Status: Completed!

12 Days Till I Die But I'll Go Down Fighting

Scream Till There's Silence... 03

⎯ Day 2 ⎯


I awoke feeling warm and oddly enough… I felt safe. Fear wasn’t crawling in my belly. But then something finally sank in. There were arms around me and my head was resting on a firm chest. I nervously licked my lips and slowly opened my green eyes.

I don’t know how I kept my scream in. A man. I was laid on top of a man. A very large and muscular man. He had a long scar running over his right eye while another went from his left ear to the corner of his mouth. He wasn’t handsome by any means. His face was too harsh and the angles too sharp. His nose was slightly too big for his face. His eyes looked large and I wondered for a moment the color. His mouth was normal looking though. I very slowly went to move up and as I accomplished that, I gazed at his body. Scars, a lot of them. His body was huge. Not in a fat way but complete muscle. Laid down he looked to be over 6 ½ feet tall. Huge and scarred was the only words that I could find to describe him.

As I reached down to trace one, the unknown man’s eyes snapped open before I could. His hand snapped out, capturing my wrist. I just stared into his brown eyes before he smiled. I was… amazed at the boyish smile his lips formed and the sparkle that came to his eyes.

“Me Mikey,” he said sitting up and grabbing me so I sat in his lap. “You Angel. You my angel. Angel hungry?”

The way he spoke I knew then why Mr. Melrose said Mikey was special. He’s special if you get my meaning.

Remember this man has killed other girls I decided to answer and not keep him waiting. “I- I am hungry. Thank you Mikey.”

I looked up only to see him grinning down at me largely. “Mikey happy,” he told me. “Mikey got pretty angel. No one else have pretty angel like Mikey have.”

I smiled as best I could. “You sure do.”

If even possible his eyes lit up more and he did the unexpected the kissed my forehead before lifting me up and placing me off his lap.

“You stay Angel,” he said now off the bed and standing. “Mikey get Angel food. Angel like food?”

I wasn’t sure exactly what he was asking so I said, “I like food. I like bacon and pancakes.”

“Mikey too!” he said excited. “Mikey go get. Angel stay.”

“Angel stay,” I nodded with a smile.

He quickly grabbed a pair of jeans from the dresser as if it he was racing some unknown clock. And then he was gone. I just sat there in the large bed. What was I going to do?

⎯[()]⎯[(With Family)]⎯[()]⎯

She was still gone. Nothing. No sign. No ransom. Nothing. Just gone 2 days too long.

A wave of anger washed over the young man. He shouted a curse and with all his anger he punched the wall, leaving a dent. He cursed again at the instant pain that washed over his hand, blood started to drip. Zack started to curse his own stupidity as his best friends watched in equal sadness. One of the four friends got up and walked over to his friend.

“Come one Zack,” he said softly, placing a hand on his friends shoulder. “You need sleep. Come on, let’s take you home.”

“No,” his friend answered shaking the hand off.

Another of the friends stood and grabbed gently onto his friend’s arm, “Come on, Zacky. Let’s get some coffee or a smoke, settle down.”

A memory hit him painfully. “What if I was dying or dead and it was my dying wish?” she asked smiling in a cocky way as if she knew the answer.”

“No,” Zack glared. “Leave me alone.”

He tired to pull free his arm but Brian held on strong. Jimmy’s hand also came back, grabbing Zack’s other arm. They started pulling him in the direction of the door. He didn’t want to go back. He didn’t want to see his mother and sister and other family members crying. He didn’t want to be there when they were all thinking the same thing: if only Zack had walked her home.

“Get the fuck off!” he shouted angrily pushing away from the two large men.

Then it turned rough. Zack shoved and pushed as they started to try and calm him down. The two kept trying to get a hold of him without hurting him but he refused to go back.

“Zack!” Jimmy shouted. “Calm down!”

At that moment Zacky struck Brian right in the jaw making him tumble into Jimmy. Everything grew quiet. Zack stood with his fists still clenched, standing in the middle of the room trying to catch his breath. He just stood there, looking at his best friends as they looked back at him. He took a deep breath before heading to the door himself. He needed to get out of here as well. They blamed him too, they all blamed him. Moments after the front door slammed behind him, it opened and Zack heard a pair of footsteps running to him. A hand grabbed his shoulders turning him to the person. It was Matt.

“Leave me the fuck alone,” Zack gritted out.

“Zack,” Matt tired.

“No!” his friend shouted. “Leave me alone!”

He glanced down at Zack’s hand and Zack glanced down too. His hand was bleeding pretty badly now.

Zacky looked back at his friend. “Leave me alone,” he repeated more softly, more lost.

He turned and this time no one followed him as he walked. He didn’t have a destination. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know when he was going to go home. He just wanted his sister back. The angel that always believed in him when no one else did, even himself.


There was no clock so I don’t know how long I waited till Mikey returned, but he did with a tray of food and a smile.

“Mikey bring Angel food,” he smiled. “Angel and Mikey eat on balcony?”

I smiled back. “Ok.”

His grin was completely boyish. I got up off the bed and followed him out to the balcony. He set the tray on the table out there and then like a gentleman he pulled out a chair for me.

“Thank you Mikey,” I smiled as I sat.

Still grinning he moved a covered plate off the tray and placed it in front of me and then took a seat beside me after he grabbed his own plate. I looked over the landscape before I started eating.

‘Where am I?’ I questioned.

I sighed very softly and then turned back to my food. I lift the cover to see actually what I asked for. I looked up to Mikey to see him looking at me with a frown.

“Angel sad?” he asked. “Mikey don’t like Angel sad.”

My smile was back on knowing I couldn’t make him upset or angry. “Oh no Mikey,” I said. “I’m very happy. The food looks great and I get to talk with you.”

The boyish grin was instantly back on his scarred face. “Then Mikey happy,” he told me right before he dug into his food.

After we ate I asked Mikey to tell me what he liked to do. He easily told me: coloring, reading stories, watching TV, helping his brother, and making his angel smile. That took all of an hour since he tended to wonder off some times from the main topic. I also asked his age, 28-years-old.

He suddenly stood, “Come Angel.”

I got up as asked and followed him back to the bedroom. I yelped in surprise as my feet suddenly left the ground and I was bridal style in Mikey’s arms.

“Mikey’s angel small,” he grinned. “Angel small and fragile.”

I laughed softly. “Angel’s Mikey large,” I grinned. “Mikey large and strong.”

His laughter was booming and vibrated my whole body. Then he did something else I wasn’t expecting and tossed me onto the bed. I once again yelp in surprise. Mikey flopped down next to me on his side, resting his head in one of his palms. His other reached out and using one finger gently rubbed it up and down my right cheek. I just laid there, not really knowing what to do.

“So pretty,” he whispered still caressing my cheek.

At that moment a knock sounded on the door. Mikey’s hand dropped and he sat up, I did as well.

“Come in,” Mikey said.

One of the men that had kidnapped me had opened the door. I shifted a little behind Mikey.

“Mikey,” the man said but not in his emotionless hard voice, it was softer and smoother. “You’re needed.”

Mikey nodded and just like that, he got up off the bed and left with the man. Sighing I flopped back on the many pillows on the bed. I hate having to act happy all the time. But I was too frightened to upset Mikey. “Don’t make Mikey upset. The idiot has choked to death all the girls we’ve brought him. A couple times he’s killed them with one hit to the face, the fucking lug. None have made it past a week.” My kidnappers words rang in my head more than trice already. I was only 5’5 and Mikey 6’6 at least. His one arm was as thick as one of my legs. No doubt his hands could circle my waist.

‘I want to go home.’

Hours and hours past. I paced, I lay in bed, and I sat out on the balcony. At one point a young girl, younger than me, came to take the trays out on the balcony. I tired to get her to talk to me but she didn’t even look at me. She left, the door locking behind her as she did.

Hours and hours past before Mikey came back. His shirt and body covered in blood. I gulped at seeing him but he smiled his boyish grin as if nothing wrong.

“Hi Angel,” he said as he closed the door behind him.

“H-Hi Mikey,” I stammered forcing a smile. “Mikey take shower?” I asked hopefully.

He thought it over before nodding. “If Angel want Mikey to shower, Mikey shower,” he said still grinning and walking over to the door that was locked.

A bathroom? Why was it locked? I watched closely as pulled the handle up, not down like I’ve been doing. A trick handle? But only for the bathroom I concluded since I had pulled the bedroom door handle up and down many times trying to open it. So I waited as Mikey showered. When he finished he came out with a towel around his large waist.

“Mikey showered Angel,” he told me as if I was his mother.

“Good boy,” I said.

That compliment seemed to make him happy.

I decided it was worth a try to ask, “Came I take a shower Mikey?”

“Sure Angel,” he grinned walking over to the dresser.

I hurried into the bathroom, not knowing if Mikey was just going to drop his towel or not. Once in I quickly discovered no lock. How the hell did this house work?! Sighing heavily I looked under the sink for a towel and found one. After I straightened out, I looked myself over in the mirror. I looked horrible. My hair was a mess, there was still a bit of blood on my chin and neck. I was still wearing the clothes from my kidnapping. The bruises stood out so shockingly on my pail skin. I turn away from the mirror, unable to look at my pitiful reflection.

I turned on the water and undressed. I sighed as I stepped in and hot water washed over my chilled body.

Just as I was finished and stepping out, the door opened. I quickly grabbed the towel and covered myself. Mikey came in smiling. His eyes traveled my body before making it back to my green eyes.

“Angel pretty,” he said moving to me.

I gulp. Oh please God don’t let him rape me. I was about to start crying when he was standing right in front of me and his hand removed the towel from me. He placed his hands on my arms.

“Pretty,” he repeated.

His hands then went from my arms to my waist and I was right when I said they could circle it. I was biting the inside of my lip to keep from crying as he bent down to kiss my forehead. But then he suddenly straightened and I was quickly up in the air, naked and in his arms bridal style.

“Sleep time Angel,” he said as he walked us out of the bathroom.

Sleep? No sex?

My question was answered when he placed me beside the bed and then opened the covers of the bed. He looked at me smiling, obviously waiting for me to get in even though I was naked. Trembling I did.

“Sleep time Angel,” he repeated as the pulled the covers up over my body.

I forced a smile, “o-ok.”

I watched as he walked over to the windows and pull the drapes closed, blocking out the sun. I grew tense as he made is way over to the bed and I. He got in the opposite side as me and slid in. I bit my lip again as under the covers his large hands circled my waist and pull my naked body against his.

“Night Angel,” he told me softly. “Brother said Mikey go to sleep cause Mikey got wake real early.”

“That’s fine,” I told him. “Goodnight Mikey.”

I was waiting. Waiting for him to do something. Touch me or something. But he didn’t. He slowly fell asleep, holding my naked body against his semi clothed one. Once he was asleep, I could finally relax and think. I wasn’t tired in the least. I haven’t done a thing all day and the sun was still up. As I thought back on when Mikey entered the bathroom, I realized some things I didn’t because I was so scared. Mikey, when he saw my naked body had no lust in his brown eyes. None. I guess he was too childlike to think of sex.

But one question popped up more than a few dozen times: why was I here?