Who is the boss and why the hell does he want me?

Why me?

Damn, those two words have ran through my mind a dozen dozen times.

“Listen girly,” one of the men spoke suddenly making me jump. “I’m warning you now. Don’t make Mikey upset. The idiot has choked to death all the girls we’ve brought him. A couple times he’s killed them with one hit to the face, the fucking lug. None have made it past a week.”

He and the others remained quiet again after that.

Mikey? ‘Not the boss,’my mind instantly knew. If it were the boss then they would have called him that when I was awake like they did when they thought I wasn’t. No, this Mikey guy was someone else but just as dangerous it seemed.

None have made it past a week? Oh God I don’t want to die. ‘I… have to be smarter than the others,’I thought. I have to block out all my fear and worry. I have to live.

⎯[()]⎯[(With Family)]⎯[()]⎯

Everything just seemed to be moving faster than he. Everything just seemed to be a dull echo in his ears. Police by the dozens were coming and going. His mother and sister were crying while he, his dad, and little brother all tired to remain together for the women; the women minus one. Minis one too many.

‘I should have insisted on walking her home,’ the brother thought. ‘Tired or not, I should have. All my fault.’

All my fault, all my fault.

He knew it to be true. He didn’t need others telling him it wasn’t because he knew it to be true. He’s the older brother, it was his job to protect her. He failed. He remembered when he was 10-years-old. His parents sat him and his older sister and little down, they told them all that mommy was having a baby. Zacky didn’t know what to feel. He thought 2 siblings were more than enough. He also remembered when Claire was born and he first laid eyes on her. He had seen babies before but none fascinated them like the wrinkle little thing wrapped in pink. He wanted to ignore her and even hate her but she was beautiful and he was in total awe. He swore then and there that she would always be loved. She was a treasure given to him that he had to take care of. Even in his teenage years, his attention and awe never wavered from his littlest sibling.

He failed her. He failed in her the worst ways. Someone had taken her and God only knew what had happened to her already. His angel.


I was pulled out of the SUV very harshly and I knew my arm would bruise from the grip of the man pulling me to the castle.

I couldn’t help but look around me as the man dragged me into the castle and up the stairs. Leading to either Mikey, the Boss, or something unknown to me. We reached a room and one of the men not holding me knocked two times. I didn’t hear anything but he must have because he opened the door after a moment of waiting.

Inside was a dim lit library. A harsh looking man wearing square framed glasses and a suit sat behind a large desk. The Boss?

“Mr. Melrose,” one of my kidnappers greeted emotionlessly. “Mikey’s toy,” he said and as if that was a que, the man gripping my arm pushed me forward.

I almost feel but caught myself and glared at Mr. Melrose. He smirked and stood. He circled me and looked me over like a piece of meat. My hands clenched at my sides. He stopped him front of me and raised his hand, gripping my chin very firmly.

“I’m only going to say this once so listen carefully.” He spoke in a low but firmly dangerous voice. “Mikey is the boss’s little brother. You will obey or else. Hurt Mikey and I can guarantee the Boss will have you for his next meal. Mikey… is special. Anger him and you won’t make it any longer than the other girls.” He dropped his hand, releasing my chin. “Take her to her new room,” he commanded.

The four men nodded and a different one gripped my other arm, now most likely making this one match the other. When we made it outside the library, the man holding me and another turned one way while the other two went another. The two men with me lead me up another staircase and through many halls till they made it to a double door room. They obviously knew no one would be in the room since they just opened it.

I was shoved inside then they closed the door. When I rushed to open it I discovered it locked. I don’t think the men would have a key to the Boss’s brother’s room so I’m guessing it locks from another way. So I turned my back to door and explored the room. An hour later, I found nothing. Clothes and books, also another door that was locked.

So finally tired and just totally drained, I collapsed back onto the bed. Where was I? What was going to happen to me? How was I going to make it back to my family? How was I going to keep this Mikey guy from killing me?

⎯[()]⎯[(With Mikey)]⎯[()]⎯

Mikey looked down at the angel sleeping in the bed. The moon made her glow. She was pretty, really pretty. Mikey liked. Mikey wanted. Mikey got. She wouldn’t be like the others, she would love Mikey. She wouldn’t cry and make Mikey upset. She was an angel. Angel’s don’t cry. Mikey wanted to wake her but as he reached down to shake her from her slumber, he hesitated.

Would he get in trouble for waking a sleeping angel? Mikey didn’t want to get in trouble. What if he got yelled at? Mikey don’t like yelling. Making up his mind, he threw his shirt and pants off and got into bed with his sleeping black and blue haired angel. He wrapped his very much larger arms around her and brought her close so she rested half on top of him.

He sighed in contentment. His angel.